Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Beáta Csoknyai
It was all good. The apartment was just like the pictures, I recommend it to anyone. Near the sea 50 m. Comfortable, the owner is very nice.
Nagyon jó volt minden. Az apartman pont olyan volt, mint a képeken, bárkinek ajánlom. Közel a tenger 50 m. Kényelmes, a tulajdonos nagyon kedves.
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(26 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Leitner Éva
We had a wonderful vacation at the 2620 holiday home. The hostess was nice, the accommodation is excellent, we can only give the maximum points! We had a lot of fun! Thanks for!
Csodálatos nyaralásunk volt a 2620-as nyaralóban. A vendéglátó kedves volt, a szállás kitűnő,mindenre csak a maximális pontot adhatjuk! Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat! Köszönet érte!
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(26 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Bacsáné Matus Eleonóra
Very nice, accurate, fast information. I can only write good about office services, we were very satisfied, thank you!
Nagyon kedves, pontos, gyors informálás. Csak jót tudok írni az iroda szolgáltatásairól, maximálisan meg voltunk elégedve, köszönjük!
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(26 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Tomasz Gomoluch
I would recommend for reliability and easy booking procedure.
Polecam za rzetelnośc i łatwą procedurę rezerwacji.
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(26 July 2011)
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Polish (original)
Thank you very much for the wonderful few days. Given the fact that we all organized the last day, all the praises of Ge. Dunja Krajnc and her co-workers for quick intervention. Thank you again !!!
Res najlepša hvala za čudovitih nekaj dni. Glede na to, da smo vse skupaj organizirali zadnji dan, vse pohvale Ge. Dunji Krajnc ter njenih sodelavcem za brzisko posredovanje. Še enkrat hvala !!!
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(25 July 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Florin Popa
Adriatic. hr is a serious agency that knows how to do tourism. I congratulate them on how they presented the offers on the website and the professionalism with which they know how to do their job. Croatia is a dream country that you do not have to bypass. It's really worth it. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages: the rocky shore is offset by a clean sea without decayed algae or jellyfish. Impeccable roads both on the highway and on the national road. The prices are slightly higher than in other parts but you do not feel like you are stolen in Romania, on the contrary, it is worth paying something that makes you feel pleased. Do not just summarize the beach and the bath, visit the Plitvice Parks or the cities loaded with history. The images are impressive. I'm sorry there is no possibility to expose some pictures.
Adriatic. hr este o agentie serioasa care stie sa faca turism. Ii felicit pentru modul in care au prezentat pe pagina de internet ofertele si pentru profesionalismul cu care stiu sa-si faca treaba. Croatia este o tara de vis pe care nu trebuie sa o ocoliti. Chiar merita. Binenteles, sunt avantaje si dezavantaje: tarmul stancos este compensat de o mare curata, fara alge putrezite sau meduze. Drumurile impecabile atat pe autostrada cat si pe nationale. Preturile putin mai ridicate ca in alte parti dar nu simti ca esti furat ca-n Romania, din contra una peste alta merita sa platesti ceva ce te face sa te simti multumit. Nu va rezumati doar la plaja si baie, vizitati si parcurile (Plitvice) sau orasele incarcate de istorie. Imaginile sunt impresionante. Imi pare rau ca nu exista posibilitatea sa expun cateva poze.
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(25 July 2011)
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Romanian (original)
Florina Raica
the services provided directly by were excellent: good organization, perfect communication. the accommodation itself was not perfect - I left a comment on the building site
serviciile oferite direct de au fost excelente: organizare f buna, comunicare perfecta. cazarea in sine nu a fost chiar perfecta - am lasat un comentariu lasite-ul imobilului
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(25 July 2011)
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Romanian (original)
Czech Republic
Services with ck can only recommend. Excellent and fast communication, quality service, willingness. Immediately sent a voucher and all the information. Absolute satisfaction !!! Lower prices compared to Czech ck. Thank you very much.
Služby s ck mohu jen doporučit. Výborná a rychlá komunikace,kvalitní servis,ochota. Ihned zaslaný voucher a všechny informace. Naprostá spokojenost !!! Nižší ceny oproti českým ck. Děkuji ráda Vás doporučím.
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(25 July 2011)
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Czech (original)
Andrea Hvolková
We have used the services over for the second time and everything was fine again. Thank you for your promising and professional approach. We will recommend you to friends and acquaintances !!
Služby cez sme využili už druhý raz a všetko bolo znova v poriadku. Ďakujeme Vám za promtný a profesionálny prístup. Budeme Vás odporúčať priateľom a známym!!
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(25 July 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Stanko Rener
agency praiseworthy - design and competitiveness - so, so
agencija pohvalna -namestitev in konkurenčnost - tako , tako
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(25 July 2011)
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Slovenian (original)