Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Martina Vápeníková services are used regularly, we are very satisfied, everything has gone well.
Služby využíváme pravidelně, jsme maximálně spokojeni,vše proběhlo v pořádku.
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(13 July 2015)
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Czech (original)
Fabio Catilina
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(12 July 2015)
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Italian (original)
Ivana Černajová
Your service we used a second time. We are very satisfied, vacation took place according to our expectations.
Vaše služby sme využili druhý krát. Sme maximálne spokojní, dovolenka prebehla podľa našich očakávaní.
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(9 July 2015)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Eva Zizkova
Services are We were happy as always.
Se sluzbami jsme byli jako vzdy spokojeni.
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(8 July 2015)
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Czech (original)
Ksenija B Tisanić
Hello, I am not satisfied with your service, because we are at time of booking are not presented as a mediator in renting or me in a clear and visible way to know that you will take off from the account of the amount of 50%. I think you've fooled me because you do without my authorization remove money from the account. I also think that it is illegitimate and hidden way of taking money from the account. What shocked me is that you my Privredna banka allowed to remove the money from my account. Who can guarantee that you will not handle my card for other purposes? Correct would be to send me a bill that I will pay USING PINA! It is unacceptable REMOVE money from an account without it I DO NOT DO IT ALONE BY MY APPLICATION OR IN THE BANK! And even worse is that a consumer can not get their money back as it was under the consumer can! So you can advertise that you're the one being advertised or letting me know that you will take my money. You might say read the Terms, but I read it in a few places but that's for this apartment because I did not even think would not have occurred to me that legal entity to take the money from the account!
nisam zadovoljna Vašom uslugom jer mi se prilikom rezervacije apartmana niste predstavili kao posrednik u iznajmljivanju niti ste me na jasan i vidljiv način obavijestili da ćete mi s računa skinuti novčani iznos od 50% cijene. Smatram da ste me prevarili jer ste mi bez moje autorizacije skinuli novce s računa. Također, smatram da je to nelegitiman i skriven način za uzimanje novca s računa.
Ono što me prenerazilo jest to da vam je moja Privredna banka dopustila da skinete novce s mog računa. Tko mi može jamčiti da nećete baratati mojom karticom u druge svrhe? Ispravno bi bilo poslati mi račun koji ću ja platiti UPOTREBOM PINA!
A još je gore što kao potrošač ne mogu dobiti svoje novce natrag kao što se to prema Zakonu o potrošaču može!
Dakle, niste se oglasili da ste vi taj koji se oglašava niti ste me obavijestili da ćete mi skinuti novce.
Možda ćete reći čitaj Uvjete, no pročitala sam ih na nekoliko mjesta no eto za ovaj apartman nisam jer mi ni na kraj pameti ne bi palo da će mi pravna osoba uzeti novce s računa!
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(7 July 2015)
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Croatian (original)
Csizmarik Attila
The service is very fair.
Nagyon korrekt a szolgáltatás.
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(7 July 2015)
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Hungarian (original)
Simona Skrbiš
For several years I monitor offer on the website and always found just what we are looking for! As the home without running around the agencies and a bunch of late-do! Just with a few clicks arrange everything! We are very happy with the offer, mode of presentation and the work of colleagues in Agency in Split! Thank you very much and look forward to working again next year! Simon family, Maribor
Ze vec let spremljam ponudbe na spletni strani in vedno najdemo prav to,kar iščemo!Kar doma brez tekanja po agencijah in kupom zamudnih opravkov!Enostavno z nekaj kliki uredimo vse!Zelo smo zadovoljni z ponudbo,nacinom predstavitve in delom sodelavcev v agenciji v Splitu!Najlepša hvala in se veselimo sodelovanja tudi naslednje leto!Simona z družino,Maribor
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(5 July 2015)
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Slovenian (original)
Krzysztof Studziński
We are happy with the service, good conditions, nice host, beautiful town Vodice with wonderful beaches I recommend this office.
Jesteśmy zadowoleni ze świadczonej usługi, dobre warunki, miły gospodarz, piękne miasto Vodice z wspaniałymi plażami Polecam to biuro.
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(5 July 2015)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Miriam Litavská
Adriatic services have been used for the third time and we are very satisfied and I can only recommend. What is on the prospect that is, in fact, a nice, clear page accurate pricing. This year we were with our friends too, and we were also excited to go again. WE RECOMMEND.
Služby Adriatic jsme využili už po třetí a jsme velice spokojení a můžu jen doporučit. Co je na prospektu to je i ve skutečnosti, hezké ,přehledné stránky přesný výpočet ceny. Letos jsme byli i s kamarádama a taky byli nadšení a pojedou určite znova. DOPORUČUJEME.
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(4 July 2015)
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Czech (original)
Angelika Patkanoci
Already booked for the third time in Adriatico and always went through all the Regulations. They were very Helpful. The images of the properties is correct: I can only recommend!
Már harmadszor foglaltam szállást az adriaticon keresztul és mindig minden rendeben ment. Nagyon segítokészek voltak. A képek a szállásokról megfelelnek a valóságnak: Csak ajánlani tudom!
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(3 July 2015)
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Hungarian (original)