Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I would like to thank you for your great holiday in Dubrovnik. My haunters were happy and satisfied. As a organizer, I also thank you for the up-to-date work of the HR staff. adriatic, because I edited everything by email. All praise! Kristina
Zahvaljujem se za super dopust v Dubrovniku. Moji straši so bili presrečni in zadovoljni. Jaz v vlogi organizatorja pa se tudi zahvaljujem za ažurno delo uslužbencev Hr. adriatic, saj sem vse uredila po emailu. Vse pohvale! Kristina
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(3 March 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
I would like to thank web sites, as they show very detailed objects and services, so it is not difficult to decide.
Spletne strani bi pohvalila, saj zelo podrobno prikazujejo objekte in storitve, tako da se ni težko odločiti.
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(3 March 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
for a holiday in Croatia we go first through adriatic we were very kind of surprised how quickly we all equip: smile: as it is all perfectly organized.we will also leave so super.dame know.
na dovolenku do chorvatska ideme prvy krat cez adriatic boli sme velmi milo prekvapení ako rychlo sme vsetko vybavili:smile:ako je to vsetko perfektne zorganizované.dufame ze aj dovolenka bude taka super.dame vediet.
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(2 March 2008)
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Slovak (original)
We are very satisfied with your service! They took excellent care of our request and contacted us immediately to clear any misunderstandings from the site. Besides, we are delighted with your detailed presentations of your offers. Many thanks and kind regards Ch.Schink
Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit Ihrem Service! Sie haben sich hervorragend um unser Anliegen gekümmert und haben uns sofort kontaktiert, um etwaige Missverständnisse aus dem WEg zu räumen.
Außerden sind wir von Ihren ausführlichen Darstellungen Ihrere Angebote begeistert.
Vielen Dank und freundliche GRüße
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(2 March 2008)
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German (original)
Websites are nicely arranged, the data is transparent and comprehensive. I am also satisfied with the quick response, to my inquiries.
Spletne strani so lepo urejene, podatki so pregledni in obširni. Zadovoljen sem tudi s hitrom odzivom, na moje poizvedbe.
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(1 March 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Good day, I spent my holidays on the holidays and always was the problem of mensi or vatsi. Just the reality was ina as info in the catalog. Last year, I accidentally explored Adriatic, even two times in a row, always on a destination and on my computing all the information on www. sit with reality. I was also surprised by the willingness of Adriatic's staff to explain additional questions even when they did not directly relate to the ordered service. WWW pages are sorted out, I'm only missing out on the map to individual destinations. I wish Adriatic a lot of success in another job: smile: (as far as I go through Croatia again). Robert
Dobry den, na dovolenky som chodil cez viacere cestovky a vzdy bol daky problem mensi ci vatsi. Proste realita bola ina ako info v katalogu. V minulom roku som vyskusal nahodne Adriatic, dokonca 2x po sebe, vzdy ina destinacia a na moje pocudovanie vsetky informacie na www. sedeli s realitou. Bol som milo prekvapeny aj s ochotou pracovnikou Adriaticu vysvetlovat rozne doplnkove otazky aj ked priamo nesuviseli s objednanou sluzbou. WWW stranky su prehladne usporiadane, chyba mi len podrobnejsia mapa k jednotlivym destinaciam. Prajem Adriaticu vela uspechov v dalsej praci:smile:(nakolko sa do Chorvatska chystam cez nich znova).
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(1 March 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I am very satisfied with the services and the Adriatic service. : Smile :: lol:
Ich bin mit den Leistungen und dem Sevice von Adriatic sehr zufrieden.:smile::lol:
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(1 March 2008)
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German (original)
As far as the processing of websites and communication with the client is concerned, it is a very good travel agency. I praise !! Milan Svoboda
Co se týče zpracování www stránek a komunikace s klientem, jde o velice kvalitní cestovní kancelář. Chválím !! Milan Svoboda
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(1 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
Thank you very much for your kind and professional approach.This has been to our full satisfaction and we are looking forward to a holiday in your apartment.
Velice děkuji za Váš milý a profesionální přístup.Vše proběhlo k naši plné spokojenosti a už se velmi těšíme na dovolenou ve Vašem nabízeném apartmánu.
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(1 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
Hello. I was very satisfied with the website, I was very satisfied with your company's telephone conversation.Novosad: cool:
Dobrý den. Byl jsem velmi spokojen, jak s internetovými stránkami, i při telefonickém jednání Vaší firmy jsem velmi spokojen.Novosad:cool:
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(1 March 2008)
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