Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
All the compliments, both the website and Mrs. Maya, who was very friendly and professional! But it would be nice to know that soon after I was looking for an offer of apartments on, I got a link to and information, how satisfied the users are with their work. I would not even go looking elsewhere if, for example, I saw this guestbook.
Vsa pohvala, tako spletni strani kot gospe Maji, ki je bila zelo prijazna in profesionalna!
Bi pa bilo fino, da bi že kmalu, ko sem iskal ponudbo apartmajev na, med rezultati dobil povezavo na in informacijo, kako zelo zadovoljni so uporabniki z njihovim delom. Sploh ne bi šel iskat drugam, če bi, recimo, videl tole knjigo gostov.
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(22 May 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
very available and timely in the answers and in the services. costs too high for the transfer due to the fact that your bank does not reside within the European community ... pity ..: sad:
molto disponibili e puntuali nelle risposte e nei servizi. costi troppo elevati per il bonifico a causa del fatto che la vs. banca non risiede all'interno della comunità europea...peccato..:sad:
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(22 May 2007)
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Italian (original)
My impression on your site is quite good and your approach is serious. : Lol :: cool :: lol :: lol :: lol:
Moj dojem z Vasej stranky je pomerne dobry a Vas pristup je seriozny.
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(22 May 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I am pleasantly surprised by the completeness and speed of the services offered here.
Som príjemne prekvapený kompletnosťou a rýchlosťou služieb ktoré sú tu ponúkané.
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(22 May 2007)
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Slovak (original)
With your web site and the services I offered, I was very satisfied, the individual objects are described in detail, although some of them lacked an illustrative layout of the floor plan of a particular accommodation unit, but it is easy to select them according to the customer's preferences. I also welcome the fact that prices are in EUR and parts of kun, so holiday is relatively cheaper in terms of strengthening the crown against the euro. I found a small technical drawback, and it is stated in the prefacture that the raises of the amount must be paid by the date of about one month before the holiday, and the voucher states that the reimbursement is to be paid upon arrival to the owner's premises. she did not know what to do, or according to the prefacture, but according to the voucher. Finally, I would like to say that the detail of the small details is clear and straightforward. Sincerely, Robo D. - Levoča - Slovakia
S Vašou internetovou stránkou a ponúkanými službami som bol veľmi spokojný, jednotlivé objekty sú detailne opísané aj keď u niektorých mi chýbal ilustračný nákras pôdorisu konkrétnej ubytovacej jednotky, ale aj na základe fotografií je jednoduché si vybrať podľa predstáv zákazníka. Taktiež vítam skutočnosť, že ceny sú vedené v € a s časti v kunách, takže dovolenka vychádza reletívne lacnejšie v súvislosti s posilovaním koruny voči euru. Malí technický nedostatok som zistil a to : v predfaktúre je uvedené, že zvišnú časť sumy je potrebné uhradiť do dátumu zhruba mesiac pred nástupom na dovoleku a vo vouchery je uvedené, že zvišnú sumu je potrebné uhradiť po príchode na miesto majitzeľovi objektu, táto skutočnosť ma zmietla a nevedel som podľa čoho sa mám riadiť či podľa predfaktúry ale podľa voucheru. Na záver by som uviedol, že okjrem malých detailov je stránka prehľadná a azujímavo riešená. S pozdravom Robo D. - Levoča - Slovensko
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(21 May 2007)
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Slovak (original)
REPAIR a very professional approach. Thank you
OPRAVDU velmi profi přítup.
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(21 May 2007)
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Czech (original)
Hi Bea! My recommendation is unfortunately I do not know because I would be the first to be present but the confirmation of my reservation is not really coming ... To your previous question, what kind of email you can write to the site owner? There is an option in the left menu bar, to CONTACT. Click here and write them there. Good luck and good vacation! : Smile:
Szia Bea!
Ajánlani én sajnos nem tudok, mivel nekem is az első attrakcióm lenne a mostani, bár a foglalásom visszaigazolása nem igazán érkezik... Az előző kérdésedre, hogy milyen e-mailre tudsz írni az oldal tulajdonosának: A bal oldali menüsávban van egy olyan opció, hogy KONTAKTUS. Erre klikk, és ott írhatsz nekik. Sok sikert és jó nyaralást!:smile:
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(21 May 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
I would like to ask everyone to travel in good places and if it can not be too expensive, thank you! I look forward to this offer: Thanks, if I can ask for it soon because summer is here and we have no accommodation yet!
Arra szeretnék kérni mindenkit hogy ajáljon jó kis helyeket és ha lehet ne legyen túl drága sem!Köszönöm!Erre a cimre várom az ajá
Köszike!ha kérhetem hamar irjatok,mert már itt a nyár és még nincs szállásunk!
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(20 May 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
I would like to ask you what kind of e-mail I can write to you, I have a couple of questions, maybe somebody can do it, thank you very much!
Azt szeretném kérdezni,hogy milyen e-mail cimre tudok önöknek levelet irni!Lenne pár kérdésem!Esetleg ha valaki tudja az is megirhatja!köszönöm szépen!
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(20 May 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
Service office recommendable. All information is easily accessible and transparent
Obsługa biura godna polecenia. Wszystkie informacje łatwo dostepne i przejrzyste
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(20 May 2007)
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Polish (original)