Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Radka Hladká
Appendix at 1 comments: It slipped my word holiday (if the holiday as pleasant ...):)
Dodatek k 1. komentáři: Vypadlo mi slovíčko dovolená ( pokud bude dovolená stejně příjemná ...):)
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(1 July 2012)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Radka Hladká
Excellent communication with the Adriatic, specifically with Mr. Emil Bakeš. All settled very quickly. Adriatic Services are used for the first time this year and if it is just as pleasant and professional communication with them, so we can just enjoy. Radka Smooth
Skvělá komunikace s Adriatic, konkrétně s panem Emilem Bakešem. Vše vyřízeno velmi rychle. Služeb Adriaticu jsme tento rok využili poprvé a pokud bude stejně příjemná a profesionální jako komunikace s nimi, tak se můžeme jen těšit.
Radka Hladká
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(1 July 2012)
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Czech (original)
Sašo Kos
After a week, communicating with Mrs. Eva Mladenovič we finally booked a holiday. Mrs. Eva Thank you for your patience and kindness in your search for an appropriate apartment assistance for our družino.Letos we first booked holiday via the internet and we were first a bit skeptical, so far everything is OK and that it took so long before we decided we blame ourselves. Thanks again Lady Eve.
Po enem tednu komuniciranja z gospo Evo Mladenovič smo končno rezervirali dopust. gospa Eva Zahvaljujemo se Vam za potrpežljivost in prijaznost pri Vaši pomoči iskanja primernega apartmaja za našo družino.Letos smo prvič rezervirali počitnice prek spleta in smo bili prvo malo skeptični, do sedaj je vse OK in da je trajalo tako dolgo preden smo se odločili smo krivi mi sami. Še enkrat hvala Gospe EVI.
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(1 July 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
I was pleasantly surprised by the girls from Malinska !!!
Am fost surprins placut de fetele din Malinska!!!
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(30 June 2012)
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Romanian (original)
Marek Gulaba
I am very happy to communicate on the shredder unit.
Som velmi spokojny komunikacia na jednotku shviezdickou upne super.
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(29 June 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Faragó Andrea
I would like to ask you to drop off my colleagues who are working on the company and are sending us unsaved emails on iwiw and they send us unsolicited emails. If they do not want trouble, they will not send more advertising letters without the prior consent of the consignee. Hi
Szeretném kérni, hogy a cégnek dolgozó, az iwiw-en idióta álneveken regisztráló, és kéretlen leveleket küldözgető munkatársaikat állítsák le rólam! Ha nem szeretnének bajt, akkor nem küldenek több - a címzett előzetes hozzájárulása nélkül - reklám levelet.
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(29 June 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Sváb Kovács Attila
Dear Adriatic! All I have to say is that I've just offered you a colleague. Thank you hello, especially Torny Adrien.
Tisztelt Adriatic! Csak annyit irnék,hogy épp most ajánltam önöket egy kollegámnak.Köszönöm segítő készségüket,különösen Tornyi Adriennek.
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(29 June 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Ivana Kubovicova
I am very satisfied. The CK is very accommodating, responding quickly and positively to my questions and questions. well thank you
Som veľmi spokojná. CK je veľmi ústretová, rýchlo a kladne reaguje na moje dotazy a otázky. Ďakujem
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(29 June 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Lubomir Opálka
Excellent cominication and willingness. Here our client is our lord.
Vynikajúca kominikácia a ochota. Tu platí náš zakazník náš pán.
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(29 June 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Roberto Cernigoi
In your agency I found efficiency and professionalism. In one day I found the apartment and I ended up for the coveted holidays. In Italy, unfortunately, last year I had to wait 2 weeks. A compliment and a sincere thanks to the staff of Adriatic
Nella vostra agenzia ho trovato efficenza e professionalità. In un giorno ho trovato l'appartamento ed ho concluso per le agognate vacanze. In Italia, purtroppo, lo scorso anno ho dovuto aspettare 2 settimane. Un complimento ed un sincero ringraziamento al personale di Adriatic
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(29 June 2012)
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Italian (original)