Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Renata Miś
Just returned from a holiday in Seget and it was wonderful! Sex ADRIATIC agency as an organizer wypopczynku: using already the second time in their service and everything is handled fairly and in line with my expectations. Thank you!
Właśnie wróciliśmy z wakacji w Seget i było cudownie! Plecam agencję ADRIATIC jako organizatora wypopczynku: korzystam juz drugi raz z ich usług i wszystko jest rzetelnie załatwiane oraz zgodnie z moimi oczekiwaniami. Dziękuję!
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(12 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Krzysztof Kaźmierczak
Professional and competent service. I recommend it!
Fachowa i kompetentna obsługa. Polecam!!!
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(12 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Istvan Reisch
The customer service is excellent, even during the booking process we changed the apartment, did not cause them problems, maintaining both our place on the reservation until you have finalized our decision! Phone and internet are easily available and are looking for suitable accommodation for their needs. I'm really happy, other times I choose the trips.
Az ügyfélszolgálat kiváló, még a foglalás során változtattunk az apartmanon, nem okozott nekik problémát, fenntartották mindkét helyen a foglalásunkat, amíg véglegesítettük a döntésünket!Telefonon és interneten is könnyen elérhetőek, keresik az igényeiknek megfelelő szállást. Igazán elégedett vagyok, máskor is az választom horvátországi utazások alkalmával.
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(12 August 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Дарина Момот
It is like the services, all reservation confirmation received on time, even on weekends, information is very accessible and understandable. Agency staff are very friendly and great help when booking. Highly recommend agency
Дуже сподобався сервіс, всі підтвердження про резервування надходять вчасно навіть у вихідні, інформація надається дуже доступно і зрозуміло. Співробітники агенції дуже привітні і чудово допомагають при бронюванні. Дуже рекомендую агенство
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(11 August 2013)
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Ukrainian (original)
United Kingdom
Szabolcs Valics
I do not recommend anyone to accommodating nr.7426 is beneath criticism ...... instead ADRIATIC HR was ok helped with whatever was needed them .... Many thanks
nu recomand nimanui acomodarea cu nr.7426 a este sub orice critica schimb ADRIATIC HR a fost ok au ajutat cu tot ce a fost nevoie ....lor mii de multumiri
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(11 August 2013)
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Romanian (original)
Marzena Tekielak
Reliable, professional service, knowledgeable employee who conducted our reservation, comprehensive information on the website for lodging, I really recommend the agency
Rzetelna, fachowa obsługa, kompetentny pracownik prowadzący naszą rezerwację, wyczerpujące informacje na stronie internetowej odnośnie kwater, naprawdę polecam agencję
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(11 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Laura Faedi
Serious agency, which follows the customer available and with excellent facilities. I will use it again definitely
Agenzia seria, che segue il cliente, disponibili e con ottimi servizi. La userò ancora sicuramente
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(11 August 2013)
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Italian (original)
Sergeja Šmon
The first time I booked on-line and everything went super.Vse praise agency and I'm sure next year turned on them.
Prvič sem rezervirala on-line in vse je potekalo super.Vse pohvale agenciji in sigurno se bom naslednje leto obrnila na njih.
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(11 August 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Karl Pinter
I must commend all of the agency's services, but disappointed with the apartment-for your own good, check.
Pohvaliti moram vse storitve agencije,razočaran pa z apartmajem-za vaše dobro, preverite.
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(10 August 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Luca Di Tomassi
As usual, the best way to find accommodation in Croatia
Come al solito il miglior modo possibile per trovare alloggio in Croazia
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(10 August 2013)
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Italian (original)