Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Gyuláné Simon
I recommend everyone to & quot; & quot; Web page. The office is fair, fast and accurate. Everyone finds a holiday for your needs!
Mindenkinek ajánlom az "" weblapot. Az iroda korrekt, gyors és pontos.Mindenki talál igényeinek megfelelő nyaralást!
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(5 February 2015)
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Hungarian (original)
Fazekas Flórián
I can say the only good feature set Any question I always got the help I turned to them and very quick! Thank you !!!!
Csak jót tudok mondani az szolgáltatásához. Bármilyen kérdéssel fordultam hozzájuk mindig segítséget kaptam és nagyon gyorsan!
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(5 February 2015)
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Czech Republic
With the services of travel agencies Adriatic We are extremely satisfied. Repeatedly use their offer and we can definitely recommend it. Their reliability and responsiveness is great. This year we go again:-))
Se službami cestovní kanceláře Adriatic jsme nadmíru spokojeni. Opakovaně jejich nabídku využíváme a můžeme jednoznačně doporučit. Jejich spolehlivost a vstřícnost je skvělá. Letos jedeme znovu:-))
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(3 February 2015)
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Czech (original)
Marina Vyazova
Rested in July 2014, the Omesh (Apartment Omiš (Omiš) - 4851). All very well and exactly as on the website: beach, town center, shops around the corner. Any hostess very hospitable and welcoming. I can not add your comment to the apartment page. I strongly advise all. City Omesh a miracle: a sandy beach, the mountains, historical sights, the people are very friendly.
Отдыхали в июле 2014 в г. Омеш (Апартаменты Omiš (Omiš) - 4851 ). Все очень хорошо и именно так, как на сайте: пляж, центр города, магазины в двух шагах. Хозяйка Люба очень гостеприимная и радушная. Не могу добавить свой комментарий на странице апартаментов. Всем очень советую. Город Омеш просто чудо: песчаный пляж, горы, исторические достопримечательности, люди очень приветливые.
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(27 January 2015)
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Czech Republic
Radek B.
S CK Adriatic I was in Croatia 2x. I have to say and I will repeat, like 3 years ago, from the CK could teach other itineraries. Here is a clear example of the "Adriatica" It's all about the client. I have to take off as before offering perfect, absolutely agree that in terms of destinations on offer with photographs on pages CK. Likewise, I have to commend the staff in communication skills. I have always "talked" with Miss / Mrs D.Petric and I must say that her willingness knows no bounds. Thank you and this way you like CK good wishes. I again look forward to dovču.:) ..díky You.
S CK Adriatic jsem byl v Chorvatsku již 2x. Musím říci a budu se opakovat , tak jako před 3 lety, od této CK by se mohly další cestovky učit. Zde je jasný příklad toho, že "adriaticu" jde především o klienta. Musím smeknout, jak před dokonalou nabídkou, která absolutně souhlasí co se týče nabízených destinací s fotografiemi na stránkách CK. Stejně tak musím pochválit zaměstnance v komunikačních schopnostech. Vždy jsem "hovořil" se slečnou/paní D.Petric a musím říci , že její ochota nezná hranic. Děkuji a touto cestou Vám jako CK přeji vše dobré. Už se zase těším na dovču.:) ..díky Vám.
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(14 January 2015)
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Czech (original)
Tomáš Hjadlovský
Everything in absolute satisfaction odporucam
Vsetko v absolutnej spokojnosti odporucam
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(12 January 2015)
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Slovak (original)
Viera Lisá
Very good experience and was very happy with the TA, we took you several times. Thank you
Veľmi dobré skúsenosti a maximálna spokojnosť s CK, využili sme Vás viackrát. Ďakujeme
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(8 January 2015)
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Slovak (original)
György Fogarasy
The administration is correct. fast and extremely polite.
Az ügyintézés korrekt. gyors és rendkívül udvarias.
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(2 January 2015)
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Hungarian (original)
Марјан Зафировски
Wonderful and very professional agency with respect to a wide range of offers and example for other travel agencies in the region. The only dispute that had initially been exceeded and that despite most sent emails not answered me exactly how long the reservation must deposit for the apartment or the booking will be canceled. But despite the misunderstanding not disrupt the positive opinion and therefore the organization of a wonderful vacation.:)
Прекрасен и многу професионален однос на агенцијата со широк дијапазон на понуди и пример за други туристички агенции во регионот. Единствено недоразбирање кое го имав на почетокот и беше надминато е што и покрај повеќето пратени е-пораки не ми беше одговорено точно после колку време од резервирањето мора да уплатам за апартманот или резервацијата ќе се поништи. Но и покрај се недоразбирањето не го наруши позитивното мислење а со тоа и организацијата на прекрасен одмор.:)
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(12 December 2014)
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Macedonian (original)
Illik József
We are in Croatia for 12 years, since we always correct administration, I recommend to everyone.
12 éve járunk Horvátországba, azóta mindig korrekt ügyintézést kaptunk, bátran ajánlom mindenkinek.
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(9 December 2014)
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