Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I'm not familiar with the complex page regarding the information on individual accommodation facilities. The database of these objects is amazing. Many objects not only objects but also surroundings + complex information about accessibility, distance from the beach, parking, ..... And what surprised me was the podorysy of objects. All these factors greatly help in choosing a particular object. I feel like I do not finally buy a "mood in the way" like other travelers, but I know what I chose, where I'm going and what's going to happen there. As I say, I'm very happy. So I hope it will coincide with reality. So I was very happy.
Priznam sa, taku komplexnu stranku co sa tyka informacii o jednotlivych ubytovacich zariadeniach som ste nevidel. Databazu o tychto objektoch mate uzasnu. Vela obrazkov nielen objektov ale aj okolia + komplexne informacie o dostupnosti, vzdialenosti od plaze, parkoviska,..... A co ma velmi prekvapilo boli podorysy objektov. Vsetky tieto faktory strasne pomahaju pri vybere konkretneho objektu. Mam pocit ze konecne nekupujem "macku vo vreci" ako pri inych cestovkach, ale viem co som si vybral, kam idem a co ma tam asi stretne. Ako vravim, velmi sa mi to paci. Dufam teda ze sa to bude zhodovat s realitou. Zatial som teda velmi spokojny.
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(27 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Congratulations, good service, fast and clear communications. Thanks Andrea
Complimenti, buon servizio, veloci e chiare comunicazioni.
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(27 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
I used the travel buses for the first time and I was afraid of it, but Adriatic convinced me that it was useless if all the tourists were doing it would be great: smile: first of all I would appreciate the cooperation with Alexandra Pidikova helped us with all we needed: lol:
Využívám poprvé cestovní kanceláře a měl sem z toho obavu ale Adriatic mě přesvědčil že to bylo zbytečné kdyby takto fungovali všechny cestovky byla by to paráda:smile: především bych ocenil spolupráci s Alexandrou Pidikovou pomohla nám se vším co jsme potřebovali:lol:
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(27 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
I will only say about the travel agency that we have used our services 3 times and will not hesitate to use them in the future: smile:
O cestovnej kancelárii poviem len, že ich služby sme využili už 3x a nebudeme váhať ich využiť aj v budúcnosti.:smile:
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(26 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Despite some problems with the booking, the service was good and the staff very kind.
Nonstante alcuni problemi con la prenotazione, il servizio è stato buono e il personale molto gentile.
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(26 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
On this site everything works to my satisfaction.
Na těchto stránkách vše funguje k mé spokojenosti.
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(26 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
Complimeanti for the vs efficiency and kindness. Thank you, Monika Stipic
Complimeanti per la vs efficienza e gentilezza.
Grazie Monika Stipic
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(25 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
We really enjoyed going there. The accommodation contains all the necessary equipment and a peaceful location. From the terrace the view is fantastic to the sea. : happy: I can recommend anyone with a good heart who wants a quiet, quiet place from the sea to a few kilometers.
Nagyon élveztük az ottlétet. A szállás minden szükséges felszerelést tartalmaz és nyugodt helyen található. A teraszról a kilátás fantasztikus a tengerre.:happy:
Mindenkinek jó szívvel tudom ajánlani aki nyugodt, csendes helyre vágyik a tengertől pár kilóméterre.
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(25 July 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
I came back with my family from a very successful holiday in Croatia organized through ADRIATIC.HR. I find that everything that is described on the websites of the site ADRIATICA.HR is in line with reality. I can calmly recommend office services.
Wróciłem z rodziną z bardzo udanego urlopu w Chorwacji zorganizowane za pośrednictwem ADRIATIC.HR. Stwierdzam, że wszystko to co jest opisane na stronach internetowych serwisu ADRIATICA.HR jest zgodne z rzeczywistością. Mogę ze spokojem polecić usługi biura.
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(25 July 2007)
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Polish (original)
Hello, I am very pleased with your site, it is transparent, clear, friendly; outside the site I am very satisfied with the contact with you - it is fast, the rules are very clear and obvious, I used various intermediary sites, but I estimate your agency by far the highest among them, I greet Radek.
Witam , jestem bardzo zadowolony z Państwa strony, jest przejrzysta , jasna , przyjazna; poza stroną bardzo satysfakcjonuje mnie kontakt z Państwem - jest szybki, zasady są bardzo jasne i oczywiste , korzystałem z różnych stron pośredniczących , jednak Państwa agencję oceniam zdecydowanie najwyżej spośród nich , pozdrawiam Radek.
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(25 July 2007)
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Polish (original)