Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Csilla Erdélyi
You can easily and quickly managed to find the desired accommodation. We precise questions, quick answers to questions you may have, which I would like to thank the employees of office. I am confident that the kinntartózkodsás succeed so well as the organization.
Könnyen és gyorsan sikerült megtalálni a keresett szállást. A foglalássak kapcsolatos kérdéseinkre pontos , gyors választ kaptunk , melyet ezúton is szeretnék megköszönni az iroda dolgózóinak. Bízom benne ,hogy a kinntartózkodsás is ilyen jól sikerül ,mint a szervezés.
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(10 July 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Susanne Und Heinz Gasper
has everything perfect, professional and friendly work out! lovely holiday with romantic accommodation! thank you for everything and very warm greetings from Austria ...
hat alles perfekt, professionell und freundlich geklappt!!!schöner urlaub mit romantischer unterkunft!danke für alles und ganz herzliche grüße aus österreich...
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(10 July 2014)
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German (original)
Accommodation was decent ciste.Naozaj piece to moru.Domaci are mili.Plaž was cista.Odporucam
Ubytovanie bolo slusne ciste.Naozaj kusok k moru.Domaci su mili.Plaž bola cista.Odporucam
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(10 July 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Csilla Kovács
It was awesome!:)
Szuper volt!:)
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(9 July 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Irimias Eugenia
We are very pleased with the promptness of the services offered by your company Regards irimias G
Suntem foarte multumiti de promptitudinea serviciilor oferite de firma dvs.
Cu respect,
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(8 July 2014)
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Romanian (original)
Ktarína Hlatká
Communication 100%
komunikácia 100%
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(8 July 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Michal Kolar
I have nothing to say against the services, everything worked well. However, the fee for Adriatic raised the apartment cost. Certainly not the right value for money I would expect. Next time I will be going direct. The extra services are not worth the extra you pay on top of standard rate.
I have nothing to say against the services, everything worked well. However, the fee for Adriatic raised the apartment cost. Certainly not the right value for money I would expect. Next time I will be going direct. The extra services are not worth the extra you pay on top of standard rate.
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(8 July 2014)
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English (original)
Bożena Mazur
I was on vacation in Croatia for the second year in a row, but for the first time I used the office and I am very pleased with the perfect service of Mr. Roman Waligórski, for which I thank him very much. Everything was consistent with the description and I was not disappointed what I can not say about the competitive office that I used last year, the more that it was my first trip to Croatia. I will recommend this office to every friend. I would like to
drugi rok z rzędu byłam na urlopie w Chorwacji, ale pierwszy raz korzystałam z usług biura i jestem bardzo zadowolona z perfekcyjnej obsługi przez Pana Romana Waligórskiego, za co bardzo mu dziękuję. Wszystko było zgodne z opisem i nie zawiodłam się czego nie mogę powiedzieć o konkurencyjnym biurze, z którego korzystałam w ubiegłym roku, tym bardziej,że był to mój pierwszy wyjazd do Chorwacji. Polecę to biuro każdemu znajomemu.Pozdrawiam,
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(7 July 2014)
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Polish (original)
Dariusz Kostera
The service offered by fulfilled my expectations. Apartment consistent with the description. Good contact with the office.
Usługa oferowana przez spełniła moje oczekiwania. Apartament zgodny z opisem. Dobry kontakt z biurem.
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(7 July 2014)
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Polish (original)
Luciana Del Negro
Great agency, available to every request also change the reservation, courteous exchange of emails and quick to respond to requests. Council to make use of the Agency
Ottima agenzia, disponibili ad ogni richiesta anche di variazione prenotazione, cortesi nello scambio di mail e veloce nel rispondere alle richieste.
Consiglio di servirsi dell'Agenzia
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(7 July 2014)
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Italian (original)