Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Katarína Hlavačková
For the second year we used Vasu travel agency and we were happy with. But - you prevereujte ci really brings possibility to benefit from the services building owners make available "on paper". for example. Grill - last year sitting at the grill filled owners and pretended that what we are when we went a barbecue, so we sat on the ground. This year was completely grill in the corner of the garden, and every day there underwear hanging from the owner's grandchildren ... I would like isla with you on holiday next year, I am encouraged by your approach refund Raining days;-) and left to regular clients. Thank you:)
Uz druhy rok sme vyuzili Vasu cestovku a boli sme spokojni. Ale - prevereujte si ci sa naozaj daju vyuzivat sluzby, ktore majitelia objektov davaju k dispozicii "na papieri". napr. gril - minuly rok posedenie pri grile zaplnili majitelia a tvarili sa ze co chceme ked sme isli grilovat, tak sme sedeli na zemi. Tento rok bol gril uplne v rohu zahrady a kazdy den tam viselo pradlo majitelovych vnucat...Rada by som isla s Vami na dovolenku aj buduci rok, potesil ma Vas pristup refundacie dazdovych dni;-) a zlava staleho klienta. Dakujem:)
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(9 August 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Csilla Erdélyi
They were very helpful, answering our questions nyorsan, correctly addressed to the reservation. We hope that the property will not be any problem.
Nagyon segítőkészek voltak , nyorsan válaszoltak a kérdéseinkre , korrektül intézték a foglalást . Reméljük, hogy a szállással sem lesz semmi probléma .
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(9 August 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Roman Pietrzyk
For now, correctly and quickly arranged for accommodation at a very difficult time and speed paperwork too well and quickly 4
Na razie poprawnie i szybko załatwili nocleg w bardzo trudnym okresie i szybkosc papierkowa tez dobrze i szybko 4
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(9 August 2014)
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Polish (original)
Nicole Valeri
Hello to all
Buongiorno a tutti
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(9 August 2014)
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Italian (original)
Erno Nemeth
Correct prompt service we received. We hope the hotel will be fine:)
Korrekt gyors szolgáltatást kaptunk. Reméljük a szállás is rendben lesz:)
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(8 August 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Milena Scala
Agency serious and very organized. tempista excellent communications. very satisfied.
Agenzia seria e molto organizzata. tempista comunicazioni ottima. molto soddisfatta.
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(8 August 2014)
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Italian (original)
Czech Republic
Jan Fejt
Rozhodljsem at the last minute that I go on holiday with a friend who already had everything secured. I searched the accommodation in the same place and I turned to If a holiday such as access agencies, so it will be super. In particular operator Miss Ana Derević that I gave, she had me replace several emails and make phone calls, so I went out to meet him. I write for permission to return. Thank you
Rozhodljsem se na poslední chvíli, že pojedu na dovolenou s kamarádem, který již měl všechno zajištěné. Hledal jsem možnost ubytování na stejném místě a obrátil jsem se na Pokud bude dovolená taková, jako přístup agentury, tak to bude super. Zvláště operátorka slečna Ana Derević, ktera se mi věnovala, musela si se mnou vyměnit několik mailů a uskutečnit hovorů, aby mi vyšla vstříc. O dovolené napíši až se vrátím. Děkuji
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(8 August 2014)
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Czech (original)
Krzysztof Antończyk
Hello headquarters in 8995 where I lived this year recommendable hosts older people are very nice and polite really recommend
Witam kwatera 8995 w której mieszkałem w tym roku godna polecenia gospodarze starsi ludzie bardzo mili i uprzejmi naprawdę polecam
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(7 August 2014)
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Polish (original)
Gordana Prešeren
Like every year, this year we also benefit from your services and what to say - everything was correct from your site and definitely next year we will again letovali through Thank you!
Tako kot vsako leto smo tudi letos koristili vaše usluge in kaj naj rečem - vse je bilo korektno iz vaše strani in zagotovo bomo drugo leto spet letovali preko Hvala vam!
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(7 August 2014)
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Slovenian (original)
Czech Republic
Pavla Nováková
S Adriatika we were this year for the third time and again super service
S Adriatikem jsme byli letos po třetí a opět super služby
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(6 August 2014)
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