Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
finding websites is a revelation. all arranged. everything ok.:smile:
znajdowanie stron to rewelacja.wszystko poukładane.wszystko ok.:smile:
You've rated us:
(1 February 2008)
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Polish (original)
Vasou CK is traveling this summer to Croatia. The web site is very transparent, it is easy to get to the menu, I personally appreciate the number of photos in the individual accommodation units (photo of the house, room ... and, of course, environment), this on many pages missing. It can not be remembered the professional approach of the employees of the CK, the fact of the willingness at the highest level. : smile: vegh
Vasou CK cestujeme toto leto druhy krat do Chorvatska. Webova stranka je velmi priehladna, lahko sa v nej hladaju ponuky, osobne velmi ocenujem mnozstvo fotiek pri jednotlivych ubytovacich jednotkach (fotka domu, podorys...izby..a samozrejme aj prostredie), toto na viacerych strankach chybaju. Nemozem nespomenut profesionalny pristup zamestnancov CK, fakt ochota na najvyssej urovni.:smile:
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(1 February 2008)
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Slovak (original)
so far the booking and confirmation process was very good and correct. I hope that summer will be fine and pleasant. boris
do sedaj je postopek rezervacije in potrditve bil zelo dober in korekten. upam da bo tudi letovanje v redu in prijetno. boris
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(1 February 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovenian (original)
: smile: Your internet pages are clear, clear and you can make accurate calculations of accommodation services. The client does not buy the hare in the bag. Payment OK has done all the super - the rest after vacation: cool:
Vaše internetové strány jsou přehledné, názorné a lze na nich provést i přesnou kalkulaci ubytovacích služeb.
Klient nekupuje zajíce v pytli. Platba proběhla OK zatím vše super - zbytek až po dovolené.:cool:
You've rated us:
(1 February 2008)
English Google Translate |
Czech (original)
Great sitem congratulations!!
Adam Monroe
Great sitem congratulations!!
Adam Monroe
You've rated us:
(31 January 2008)
English original |
English (original)
With your travel we will go to the sea for the second time, with services and the willingness of the staff we were extremely satisfied: wink:
S Vašou cestovkou pôjdeme k moru už po druhý krát, so službami a ochotou personálu sme boli nadmieru spokojní:wink:
You've rated us:
(31 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Very pleasant and functional approach to the client, clear and quick agreement. Special thanks to Mrs. Kateřina Homolová I recommend.
Velice příjemný a funkční přístup ke klientovi, jasná a rychlá domluva.Zvláštní poděkování pí.Kateřině Homolové Doporučuji.
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(31 January 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am very satisfied with, and also with the quick fix and willingness of Mrs. Alexandra Petrani. The pages are very detailed and transparent. I think there are a lot of information on the pages that you would like to engage with. TS
Zo sluzbami som zatial velmi spokojny a taktiez s rychlym vybavovanim a ochotou zo strany pani Alexandry Petraniovej. Stranky su velmi podrobne a prehladne. Myslim, ze na strankach sa nachadzaju vsetky informacie, na ktore by sa zaujemnca chcel spytat.
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(31 January 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
This year I want to use the services of CK Adriatic.Hr for the first time, if they will also be ordering and communicating with CK over the internet portal, I will be happy: cool:
Tento rok chcem využiť po prvý krát služby CK Adriatic.Hr,ak budú také ako objednávanie a komunikácia s CK cez internetový portál, tak budem spokojný.:cool:
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(31 January 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
: happy: last year we used the services of CK Adriatic .hr, everything worked flexibly and the holidays itself was great, we have a reservation again, hope to repeat the happy end. Let it be lter.
:happy:minulý rok sme využili služby CK Adriatic .hr, všetko funguje pružne i samotná dovolenka bola super, t.r. máme rezerváviu znova,dúfam, že sa zopakuje happy end.
Už aby bolo lrta.
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(30 January 2008)
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Slovak (original)