Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Róbert Haspra
Maximum satisfaction ...
Maximálna spokojnosť...
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(29 July 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Ľubica Dobrovodská
Very nice and professional approach. We thank you. We recommend next.
Veľmi milý a zároveň profesionálny prístup. Ďakujeme. Odporučíme ďalej.
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(28 July 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Nazariy Nazaruk
It's very good! Avail the services of agencies second year running, everything is fine, I recommend to friends. Thank you!
Все дуже добре! Користуюсь послугами агенції другий рік поспіль, все прекрасно, рекомендую друзям. Дякую!
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(28 July 2013)
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Ukrainian (original)
Петров Александр
I am very satisfied with the work of the agency. Timely information on all issues. Special thanks to Svetlana Golubich. I would recommend it to everyone.
Очень доволен работой агенства. Своевременное информирование по всем вопросам. Отдельное спасибо Светлане Голубич. Буду всем рекомендовать.
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(28 July 2013)
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Russian (original)
Lucia Viznerová
We were very satisfied, we will certainly use your services for next year. we thank you
Boli sme veľmi spokojní, určite využijeme vaše služby aj na budúci rok. Ďakujeme
You've rated us:
(27 July 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Jana Bihorac Šeligová
So far we are very satisfied. Communication is fast and professional. We are looking forward to a holiday. We thank you.
Zatiaľ sme veľmi spokojní. Komunikácia je rýchla a profesionálna. Tešíme sa na dovolenku. Ďakujeme.
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(27 July 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Flavio Simonetti
By the summer of 2010, I used your services for a stay in Crna Luka Korcula and I are very good. I really appreciate the completeness and ease of reference of your site, the large supply of accommodation and the timeliness and efficiency with which you respond to customers. Very good! Flavio Simonetti
Già nell'estate 2010 ho utilizzato i vostri servizi per un soggiorno a Crna Luka Korcula e mi sono molto bene. Apprezzo molto la completezza e la facilità di consultazione del vostro sito,la notevole offerta di sistemazioni e la tempestività e l'efficienza con cui rispondete ai clienti. Molto bravi!! Flavio Simonetti
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(27 July 2013)
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Italian (original)
Mariusz Skiba
A great company that uses spam to send its offers.
Super firma, która używa spamu do przesyłania swoich ofert.
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(27 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Klára Sixtová
We were satisfied with the service last year, so we turned to the agency this year. We chose and look forward to a holiday!
Se službami jsme byli spokojeni loni, takže jsme se na agenturu obrátili i letos. Vybrali jsme si a těšíme se na dovolenou!
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(26 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Elżbieta Góral
Everything in the best possible order. The lodge consistent with the description, and the hosts przesympatyczni RECOMMEND.
Wszystko w jak najlepszym porządku.Kwatera zgodna z opisem,a gospodarze przesympatyczni POLECAM.
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(26 July 2013)
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Polish (original)