Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Böjtös Anikó
Very fast and accurate administration, I am totally satisfied with your service, I recommend it to everyone.
Nagyon gyors, precíz ügyintézés, maximálisan elégedett vagyok a szolgáltatásukkal, ajánlani tudom mindenkinek.
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(8 July 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Richard Tarnoczy
Your service is on a high level, fast response to everything. The maximum satisfaction with the home, with many miles, the accommodation and the super site, the photos really match the realities, so it is 100% bundled to choose. We and family have ate and relaxed. We thank you
Vase sluzby su na vysokej urovni, rychla reakcia na vsetko. Maximalna spokojnost s domacimi, su velmi mili, ubytovanie aj lokalita super, fotky naozaj zodpovedaju realite, takze sa da na 100% spolahnut na vyber. S rodinkou sme si uzili aj oddychli. Dakujeme
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(7 July 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Thomas Seme
Posted about Casa Mundo (partner). Great site with good photos. Very engaging and informative. Nice materials and reminder emails. Very friendly support staff. For my taste, but too much information / messages with too much text! You have to work through is normal. Otherwise recommended!
Über Casamundo (Partner) gebucht. Tolle Website mit guten Fotos. Sehr engagiert und informativ. Nette Hilfs- und Erinnerungsmails. Sehr freundliche Support-Mitarbeiter.
Für meinen Geschmack allerdings viel zu viel Informationen/Mails mit zu viel Text! Man muss sich regelrecht durcharbeiten. Sonst empfehlenswert!
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(7 July 2013)
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German (original)
Stefano Bellumat
I want to make you my comlimenti for the professionalism with which you do your work, you have been a great help
Voglio farvi i miei comlimenti per la professionalità con cui svolgete il vostro lavoro, mi siete stati di grande aiuto
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(6 July 2013)
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Italian (original)
We recommend, we lived in Razanj in June, it was great, all in accordance with the booking. We had a great holiday. We were only lucky enough to miss the microwells.
Polecamy, mieszkalismy w Razanj w czerwcu, było super , wszystko zgodnie z rezerwacją .Mielismy wspaniałe wakacje. Brakowało nam do pełni szczęscia jedynie mikroweli.
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(6 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Sylvi,Adam, Ber I Jacek
We recommend the service - we lived in a picturesque location, everything in line with the previous reservation, a great holiday and a great holiday:)
Polecamy serdecznie usługi - mieszkaliśmy w malowniczo położonej kwaterze, wszystko zgodne z wcześniejszą rezerwacją, udany wypoczynek i wspaniałe wakacje:)
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(6 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Václav Kučírek
Please let owners of apartments recommend WIFI, today the internet is a necessity everywhere. Otherwise, the Adriatic service was excellent, where we were, maximum satisfaction, except WIFI.
Prosím, aby jste majitelům apartmanů doporučili pořídit si WIFI, dnes internet již nutností všude.Jinak služby Adriaticu výborné, na místě, kde jsme byli, maximální spokojenost, až na to WIFI.
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(6 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Jiří Kaiser
I decided to write after returning from vacation. Maximum satisfaction, surprise over service quality and communications. High professionalism and I highly recommend.
Rozhodl jsem se napsat po návratu z dovolené. Maximální spokojenost, překvapení nad kvalitou služeb a komunikací. Vysoká profesionalita a vřele doporučuji.
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(6 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Riccardo Sciarra
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(5 July 2013)
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Italian (original)
Czech Republic
René Konečný
So far I have only dealt with yet booked a payment holiday, but both great, really impressive professional manner, the current behavior works is truly exemplary and without any problems. Hats off, not really perfect.
Dosud jsem jen zatím vyřizoval rezervaci a platbu dovolené, ale to jak skvělým, opravdu úctyhodným profesionálním způsobem, dosavadní počínání funguje, je opravdu příkladné a naprosto bez problémů. Klobouk dolů, zatím opravdu perfektní.
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(5 July 2013)
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Czech (original)