Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Slaven Jović
Extremely professional agency. I'm really pleased. Prezizni service and fast, useful information, data accuracy and above all kindness have made my home is really gratifying. Heartily recommend this portal, and as I'm concerned we know - we hear it again next year. Best regards and much success Slaven
Izuzetno profesionalna agencija. Zaista sam zadovoljan. Usluga prezizna i brza, korisne informacije, tačnost podataka i nadasve ljubaznost učinile su da moj odmor zaista bude prijatan. Od srca preporučujem ovaj portal, a što se mene tiče zna se - čujemo se ponovo iduće godine.
Srdačan pozdrav i puno uspjeha
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(30 September 2012)
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Croatian (original)
Mutschler Tibor
We traveled for the first time this year, the Adriatic-al, the service and the correct mínőségéből hozzáállásuból I can see that it does not last. The administration is quick and thorough, which is described in the brochure covers everything valóságot.KÖSZÖNJÜK THAT HELPED ADD A good holiday!
Idén utaztunk először az Adriatic-al, a szolgáltatás mínőségéből és a korrekt hozzáállásuból már látom, hogy nem utoljára.
Az ügyintézés gyors és mindenre kiterjedő, amit leírtak az ismertetőben az mindenben fedi a valóságot.KÖSZÖNJÜK, HOGY HOZZÁSEGÍTETTEK EGY JÓ NYARALÁSHOZ!!
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(29 September 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Czech Republic
Ivana Caklová
Thank agency Adriatic. For the third time we have enjoyed a perfect dovolenou.Jste super.
Děkujeme agentuře Adriatic. Již po třetí jsme si užili bezvadnou dovolenou.Jste super.
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(27 September 2012)
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Czech (original)
Олександр Талавас
For the first time decided to relax in Croatia and took advantage of our site. It was promptly and transparently. Information on actual and true
Вперше вирішили відпочити в Хорватії та скористалася послугами сайту. Все було оперативно і прозоро. Інформація на сайті актуальна і правдива
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(25 September 2012)
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Ukrainian (original)
Ступак Николай
In addition to this the work of the agency would like to thank the owners for the wonderful welcome and cooperation. I go to Croatia for 20-years old and is always in a row, I have only good memories of the climate of the people on gostepriimstve.I general, I think that Croats professor in the tourism business and I always recommend to all holiday in Croatia. They could not even for the sake of tourists to cancel visas for the season. Bravo!
В дополнение к сказанному о работе агенства хочу поблагодарить хозяев за великолепный приём и сотрудничество. Я в Хорватию езжу уже 20-ть лет подряд и всегда у меня только хорошие воспоминания о климате о людях о гостеприимстве.И вообще, я думаю, что хорваты профессора в туристическом бизнесе и я всегда всем рекомендую отдыхать в Хорватии. Они ради туристов смогли даже визы отменить на сезон. Браво!
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(24 September 2012)
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Russian (original)
Николай Ступак
This year I traveled to Croatia in the 36 th time. Choose housing on the Internet in your agency in Crikvenica on the subject of A-5603-c. Everything was exactly as on the website. We are very pleased with your work.
В этом году я посетил Хорватию в 36-й раз. Выбрал жильё по Интернету в Вашем агенстве в Цриквенице на объекте А-5603-в. Всё оказалось в точности как на сайте. Мы очень довольны вашей работой.
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(24 September 2012)
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Russian (original)
Milena Beňková
We were very satisfied with the services of a travel agency Adriatic. Quick response and good cooperation. The offered object is fully described and the fact corresponds to the visual presentation of the TA. Willingness and friendly negotiations with the owners of the building:-). I can only recommend it.
Byli jsme velmi spokojeni se službami cestovní kanceláře Adriatic. Rychlé reakce a dobrá spolupráce. Nabízený objekt je přesně popsán a skutečnost odpovídá i obrazové prezentaci na stránkách CK. Ochota a příjemné jednání s majiteli objektu:-). Můžu jen doporučit.
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(24 September 2012)
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Czech (original)
Roman Ilavský
Travel agency I used the first time and I was very pleasantly surprised to approach the office. Accommodation we found no problem, everything corresponds to what was presented by the internet. Thank you very much.
Služby cestovnej kancelárie som využil prvý krát a bol som veľmi príjemne prekvapený prístupom kancelárie. Ubytovanie sme našli bez problému, všetko zodpovedalo tomu čo bolo od prezentované na internete. Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujem.
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(24 September 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Regis Aubry
we are very telling of the agency very friendly on the phone line has rapidly apartment ad
nous sommes tres contant de l'agence tres aimable au telephone rapide appartement conforme a l'annonce
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(23 September 2012)
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French (original)
Andrzej Gajewski
A very nice time in our home in Prizba on Korcula. Much credit goes to the host facility. I would recommend this website!
Bardzo miło spędziliśmy czas w naszym domku w Priżbie na Korculi. Duża zasługa w tym gospodarzy obiektu. Polecam ten portal!
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(22 September 2012)
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Polish (original)