Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Always available and kind. 100% reliable.
Sempre disponibili e gentili. Affidabili al 100%.
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(30 January 2008)
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Italian (original)
I do not think I have ever met with such a perfect service in choosing our holidays. In addition to absolutely compelling pages, clear and convincing, I am thrilled at the speed of your communication with the client: smile: I hope our stay will be as smooth as possible and we are already looking forward to the summer. We want a lot of satisfied clients and a great season. After the holiday, let us know how it came out ...: wink:
Myslím, že som sa ešte nestretla s tak perfektnými službami pri výbere našich dovoleniek. Okrem absolútne výstižných stránok,prehľadných a fakt presvedčivých, som nadšená hlavne rýchlosťou Vašej komunikácie s klientom .:smile:Dúfam, že náš pobyt bude rovnako bezproblémový a už dnes sa vďaka Vám tešíme na leto. Želáme veľa spokojných klientov a vydarenú sezónu. Po dovolenke sa ozveme ako vyšla nám...:wink:
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(29 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Hello to all! I choose the Internet for the first time and I am happy with your offer. It is very transparent and I like to communicate in the Slovenian language. I'm happy with the service now. But how about going on vacation will tell you when I get home. I wish you a successful year and that we will continue to cooperate. Greetings! Tatiana
Pozdrav vsem! Prvič izbiram dopust po internetu in sem zadovoljna z vašo ponudbo.Zelo je pregledno in všeč mi je da lahko komuniciram v slovenskem jeziku. Z storitvijo sem za zdaj zadovoljna . Kako bo pa na dopustu pa vam sporoči ko pridem domov. Želim vam zspešno leto in da bomo še sodelovali. Lep pozdrav! Tatjana
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(29 January 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Really beautiful!
Davvero molto bello!
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(29 January 2008)
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Italian (original)
I have to say that I do not know a page that would be so familiar with the object and its surroundings, the fact of the hat at the bottom, a lot of work to be seen. Man finally knows where he is going and what awaits him (at least I hope he will: lol:). Holidays from arrival to arrival: wink: Thank you for your patience in choosing our holiday and really fast communication: heart:
Musím povedať, že nepoznám stránku, ktorá by tak detailne dokázala oboznámiť s objektom a jeho okolím, fakt klobúk dole, vidno tu veľa práce. Človek konečne vie, kam ide a čo ho čaká (aspoň dúfam, že to tak bude:lol:). Dojmy z dovolenky až po príchode:wink:
Ďakujeme za trpezlivosť pri výbere našej dovolenky a naozaj rýchlu komunikáciu.:heart:
You've rated us:
(28 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Full professionalism easy contact and fast service so far for 5 to 5: lol:
Pełen profesjonalizm łatwy kontakt i szybka obsługa jak narazie na 5 na 5:lol:
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(28 January 2008)
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Polish (original)
Hello everyone, Adriatic is the best! Hallo Leute, the Adriatic ist das beste! Hello, Adriatic est le mellieur! Hello to all people who like to travel! Adriatic is the best, everything will make you quick, recommend, they are just great!: Smile :: happy :: heart: We cheer them and we are going with them a few more! Try it too!
Hello everybody, Adriatic is the best!
Hallo Leute, Adriatic ist das beste! Salut,
Adriatic est le mellieur! Dobrý den všem lidem, kteří rádi cestují! Adriatic je nejlepší, vše vám zařídí velmi rychle, doporučí, jsou prostě skvělý!:smile::happy::heart: Fandíme jim a jedeme již poněkolikáte s nimi! Zkuste to taky!
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(28 January 2008)
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Czech (original)
Also this summer will be Croazie and as for years now with I just confirmed the reservation for the island of Pag and it was as always perfect (even the 10% discount as a loyal customer). Thank you
Anche quest estate sarà Croazie e come da anni ormai con Ho appena confermato la prenotazione per l isola di Pag ed è stato come sempre tutto perfetto (anche lo sconto del 10% come cliente affezionata). Grazie
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(28 January 2008)
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Italian (original)
In mid-January I started searching for a vacation in July. What can I do with the help of quickly and accurately? I'm going to Tribunj and got all the information about the accommodation.It's worth mentioning Csaba Csík's help. Thank you. I'll write after the holiday.
Január közepén kezdtem keresni szállást a júliusi nyaralásomhoz.
Amit az segítségével gyorsan és pontosan sikerült is lebonyolítanom.
Tribunjba megyek és a szállásról mindent és pontosan megkaptam.Említésre méltó Csík Csaba úr segítsége.Köszönöm.
A nyaralás után is írok.
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(28 January 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
I am satisfied with the quick and efficiently processed reservation. : Smile:
Jestem zadowolony z szybko i sprawnie załatwionej rezerwacji .:smile:
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(27 January 2008)
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Polish (original)