Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
ADRIATIC travel agency can recommend everyone. We have been going with them for the past few years, and they always have the maximum effort to meet our requirements. Every time we have great living, swimming, home and especially experiences. I believe they will do everything else to help even if they have another problem. They just act like great friends.
Cestovní kancelář ADRIATIC mohu všem doporučit. Jedeme s nimi již poněkolikáté, a vždy mají maximální snahu vyhovět našim požadavkům. Pokaždé máme skvělé bydlení, koupání, domácí a hlavně zážitky. Věřím, že i v případě jiného problému budou dělat všechno aby pomohli. Prostě se chovají jako velcí přátelé.
You've rated us:
(26 January 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am very satisfied with the services, so it is supposed to be.Maybe there is some virtual preview of your surroundings, beaches, attractions ...
So službami som maximálne spokojná,tak to má byť.Možno mi na Vašej stránke chýba nejaká virtuálna ukážka okolia, pláže, zaujímavosti...
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(26 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Very professional approach to transactions and communication of the highest format. I highly recommend, every contact is worth a fortune, because has a HIGH CLASS! Congratulations on choosing an agency. Best wishes
Bardzo profesjonalne podejście do transakcji oraz komunikatywność najwyższego formatu. Polecam gorąco, każdy kontakt jest wart fortunę, bo ma WYSOKĄ KLASĘ! Gratuluję sobie wyboru agencji. Serdecznie pozdrawiam
You've rated us:
(25 January 2008)
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Polish (original)
A very professional website that contains all the information you need. Monika, very nice and competent: smile:
Strona internetowa bardzo profesjonalna, zawiera wszystkie potrzebne informacje. Pani Monika bardzo miła i kompetentna:smile:
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(25 January 2008)
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Polish (original)
Very good description of the offer to decide on the choice of accommodation. Monika Krizmanić is very competent and competent.
Opis oferty bardzo dobry aby podjąć decyzję o wyborze kwatery.Pani Monika Krizmanić b.miła i kompetentna.
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(25 January 2008)
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Polish (original)
The website and the people working there are worth recommending. Professional, fast, friendly and efficient customer service.:): Special thanks to Mrs. Monika Krizmanic and Mr. Roman Waligórski: lol:
Strona i ludzie w niej pracujący sa godni polecenia. Fachowa, szybka, miła i sprawna obsługa klienta.:smile: Szczególne podziękowania dla Pani Moniki Krizmanic i pana Romana Waligórskiego:lol:
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(25 January 2008)
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Polish (original)
: smile :: smile :: smile :: wink: So far, I'm very satisfied, a year ago, we've gotten your services through another CK. Now we have decided to go straight through you and I hope it is not the last time. Corfu is a beautiful country, especially the coast and I wish you many satisfied customers.
Zatiaľ som maximálne spokojný, pred rokom sme vzužili Vaše službz cez inú CK. Teraz sme sa rozhodli ísť priamo cez Vás a pevne dúfam, že nie posledný krát. Corvátsko je pekná krajina, najmä pobrežie a Vám želám veľa spokojných zákazníkov.
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(25 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I was very happy with the work of the Adriatic Agency and with the access of my staff, I have been using the agency for the second time: lol:
S prací agentury Adriatic a přístupem jejich zaměstnanců jsem byl velice spokojený, využil služeb agentury již podruhé:lol:
You've rated us:
(25 January 2008)
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Czech (original)
Super service: smile :: smile :: smile :: smile :: smile:
Super obsługa:smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:
You've rated us:
(24 January 2008)
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Polish (original)
The pages are high-level, clear, and the client quickly navigates them. I especially appreciated the good photographic documentation and comments of your clients.
Stránky sú na vysokej úrovni, prehľadné a klient sa v nich rýchlo zorientuje. Ocenil som najmä dobrú fotodokumentáciu a komentáre Vašich klientov.
You've rated us:
(24 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)