Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Marcin Wylegała
I am very pleased with the cooperation with The reservation runs smoothly and expressively. All booking conditions are clear, transparent and understandable. The entire correspondence is sent in Polish. I recommend this portal.
Jestem bardzo zadowolony ze współpracy z Rezerwacja przebiega sprawnie i ekspresowo. Wszystkie warunki rezerwacji są jasne, przejrzyste i zrozumiałe. Cała koresppndencja przesyłana jest w języku polskim. Polecam ten portal.
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(11 September 2018)
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Polish (original)
My vacation was perfect. I was very pleased with the accommodation, it was clean, the equipment was the same as it was. Very nice owners. I can only recommend.
A nyaralásom tökéletes volt. Nagyon meg voltam elégedve a szállással, szép tiszta, a felszereltség megegyezett a leírtakkal. Nagyon kedves tulajdonosok. Csak ajánlani tudom.
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(10 September 2018)
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Hungarian (original)
Domen Krušnik
It was a great experience, it all stopped, because we were coming very late, they called us before, how will we succeed in time, so thank you for the care and kindness of our employees.:)
Super izkušnja, vse je štimalo, ker smo prihajali zelo pozno, so nas še prej poklicali, kako bomo časovno uspeli, tako, da hvala za skrb in prijaznost zaposlenih.:)
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(6 September 2018)
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Slovenian (original)
Huszárné Czili Éva
The administration is pretty, in case of a question if the phone is busy, they call back. I've been paying for so far. This year I managed to pay a plain credit card, only the cardholder had to enter my bank's name.
Az ügyintézés gyos, kérdés esetén, ha foglalt a telefon, visszahívnak. Eddig utalással szoktam fizetni. Az idén sikerült sima bankkártyával is fizetnem, csak a kártyatulajdonoshoz a bankom nevét kellett beírni.
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(3 September 2018)
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Hungarian (original)
In the 3rd order we travel through, I do not have the slightest reservations about the provided services. The photos from the accommodation were always the same with the reality, the prompt booking of the reservation .. we always go to safety .. we are completely satisfied, every time!
V poradí 3.krat cestujeme cez,nemam najmenšie výhrady voči poskytovanym službám.Fotky z miesta ubytovania boli vzdy totožné s realitou,promptne vybavenie rezervácie.. vždy ideme na istotu.. sme úplne spokojní, zakaždým!
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(28 August 2018)
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Slovak (original)
Petr Šmejkal
It was great, good communication. The accommodation was even better than we expected. We are very pleased. I can recommend.
Skvěle vše dopadlo, dobrá komunikace. Ubytování bylo ještě lepší než jsme čekali. Jsme velmi spokojeni. Mohu doporučit.
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(28 August 2018)
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Czech (original)
Cezary Jakimiak
A great company, everything in accordance with the description. Ladies on the phone, very nice and competent. I highly recommend it.
Świetna firma wszystko rzeczowo i zgodnie z opisem . Panie przy telefonach ,bardzo miłe i kompetentne . Bardzo gorąco polecam .
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(27 August 2018)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
It's Sunday night and Adriatic works perfectly! In 10 minutes a reservation, a payment and a printed voucher. We are going with for the third year and we are very happy! Thank you Mrs. Tesaříková and everyone else for 100% service and beautiful holidays! Radka Česko
Je neděle večer a Adriatic funguje bezvadně! Za 10 min hotová rezervace, platba i vytisknutý voucher. Jedeme s již třetí rok a jsme velice spokojeni! Děkuji paní Tesaříkové i všem ostatním za 100% služby a krásnou dovolenou!
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(26 August 2018)
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Czech (original)
Szekeres Andrea
We were very satisfied with the office services! It was all right for the photos and the photos! Thank you for your help in booking, we wish you further success and good health!
Nagyon elégedettek voltunk az iroda szolgáltatásaival! Minden a leírtaknak és a fotóknak megfelelő volt! Köszönjük a segítséget a foglalásban, munkájukhoz további sok sikert és jó egészséget kívánunk!
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(26 August 2018)
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Hungarian (original)
Giulia Muzzarelli
Excellent service and accommodation as described
Ottimo servizio e alloggio come da descrizione
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(25 August 2018)
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Italian (original)