Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
we are very pleased with your offer, the information about the location, equipment and location of the apartment was in line with reality, thanks to which we made a choice according to our expectations, we also found very nice hosts which made our stay in Croatia even more enjoyable. We are very pleased, thank you! The only note is maybe it would be worth to include a map of the location of the accommodation, which would make it much easier to find it. Thank you. : Smile:
jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z Waszej oferty, zamieszczone informacje co do położenia, wyposażenia i usytuowania apartamentu były zgodne z rzeczywistością, dzięki czemu dokonaliśmy wyboru zgodnie z naszymi oczekiwaniami, nadto trafiliśmy na bardzo miłych gospodarzy co jeszcze bardziej uprzyjemniło nam pobyt w Chorwacji. Jesteśmy b. zadowoleni, dziękujemy! Jedyna uwaga to może warto było by dołączyć mapkę położenia kwatery co znacznie ułatwiło by jej znalezienie. dziękujemy.:smile:
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(7 August 2007)
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Polish (original)
Catherine Homol's approach was flawless, now she just has to look forward to a holiday.
Přístup Kateřiny Homolové byl bezchybný, teď už jen zbývá těšit se na dovolenou.
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(7 August 2007)
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Czech (original)
Today we are back with Mimic. If someone wants a quiet vacation, so I recommend the 2972 facility. Ideally with tiny children. Extremely environmentally friendly with accommodation. Cistucke domaci su very friendly and good-natured. He'll really relax. The reptile is close and beautiful. I really recommend: smile:
Prave dnes sme sa vratili s Mimic. Ak chce niekto kludnu tichu dovolenku tak vrelo odporucam objekt 2972. Idealne s malickymi detmi. Nadherne prostredie co sa tyka ubytovania. Cistucke domaci su velmi priatelsky a dobrosrdecny. Clovek si fakt oddychne. Plaz je blizko a krasna. Fakt vrelo odporucam:smile:
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(6 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Dear ""! In recent days, I've been browsing countless similar portals on the web, and I'm glad you found some good accommodation at your disposal. The main advantage of their service is the "calendar" to see if there are any more accommodations available. Secondly, but also very important: the grouping of their offerings and the versatility of the search engine reveal care and know-how. Booking, advance payment and data matching went smoothly, thank you very professional service! More good work, many satisfied customers!
Tisztelt ""!
Az utóbbi napokban számtalan hasonló portált végigböngésztem a weben, és örülök, hogy önöknél végre megfelelő szállást találtam.
Szolgáltatásuk legfőbb előnye a "naptár", hogy azonnal kiderül, elérhető-e még egy-egy szállás.
Másodszor, de szintén nagyon fontos: a kínálatuk csoportosítása és a kereső sokoldalúsága odafigyelésről és szakértelemről árulkodik.
A foglalás, előleg és az adatok egyeztetése simán ment, köszönöm az igazán profi kiszolgálást!
További jó munkát, sok elégedett ügyfelet!
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(6 August 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
I found the site full of details about the various availability and easy to consult. As for the few contacts I had with Monica and colleagues, I have to say I am fully satisfied. Greetings: wink: Giovanni
Il sito l'ho trovato ricco di particolari riguardo alle varie disponibilità e facile da consultare. Per quanto riguarda i pochi contatti avuti telefonicamente con Monica e colleghe, devo dire di essere pienamente soddisfatto.
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(6 August 2007)
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Italian (original)
for what I can tell you before leaving, so far the service is ottimo.complimenti
per quello che posso dirvi prima di partire, finora il servizio è ottimo.complimenti
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(6 August 2007)
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Italian (original)
We were very happy with the accommodation and the service of the agency. We are already advertising among our friends. : Smile:
Siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti della sistemazione e del servizio dell'agenzia. Stiamo già faccendo pubblicità tra gli amici.
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(6 August 2007)
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Italian (original)
I am happy with your willingness to communicate and help in choosing your holiday. It is particularly enjoyable for people with little time traveling. This is an excellent option to immediately find out all the conditions. So far, I do not have verified the veracity of the offered shares.
Som spokojná s Vašou ochotou komunikovať a pomôcť pri výbere dovolenky. Je to zvlášť veľmi príjemné pre ľudí s málom času na chodenie po cestovkách. Toto je výborná možnosť ako hneď zistiť všetky podmienky. Zatiaľ nemám overenú pravdivosť ponúkaných akcií.
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(5 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
We are pleasantly surprised at the communication in the Slovene language and the communication of all other workers in split by telephone. We also received an offer with the desired conditions via internet mail within half an hour. For a long time, we want direct, professional and safe offers without additional agency brokers, which only increase the margins at basic prices: Says:
Prijetno smo presenečeni nad komunikacijo v slovenskem jeziku in komunikacijo vseh ostalih delavcev v splitu po telefonu. Prav tako smo v roku pol ure prejeli po spletni pošti ponudbo z željenimi pogoji. Že dalj časa si želimo neposredne, profesionalne in varne ponudbe brez dodatnih agencijskih posrednikov, ki le povečujejo marže na osnovne cene.:smile:
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(5 August 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
Last year I used Adriatic's service for the first time and made use of it again this year, and both times everything went perfectly. Happy greetings from Vienna Robert
Ich habe letztes Jahr erstmalig das Service von Adriatic benutzt und heuer wieder davon Gebrauch gemacht,und beide male ist alles perfekt gelaufen.Zufriedene Grüße aus Wien
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(4 August 2007)
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German (original)