Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Mária Kurovská
So travel agency I was very satisfied. I recommend ...
So službami cestovnej kancelárie som bola maximálne spokojná. Odporúčam...
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(18 August 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Людмила Хаймович
Use the services of the agency for the first raz.Rabota clearly organized, optimally recorded and obsnyayutsya all the details that are very important for communication and contracts at a distance. Information about the apartment is absolutely objective. Thank you!
Пользуемся услугами агентстване в первый раз.Работа организована четко, оптимально, учитываются и объсняются все детали, что очень важно для общения и договоров на расстоянии. Информация об апартаментах абсолютно объективная. Спасибо!
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(18 August 2014)
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Russian (original)
Natalia Kita
Recommended accommodation: A-2068-b
Polecam kwaterę :
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(18 August 2014)
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Polish (original)
Natalia Kita
We would recommend office. Luckily we got there everything was just like the pictures, nice housekeepers, dream weather. We could count on adriatic office even when we did not know what time we have prom - received accurate information plus more detailed guidance in reaching the rented accommodation. I really recommend the office again and the island of Jelsa !! Dream vacation: smile:: heart:
Serdecznie polecam biuro
Dotarliśmy na miejsce szczęśliwie wszystko było tak jak na zdjęciach, miłe gospodynie, wymarzona pogoda.
Mogliśmy liczyć na biuro adriatic nawet wtedy gdy nie wiedzieliśmy o której godzinie mamy prom - otrzymaliśmy dokładne informacje plus jeszcze dokładne wskazówki w dotarciu do wynajmowanej kwatery. Naprawdę polecam jeszcze raz biuro i wyspę Jelsa !! Wymarzone wakacje :smile: :heart:
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(18 August 2014)
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Polish (original)
Magdalena Tomczak
I really wanted to recommend kwatrerę 546 in towns as Zavalatica.super hosts, lovely view from the terrace, very quiet and charming neighborhood.
Bardzo chciałam polecić kwatrerę 546 w miescowości Zavalatica.super gospodarze, piękny widok z tarasu, bardzo spokojna i urokliwa okolica.
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(17 August 2014)
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Polish (original)
Sabine Ziehmer
With the services we were very pleased. All emails were answered quickly.
Mit den Dienstleistungen waren wir sehr zufrieden. Alle Mails wurden schnell beantwortet.
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(17 August 2014)
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German (original)
Péterné Sziksz
The administration was great! Flexible, helpful office. Thank you for further successful work!
Kiváló volt az ügyintézés! Rugalmas, segítőkész iroda. Köszönjük,további sikeres munkát kívánunk!
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(17 August 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Zoltán Lakatos
I first traveled to Adriatic. Everything happened as it is written in the Grand Book. Thanks for organizing and I wish you a great deal of work! The hosts did not receive the accommodation costs we paid for 20 days, so we felt mild distrust and discomfort.
Először utaztam az Adriatic szervezésében. Minden úgy történt ahogy a nagykönyvben meg van írva. Köszönöm a szervezést és további jó munkát kívánok! A vendéglátók /elmondásuk szerint/ az érkezésünkig nem kapták meg az általunk 20 napja befizetett szállásköltséget, emiatt enyhe bizalmatlanságot és tanácstalanságot éreztünk.
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(17 August 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Giuseppe De Trizio
agency through its officer effective and efficient
agenzia tramite i suoi addetta efficace ed efficiente
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(15 August 2014)
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Italian (original)
Eric Morel
Very good agency which I recommended previously by word of .Sérieuse and square ear.
Très bonne agence que je recommande déjà par le bouche à oreille .Sérieuse et carrée.
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(15 August 2014)
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French (original)