Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Detailed, thorough, precise. A little expensive, but at least you know what you're buying. For each room the square is written, each room is specially painted, you know exactly what you will find on the spot.
Detaljni, temeljiti, precizni. Malo skupi, ali barem znaš što kupuješ. Za svaku prostoriju piše kvadratura, svaka je prostorija posebno uslikana, točno znaš što ćeš zateći na licu mjesta.
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(19 March 2018)
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Croatian (original)
Agnieszka Górska
We searched the apartments, placed an order and got a refusal. The reason for the refusal was that the owner does not accept large groups because he has bad experiences. This large group consists of two families: 2 + 1 and 2 + 4. In that case, I ask who is the 6-bed apartment ????
Wyszukaliśmy apartamenty, złożyliśmy zamówienie i dostaliśmy odmowę. Powodem odmowy było to, że właściciel nie przyjmuje dużych grup, bo ma złe doświadczenia. Ta duża grupa to dwie rodziny 2+1 i 2+4. Pytam w takim razie dla kogo jest apartament 6-osobowy????
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(6 March 2018)
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Polish (original)
Tibor Takács
Great for the fast service, Adriatic I recommend everyone (Y)
veľmy spokojný za rýhle služby,Adriatic odporučam každému (Y)
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(1 February 2018)
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Slovak (original)
Jan Ziman,Dr.
I'm happy with the speed of response to the order and its equipment
som spokojný s rýchlosťou reakcie na objednávku aj s jej vybavením
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(25 January 2018)
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Slovak (original)
Ladislav Medo
Very prompt and friendly, this year I use the services second time to great satisfaction.
Veľmi promptné a ústretové jednanie,tento rok využívam služby druhý krát k veľkej spokojnosti.
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(21 January 2018)
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Slovak (original)
Danuta Płaczek
Very good and fast service. I would highly recommend.
Bardzo dobra i szybka obsługa. Gorąco polecam.
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(15 January 2018)
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Polish (original)
Iwona Kiełpikowska
Very good and fast service. Thank you, every year a successful holiday.
Bardzo dobra i szybka obsługa. Dziękuję, co roku udane wakacje.
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(12 January 2018)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Unfortunately, I am very disappointed with accommodation on the island of Pag. Totally dilapidated accommodation without access to the sea. Owner's and travel agent's access is zero, we've contacted BUSINESS INSPECTION. Believe that when the problem is brought to you, this traveler will stand back and try to play in the car. Unfortunately, I have to write this review to warn others from working with this traveler. Believe that having a grill in the grill, no waste, a dilapidated kitchen and no access to the sea is possible. We had a separate house for 3 families, so we did not interfere, the owner lived right in the house above us in luxury and told us what was normal and nothing to do with it. But we think there is a place where the door can not be locked, and the shower problem is simply totally unsatisfactory. Petra Kubíčková
Bohužel jsem velmi zklamaná s ubytováním na ostrově Pag. Totálně vybydlené ubytování bez přístupu k moři. Přístup majitele i cestovní kanceláře je nulový, již jsme kontaktovali OBCHODNÍ INSPEKCI. Věřte, že v momentě, kdy je problém se k vám tato cestovka postaví zády a bude se to snažit zahrát do autu. Bohužel musím napsat tuto recenzi, abych varovala ostatní od spolupráce s touto cestovkou. Věřte, že mít v grilu pletivo, neodtékající odpady, vybydlené nefunkční kuchyň a nulový přístup k moří je možný. Měli jsme samostatný dům pro 3 rodiny, abychom nikoho nerušili, majitel bydlel hned v domě nad námi v luxusu a nám tvrdil, co vše je normální a nejde s tím nic udělat. Podle nás je ale ubytování, kde nejdou ani zamknout dveře a je problém se sprchou prostě totálně nevyhovující.
Petra Kubíčková
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(11 January 2018)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Zdeněk Hurta
We were in Tučep via Adriatic last year and this year we are going again. All the perfect. Great satisfaction, I recommend.
Už jsme byli v Tučepi přes Adriatic vloni a letos jedeme opět.Vše bezvadné.Velká spokojenost,doporučuji.
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(9 January 2018)
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Czech (original)
Stanislav Pesek
I have been using the Adriatic Travel Agency sporadically for several years. Workers are willing, the reaction is quick and professional. I can recommend.
Cestovnú kanceláriu Adriatic využívam sporadicky už niekoľko rokov. Pracovníci sú ochotní, reakcia je rýchla a profesionálna. Môžem odporúčať.
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(6 January 2018)
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Slovak (original)