Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Silvia Ondrišeková
We used the services of our CK for the first time and definitely not the last time.We are very satisfied, high quality accommodation in a beautiful environment, very nice home.Výborně jsme si odpočinuli, thank you for a beautiful holiday in Rabac!
Služby vašej CK sme využili prvýkrát a určite nie naposledy.Boli sme veľmi spokojní,ubytovanie na vysokej úrovni v krásnom prostredí,veľmi milí domáci.Výborne sme si oddýchli,ďakujeme za krásnu dovolenku v Rabaci!
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(18 July 2011)
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Slovak (original)
THIRY François
Great holiday in Croatia. Sea, visit, ballad, landscapes, in short a total success. Housing at ANTE NEJASMIC - No. A-1026-a was consistent with the description just a lack of kitchen accessories (perco, bottle opener, ...). The owners are charming and attentive (cake, wine, garden products) with their tenants. Big thanks to the Adriatic staff for their skill and kindness. Remarkable and effective website.
Superbes vacances en Croatie. Mer, visite, ballade, paysages, bref une réussite totale. Le logement chez ANTE NEJASMIC - N° A-1026-a était conforme à la description juste un manque d'accessoires cuisine (perco, ouvre-bouteille, ...). Les propriétaires sont charmants et attentionnés (gateau, vin, produits du jardin) avec leurs locataires. Grand Merci au personnel de Adriatic pour leur compétence et gentillesse. Site internet remarquable et efficace.
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(18 July 2011)
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French (original)
Claudio Monti
bad service. The owners were cheaters and you did not protect me. First and last time I will use the Vs. agency
pessimo servizio. I proprietari erano imbroglioni e voi non mi avete tutelato. Prima ed ultima volta che mi servirò della vs. agenzia
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(18 July 2011)
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Italian (original)
Bogdan Kosmalski
As usual, a professional organization of stay in HR. Mr. Roman is a top-class specialist. recommend
Jak zwykle profesjonalna organizacja pobytu w HR. Pan Roman to specjalista najwyższej klasy. Polecam
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(18 July 2011)
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Polish (original)
Miro Psota
I appreciate the professional approach, plenty of information. I will certainly recommend to my friends. Well thank you.
Oceňujem profesionálny prístup, dostatok informácií. Určite odporučím aj priateľom. Ďakujem.
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(17 July 2011)
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Slovak (original)
CK Adriatic services are at an excellent level. Photos about accommodation are real. Only distance from the sea is obviously meant by the air way. The hosts were excellent hosts. We strongly recommend.
Služby CK Adriatic jsou na výborné úrovni. Fotografie o ubytování odpovídají skutečnosti. Jen vzdálenost od moře je zřejmě míněna vzdušnou cestou. Domácí byli vynikající hostitelé. Vřele doporučujeme.
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(17 July 2011)
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Czech (original)
Farkasné Vuk Bernadett
We spent an unforgettable week with my family in Omis. Our hosts are very nice people, I can only recommend the accommodation to everyone. The beach is about 10 minutes away. We did not miss anything. Thanks again.
Felejthetetlen hetet töltöttünk a családommal Omisban. A vendéglátóink nagyon kedves emberek, a szállást mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom. A tengerpart kb 10 percre van a szállástól. Semmiben nem szenvedtünk hiányt. Mégegyszer köszönjük.
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(17 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
A good, convenient site, and manager Jaroslav Sadovy is a real professional! Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to deal with you!
Хороший, зручний сайт, і менеджер Ярослав Садовий - справжній професіонал! Величезне спасибі, з Вами приємно мати справу!
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(17 July 2011)
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Ukrainian (original)
The SMS was a great welcome. The room, the house, and the beach were accurate, credible, and the information provided in the information was as good as the price. Of course, the Croatian coast is wonderful. the highway conditions are extraordinary and the Croatians are very nice, but not intrusive, in the spirit of "everything for the guest", giving them all the rest and entertainment.
Remek volt az SMS-ben előrejelzett fogadtatás . A szobáról ,a házról és a tengerparti strandról pontos , hiteles és az árnak maximálisan megfeleelő volt az információban előrejelzett szolgáltatás . Természetesen a Horvát tengerpart csodálatos . az autópálya viszonyok rendkívüliek és a horvátok nagyon kedvesek , de nem tolakodóak , "mindent a vendégért" szellemben , kitűnő pihenést és szórakozást biztosítva mindenkinek .
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(17 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Darja škafar
Super website and agents are very friendly SUPER +++++++
Super spletna stran in agentje so zelo prijazni
S U P E R +++++++
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(16 July 2011)
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Slovenian (original)