Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Vendula Ambrožová
Quick and easy searching. Perfect communication on the device reservation, fast and friendly negotiations. Maybe i will stay without problems.:-)
Snadné a přehledné vyhledávání. Perfektní komunikace ve věci zařízení rezervace, rychlé a vstřícné jednání. Snad proběhne i pobyt bez problémů.:-)
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(17 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Antonella Folin
for an unexpected I had to change my travel dates, and was immediately helped by finding another solution. really pleased, many thanks
per un imprevisto ho dovuto cambiare date del mio viaggio, e mi hanno subito aiutato trovando un altra soluzione. davvero soddisfatta, molte grazie
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(17 July 2013)
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Italian (original)
Manja Mirt
Agency I was positively surprised at the level of not only advertising, but also the actual service. Thank you and stay like that.
Agencija me je pozitivno presenetila, na nivoju ni samo reklama, ampak tudi dejanske storitve. Hvala in ostanite takšni.
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(16 July 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Zdeňka Benešová
We were very happy with this travel agency, very good organization and communication. We recommend
Byli jsme velice spokojeni s touto cestovní kanceláří, velmi dobrá organizace a komunikace. Doporučujeme
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(16 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Barbara Wilk
I have been using the office services for over 5 years .... unrivaled !!!! Everyone will find something for themselves! I highly recommend!!!
Korzystam z usług biura już od ponad 5 lat.... bezkonkurencyjne!!!! Wszyscy znajdą coś dla siebie! Bardzo polecam!!!
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(16 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Papp Zsuzsanna
We were all satisfied with everything. I recommend to everyone. Next time I'll be here.
Mindennel meg voltunk elégedve. Ajánlom mindenkinek. Legközelebb is itt foglalok.
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(16 July 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Czech Republic
Jan Ticháček
Perfect travel services. Sufficient information and early warning. I recommend.
Služby cestovky perfekní. Dostatek informací a včasná upozornění. Doporučuji.
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(16 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Vicher Václav
Excellent killing, great homeowner, good price. Thank you very much.
Vynikající ubatování,skvělá ubytovatelka,dobrá cena.Moc děkuju.
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(16 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Bogusław Hołubowicz
Very fast and professional service. We've been able to handle the last time and everything worked out. The data and photos and plans of the accommodation are very reliable and checked in reality. I recommend this office without any reservations.
Bardzo szybka i profesjonalna obsługa.Załatwialiśmy kwarey w ostatnim momencie i wszystko się udało.Przedstawione dane i zdjęcia oraz plany kwater bardzo rzetelne i sprawdzone w rzeczywistości.Polecam to biuro bez zastrzeżeń.
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(15 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Katarína Fitková
I am very happy with, the holiday has gone well because we were well informed, communication was flawless.
Som veľmi spokojná so službami, dovolenka sa vydarila aj preto, že sme boli dobre informovaní,komunikácia fungovala bezchybne.
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(15 July 2013)
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Slovak (original)