Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I'm satisfied with some problems with the rate of credit transfer via credit card, but it was solved. The pages are nice, clear and especially the terms of occupancy correspond to reality - which in other portals was not always the rule. I also pleasantly surprised the communication in Slovak - thanks to Miss Eriko.
Jsem spokojen, trochu problémy s rychlostí převodu peněz přes kreditní kartu, ale vyřešilo se to. Stránky jsou hezké, přehledné a hlavně termíny obsazenosti odpovídají realitě - což na jiných portálech nebylo vždy pravidlem. Příjemně mně překvapila i komunikace ve Slovenštině - díky slečno Eriko.
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(25 June 2007)
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Czech (original)
I am very satisfied with your services and access to the customers. Mainly Janka Nad was very pleasant and professional. It's just that I decided so late for your agency and the offer was very limited.
Som s Vasimi sluzbami a pristupom k zakaznikom velmi spokojny. Hlavne Janka Nad bola velmi prijemna a profesionalna. Skoda len, ze som sa pre Vasu agenturu rozhodol tak neskoro a ponuka uz bola velmi obmedzena.
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(25 June 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Hello! We are very pleased with your offer and kindness. The procedure is quick, but your employees should also be honored. I hope that we will be so happy even after coming from Croatia. Greetings from Slovenia! Mojca: cool:
Z Vašo ponudbo in prijaznostjo smo zaenkrat zelo zadovoljni. Postopek je hiter, jasen pohvalim pa naj tudi vaše uslužbence. Upam, da bomo tako zadovoljni tudi po prihodu s Hrvaške. Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije!
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(24 June 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
I was very interested in this site. I would like to know how much cheaper it is to have a rest in Croatia by reserving accommodation through your website or by purchasing a ticket to a travel agency
Очень заинтересовалась этим сайтом.Хотелось бы узнать насколько дешевле отдохнуть в Хорватии резервируя жилье через ваш сайт или приобретая путевку в турфирме
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(23 June 2007)
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So far everything is in perfect order, if the holiday goes in this spirit, so then can only be recommended.: Wink:
Zatím vše v naprostém pořádku, jestli i dovolená proběhne v tomto duchu, tak potom lze jedině doporučit.:wink:
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(23 June 2007)
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Czech (original)
Thanks to my patience with the transfer of finance from ČSoB, next time I definitely choose the "same" institute !!! I appreciate the high professionalism of Mrs. Janka, who pleased me very much with his willingness and pleasant performance. If the holiday goes in the same spirit, it will be absolutely super: happy :: heart:
Díky za trpělivost s převodem financí od ČSoB,příště si rozhodně vyberu "stejný"ústav!!!Oceňuji vysokou profesionalitu pí Janky,která mě svou ochotou a příjemným vystupováním velice mile potěšila.Pokud dovolená proběhne ve stejném duchu,bude to naprosto super:happy::heart:
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(22 June 2007)
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Czech (original)
The communication, way of ordering and your company website were excellent: smile:
Komunikace, způsob vyřízení mé objednávky a internetové stránky Vaší společnosti byly vynikající:smile:
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(22 June 2007)
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Czech (original)
For the holidays we decided very quickly and we are happy that we have come across the agency on the Internet. Special thanks for the kindness of Mrs. Marijana Petrić
Za dopust sva se odločila zelo na hitro in sva vesela, da sva na internetu naletela na agencijo Posebna zahvala za prijaznost ge.Marijani Petrić
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(22 June 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
We are really very happy and we recommend everybody. We thank you.
Sme naozaj velmi spokojny a doporucujeme kazdemu. Dakujeme.
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(21 June 2007)
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Slovak (original)
We work as a travel agency and I used your services for the first time but not the last time. I was very satisfied with your services and thank you in this way.
Fungujeme ako cestovná kancelária a Vaše služby som využila prvýkrát ale nie naposledy.
S vašimi službami som bola nadmieru spokojná a touto formou Vám ďakujem.
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(21 June 2007)
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