Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Roberta Arienti
Excellent service Everything as per catalog. very satisfied !
Ottimo servizio Tutto come da catalogo. molto soddisfatta !
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(18 August 2015)
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Italian (original)
Szarvas János
The administration is fast and accurate. Everything exactly corresponds to the one described. Information is very fair and timely. I was completely satisfied.
Ügyintézés gyors és pontos.Minden pontosan megfelel a leírtaknak.Tájékoztatás nagyon korrekt és időben történik.Én teljes mértékben meg voltam elégedve.
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(17 August 2015)
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Hungarian (original)
Katarína Švecová
Holiday we enjoyed and we mainly to rest. Photos apartments and conforms to reality and also the beach. Communication with Ms Catherine Homolová was perfect. Each question has been clearly answered. Thank you for a pleasant holiday.
Dovolenku sme si užili a hlavne sme si oddýchli. Fotky apartmánov a vybavenie zodpovedali skutočnosti a tiež aj pláže. Komunikácia s pani Katarínou Homolovou bola perfektná. Každá otázka bola jasne zodpovedaná. Ďakujeme za príjemnú dovolenku.
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(17 August 2015)
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Slovak (original)
Andrzej Chybowski
The first time I used the services of I am satisfied and recommend. Apartment on the "live" even better looking. The host gave keys and picked up and behind. The only thing missing hair dryers. Location great. I would recommend Adriatic - I think that next year also be using this operator. Without unnecessary formalities and fast, and above all professionally run. Accommodation A-6848-a
Pierwszy raz korzystałem z usług Jestem zadowolony i polecam . Apartament na "żywo" jeszcze lepiej wygląda . Gospodarz wydał klucze i odebrał i tyle . Brakowało tylko suszarki do włosów. Lokalizacja super. Polecam Adriatic - myślę , że za rok również skorzystam z tego operatora . Bez zbędnych formalności i szybko , a przede wszystkim fachowo działają .
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(17 August 2015)
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Polish (original)
Tadej Kelhar
First we traveled respectively. booked accommodation through and everything was as it should be no problems all awesome: D
Prvič sva potovala oz. rezervirala namestitev preko in vse je bilo tako kot mora biti nobenih problemov vse super:D
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(16 August 2015)
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Slovenian (original)
Rita Gonda
One Friday afternoon at five o'clock I sent it to the customer, after 5 minutes I looked on the website to be on my request. 7 pm has already received a voucher. A good website can earn, precise and accurate. Each corresponded to reality. Very practical is the service that allows SMS to notify the hotel in advance of my érkezésünkről.
Egy pénteki napon délután ötkor küldtem el a megrendelőt, 5 perc múlva már látszott a honlapon az előfoglalásom. 7-kor már meg is kaptam a vouchert. A honlapon jól lehet keresni, precíz, pontos. Minden megfelelt a valóságnak. Nagyon praktikus az a szolgáltatásuk, mellyel sms-ben értesíthetem a szállásadót az érkezésünkről.
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(16 August 2015)
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Hungarian (original)
Marcin Bolewski
The revelation, everything as in the description and in the pictures on the spot even more beautifully recommend, next year I am also going
Rewelacja,wszystko jak w opisie i na zdjęciach na miejscu jeszcze piękniej
polecam,w przyszłym roku też się wybieram
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(15 August 2015)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Miroslav Valter
We belong to the faithful visitors of Croatia's Adriatic-service we enjoyed poprvé.Maximální satisfaction Thank you, we will use your serve next year
Patříme k věrným návštěvníkům Chorvatska-služeb Adriaticu jsme užili poprvé.Maximální spokojenost Děkujeme,rádi využijeme Vašich služem příští rok
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(12 August 2015)
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Czech (original)
Zuzana Grambličková
Very good communication with Ms. Maja Siromova accommodation was clean, match the description exactly. Overall satisfaction, we will use your reservation in the future.
Veľmi dobrá komunikácia s pani Maja Siromova, ubytovanie bolo čisté, zodpovedalo presne popisu. Celková spokojnosť, určite využijeme rezerváciu pobytu aj v budúcnosti.
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(12 August 2015)
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Slovak (original)
Miroslav Gulaša
Holiday was good, nice and housing on the island Vrgada very quiet relaxing environment and beautiful beaches. On vacation we are perfectly relief.
Dovolenka bola dobrá, bývanie fajn a na ostrove Vrgada velmi tiché prostredie a krásne pohodové pláže. Na dovolenke sme si perfektne oddýchli.
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(11 August 2015)
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Slovak (original)