Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Good afternoon. We want to relax with our family in Croatia this summer. I reserved a room in the town of Pag. Now the question arises how to get there. What documents are needed to enter Croatia
Добрый день. Хотим этим летом отдохнуть с семьей в Хорватии. Зарезервировала комнату в местечке Паг. Теперь встает вопрос каким образом туда добираться. Какие документы нужны для въезда в Хорватию
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(19 February 2007)
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Russian (original)
I would like to express my satisfaction with editing this website. I also appreciate the high professionalism of this company's employees, especially Mrs. Janka Nadjová, who has been trying to find answers to my questions about specific apartments in the near future. Due to site clarity and good rates, I would recommend staying longer than in February. Many dates have already been occupied, which is indicative of the site's attendance and satisfaction with the services of this company.
Chcel by som vyjadriť spokojnosť s úpravou tejto web stránky. Oceňujem taktiež vysokú profesionalitu pracovníkov tejto spoločnosti, zvlášť pani Janky Nadjovej, ktorá sa snažila v krátkej dobe pozisťovať odpovede na moje otázky týkajúce sa konkrétnych apartmánov. Vzhľadom na prehľadnosť stránky a dobré ceny by som odporúčal rezervovať si pobyty oveľa skôr ako vo februári. Mnohé termíny už boli totiž obsadené, čo svedčí o navštevovanosti tejto stránky a spokojnosti so službami tejto spoločnosti.
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(19 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
We are very happy with the speed and professionalism of representatives. specifically with p. Nadj Jankou, who communicated with us.WWW page is very clear, even it seems to be "the most readable" of similar WWW pages.
Sme veľmi spokojní s rýchlosťou a profesionalitou zástupcov teda konkrétne s p. Nadj Jankou, ktorá s nami komunikovala.WWW stránka je veľmi prehľadná, dokonca sa nám zdá že je "najčitatelnejšia" z podobných WWW stránok.
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(17 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Holiday accommodation with was seamless, all the required information was provided in principle as well as our requirements, so we will leave them for the second time. We believe that everything will be as fine as 1. Concrete impressions after a holiday. Greetings, we wish everything good.
Vybavovanie dovolenky s bolo bezproblémové, všetky požadované informácie boli poskytnuté v podstate obratom, tak ako aj vybavenie našich požiadaviek, preto s nimi budeme dovolenkovať už druhý krát. Veríme, že všetko bude minimálne tak ok, ako 1. Konkrétne dojmy po dovolenke. Pozdravujeme, prajeme všetko dobré.
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(16 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Very transparent page. Everyone can find accommodation according to their ideas and possibilities. Very high professional communication and order processing speed. We appreciate and care for your holiday and for your next cooperation. : Smile:
Velmi priehladne urobená stránka. Kazdy si moze najst ubytovanie podla svojich predstav a moznosti. Velmi vysoka profesionalna uroven komunikacie a rychlost spracovania objednavky.
Dakujeme a tesime sa na dovolenku a na dalsiu spolupracu.:smile:
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(15 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Speed, accuracy, reliability. I do not know what I could add to that, perhaps just so.
Rýchlosť,presnosť,spoľahlivosť.Neviem čo by som k tomu mohol ešte dodať,snáď len tak ďalej.
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(14 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Together with my brother and his friends, we have been traveling with the agency to Croatia for 3 years. We are satisfied with the services of this agency. Contact with the responsible person is specific and factual. The dates and conditions that are given in the agency's offer are kept. The accommodations we used so far met our expectations and were in line with the pictures presented on the agency's website. We recommend this agency with a clear conscience.
Wspólnie z moim bratem i jego znajomymi jeździmy z agencją do Chorwacji od 3 lat. Z usług tej agencji jesteśmy zadowoleni. Kontakt z osoba odpowiedzialną jest konkretny i rzeczowy. Terminy i warunki jakie są podane w ofercie agencji są dotrzymywane. Kwatery z jakich korzystaliśmy dotej pory spełniały nasze oczekiwania i były zgodne z prezentowanymi zdjęciami na stronach agencji. Polecamy ta agencję z czystym sumieniem.
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(14 February 2007)
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Polish (original)
Very professional, kind, friendly and competent service. Great website with descriptions of facilities. Organization for 5 plus:) Special thanks to Mrs. Janka Nadj. I will write the rest of my impressions after returning from holidays. Greetings!
Bardzo profesjonalna, życzliwa, miła i kompetentna obsługa.Swietna strona internetowa wraz z opisami obiektów.Organizacja na 5 z plusem:) Szczególne podziękowania dla pani Janki Nadj. Resztę wrażeń napiszę po powrocie z wakacji. Pozdrowienia!
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(13 February 2007)
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Polish (original)
it's the first time that I avail myself of your agency and I found myself very well, always friendly and helpful, even in the councils. A special thanks to Marjana always very kind. Now you just have to wait for the departure and hope everything goes well, then I'll let you know . Greetings to all, Norberto
è la prima volta che mi avvalgo della vostra agenzia e mi sono trovato benissimo,sempre cordiali e disponibili, anche nei consigli.Un grazie particolare a Marjana sempre gentilissima.Ora non resta che aspettare la partenza e speriamo vada tutto bene,poi vi farò sapere.Saluti a tutti,Norberto
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(13 February 2007)
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Italian (original)
Excellent offers, professional access to the claims of each client. From the heart I recommend to everyone to vacation with CK Adriatic.
Vynikajúce ponuky, profesionálny prístup k nárokom každého klienta.
Zo srdca doporučujem každému dovolenkovať s CK Adriatic.
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(12 February 2007)
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