Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
The pages are clear, they work well. I just discovered a small discrepancy between the offer and the supplementary booking information (S-2139-a) - it is not stated that the use of the kitchen is charged.
Stránky sú prehľadné, dobre sa s nimi pracuje. Len som objavil malý nesúlad medzi ponukou a doplňujúcimi informáciami pri rezervovaní(S-2139-a)-v ponuje nie je uvedené, že využívanie kuchyne je spoplatnené.
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(8 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Your management has seemed efficient and without the coldness of communication through email. : smile :: smile :: smile :: smile:
Su gestión me ha parecido eficiente y sin la frialdad de la comunicación a traves de correo electrónico.
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(8 August 2007)
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Spanish (original)
Hello, I am very satisfied with the services of your office. To the web site, just such a small reminder that there is no link to how to get to the island by ferry. I admit that it's only my second visit to Croatia, and I miss this information or I am looking for it wrong.
Dobrý den,
se službami Vaší kanceláře jsem k dnešnímu dni velmi spokojen.K internetovým stránkám jen takovou malou připomínku že chybí odkaz jak se dostat na ostrov trajektem. Přiznám se, že je to teprve má druhá návštěva v Chorvatsku a tato informace mi chybí nebo ji špatně hledám.
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(8 August 2007)
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Czech (original)
Tisztelt! Köszönöm szépen a segítségüket a szállás lefoglalásában és a további ügyek gyors és precíz intézésében!A munkatársaikhoz csak gratulálni tudok, különösen Csik Csaba Úrhoz!Az apartman tökéletesnek bizonyult!:smile:
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(7 August 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
Hello, I am writing my comment on before going on holiday. I am quite satisfied with the services and information. Declared and actual payments vary slightly. I am missing more photo information about the objects and surroundings - it is possible that it only applies to less attractive places. Communication with CK is great.
Dobrý deň, svoj komentár k stránkam píšem pred nástupom na dovolenku. So službami a informáciami som vcelku spokojný. Mierne sa líšia deklarované a skutočné platby. Chýba mi viac fotoinformácií o objektoch a okolí - je možné, že sa to týka len menej atraktívnych miest. Komunikácia s CK je vynikajúca.
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(7 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I went through Adriatic for the first time. I'm happy with the page and the road. The object that we chose on the Internet was true. The home was very pleasant and we did not find any unpleasant surprise. We were very satisfied with accommodation and reptiles. I also recommend new enthusiasts.
Dovolenku som cez Adriatic vybavovala po 1. krat. So strankou a komunikacou som spokojna. Objekt, ktory sme si vybrali na internete, zodpovedal skutocnosti. Domaci boli velmi prijemni a necakalo nas ziadne neprijemne prekvapenie. S ubytovanim a plazou sme boli velmi spokojni. Odporucam aj novym zaujemcom.
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(7 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
: lol: It's the second year that I use adriatic. All perfect!
E' il secondo anno che mi servo di adriatic. Tutto perfetto!
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(7 August 2007)
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Italian (original)
This ordering system suits me very well and also the speed of ordering. Well thank you.
Tento system objednavania mi velmi vyhovuje a aj rychlost vybavenia objednavky. Dakujem.
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(7 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
One of the better sites for booking
Ena boljših strani za rezervacije
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(7 August 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
Good afternoon! Tell me, please, if we plan to go two adults and a child of 1.5 years, can we book a room 2 + 0 or need to book 2 + 1, provided that we do not need extra space for the child. I wrote Svetlana Golubich already 2 letters, but received no answer. A free phone for the Russian Federation also does not work. Answer please! We do not have time to wait!
Добрый день!
Подскажите, пожалуйста, если мы планируем ехать двое взрослых и ребенок 1,5 лет, можно ли нам бронировать комнату 2+0 или нужно бронировать 2+1, при условии, что дополнительное место для ребенка нам не нужно. Я написала Светлане Голубич уже 2 письма, но ответа не получила. Бесплатный телефон для Российской Федерации тоже не работает. Ответьте, пожалуйста! У нас нет времени ждать!
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(7 August 2007)
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Russian (original)