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Hungary Gabriella Pásztohy
Everyone can easily recommend the adriatic.hr website. I am now for the first time I used this option, but I'm sure that did not last. 4 days of surfing the hotels before I found my ideal. Meanwhile, more than once I switched Žitkoval letter Sylvia, who was always willing to send a letter and reply, even when I lose some of the many possibilities. Tell everyone the attention of all the benefits that you as ADRIATIC.HR offers toll reimbursement of petrol costs, reducing the possibility of the recommendation involving a 5% discount and who knows what I missed! If you have enough time, you can feel free to browse to narrow down their choices according to their needs and I am sure that you will find your dream furniture.
You've rated us: (2 April 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Slovakia Andrea Uherova
After a few years I reused the Adriatic.hr service and did not disappoint me again. Fast communication, clear and perfectly crafted web. Communication with sl. Katka Homolová at the first. I'm really looking forward to your holiday.
You've rated us: (2 April 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
Czech Republic Alena Trubbová
Very easy and clear komunikace.Těšíme and hopefully leave us pleasantly překvapí.Děkujeme
You've rated us: (2 April 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
Este al doilea an ca folosim acest site pentru rezervare, sintem foarte multumiti, noi am colaborat cu D-na Laura Luncan. Ceea ce vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta este ca anul in Omis, la proprietarul AS-2726-b, am avut cateva surprize neplacute. Familia proprietarului care locuia in aceeasi cladire la un nivel superior, de pe terasa "se uitau" in fiecare dimineata in camera noastra, pina ne-am dat seama ce se petrece. Noi nu am cerut aer conditionat din motive de sanatate, si fiind foarte cald nu trageam perdeaua. Ar fi fost bun un aparat de aer conditionat, dar fiind ca ei nu vorbeau nici o limba de circulatie internationala nu ne-am inteles de loc.Lucru foarte neplacut si josnic, ca-ti sa spionezi oaspetii! Ca sa nu va mai spun ca ceilalti oaspeti cu care se intelegeau, probabil vorbeau aceeasi limba, procedau la fel! Va rog sa le transmiteti acest lucru, ca sa nu mai faca la fel si cu alti oaspeti! Va dati seama ca la plecare nici macar la revedere nu le-am spus, ca nu vreau sa-i revad! Cristina, Sf.Gheorghe
You've rated us: (28 March 2013)
Language: English original  | English (original)
Czech Republic IrenaStará
Hello, thank you very much for your willingness. We've all made it easy for you, we look forward to your holiday. Have a nice day
You've rated us: (28 March 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
Czech Republic Zuzana Michálková
The pages are clear and I appreciate a lot of photos about the accommodation and its surroundings. Communication fast and reliable. Thank you, Michálková
You've rated us: (27 March 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
I am very pleased with your service. utazom.soha years has there been a problem with you, everything we learned to talk. administrators are willing and immediately respond to my letters. may need to change the list of hotels is updated at least monthly, because now I went to bed and looked at the open, and was subsequently turned out that was not updated. So the owners could lead to what are the dates where the guests make their own. (3 election because now we can only claim points for the owner at the time nyaraltatja their guests.) I wish you good work.
You've rated us: (26 March 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Slovakia Ján Melišík
Good communication and fast e-mail, I have dealt with Katka accommodation cane, everything quickly without prieťahou.Spokojnosť:)
You've rated us: (26 March 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
Czech Republic Hana Obuchov
Communication and super payment!
You've rated us: (25 March 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
Slovakia Matej Urbanovič
"Easy to use" in a luxury package with promtným approach, it is adriatic.hr! Croatia it, and only them. What is also a great compliment, is functionally transparent and elaborate web that has little to vendor or agency! I would appreciate it but to extend the offer to more southerly parts, namely Montenegro.
You've rated us: (25 March 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
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