Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
A week ago we came back. Everything that was advertised and posted on the web was actually met. Thank you CK Adriatic. Martink
Před týdnem jsme se vrátili. Všetko co bylo avizované a uveřejněné na vebu bylo skutečně splněno. Děkujeme CK Adriatic.
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(10 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
With the online booking process and the help of the telephone clerk, I am very satisfied. My friends will be happy to offer their service.
Az internetes foglalás menetével és a telefonos ügyintéző segítőkészségével maximálisan elégedett vagyok.
Az ismerőseimnek jó szívvel fogom ajánlani a szolgáltatásukat.
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(10 July 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
I only have positive comments on the offerings of the apartments, especially the plans and the details of the location of the apartments make it very easy to choose. A smaller reminder is only to update the occupancy of the apartments, fortunately Alexandra Petraniova replaced her lack of professionalism with her professional approach. František Cajzl
Ke zpracování nabídek apartmánů mám jen pozitivní připomínky,především plánky a podrobnosti o umístění apartmánů velice usnadňují výběr.Menší připomínku mám jen k aktualizaci obsazenosti apartmánů, naštěstí Alexandra Petraniova svým profesionálním přístupem tento nedostatek nahradila.
František Cajzl
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(10 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
Mili you from the Office of Split, and especially Mrs. Emilia Rutkowska. I wish to thank for his help and my zamowienia.Decydowalam organizations for a period of August pobytu.Potem decided on a date for more and in another place, constantly asked, loitering, and wanted to offer taniutka / in the season to-day 60 euros .. Mrs. Rutkowska has produced a number of offers to me and quickly got propozycje.Pytalam a hundred times about various details: and whether wposazona kitchen? and much other stuff. For every query I received fast, super answer. If you stay my and my family, you also need such a wonderful time in this country that I will uroczm zachwycona.Biuro your nice you have good stronew intrnecie.Polecam kazdemu.Pisalam Requests for me to update these details in the Polish office offers many other Croatian office and did not receive even a few percent of responses such as those received from the Office of Split you for you. After returning to write the remaining wrazenia.Jade the first time with the family over the Adriatic Sea. Yours and thank you for everything. I bow to: lol:: heart:
Mili Panstwo z Biura w Splicie,a szczegolnie Pani Emilia Rutkowska.
Pragne podziekowac za okazana pomoc i organizacje mego zamowienia.Decydowalam sie na jeden okres pobytu.Potem zadecydowalam o jeden termin wiecej i to w innym miejscu-wciaz pytalam,marudzilam i chcialam do tego taniutka oferte/ w sezonie do 60 euro-doba..Pani Rutkowska przygotowala mi ofert kilka i szybko dostalam propozycje.Pytalam po sto razy o rozne szczegoly:a to czy kuchnia wposazona? i o wiele innych drobiazgow.
Na kazde zapytanie otrzymalam szybka ,super odpowiedz.
Jesli pobyt moj i mojej rodziny okaze sie tez taki piekny w tym uroczm kraju to bede zachwycona.Biuro Wasze mili Panstwo ma dobra stronew intrnecie.Polecam kazdemu.Pisalam prosby o przedstwienie mi szczegolow ofert do polskich biur wielu,innych chorwackich biur i nie otrzymalam nawet w kilku procentach odpowiedzi takich,jakie otrzymalam ze Splitu Biura dla Was Panstwo.
Po powrocie napisze pozostale wrazenia.Jade pierwszy raz z rodzina nad Adriatyk.
Pozdrawiam i serdecznie za wszystko dziekuje.
Klaniam sie:lol::heart:
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(10 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
: lol: My first service from the office. Perfektnosc ideal employee. Professional communication. I encourage you to contact the person preparing my offer. I am delighted with your service. I like the website and it is well done .:Heart: I'm clinging to you.
Pierwsza moja usluga ze biura.
Peratywnosc idealna pracownika.komunikatywnosc profesjonalna.Super kontakt z osoba przygotowujaca moja oferte.Jestem zachwycona Panstwa obsluga.Strona podoba mi sie i jest wyjakowo dobrze zrobiona.:heart:
Klaniam sie.
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(10 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
Very competent agency we were very happy to thank you for the availability ...
Agenzia molto competente siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti ringraziamo per la disponibilita...
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(10 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
We are really satisfied with the service. Everything has gone much less painless and simpler in this way. I expect that everything goes on and on.:wink:
Stvarno smo zadovoljni uslugom. Sve je prošlo puno bezbolnije i jednostavnije na ovaj nacin. Očekujem da se sve tako i nastavi.:wink:
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(10 July 2008)
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Croatian (original)
I am satisfied with the services of the internet agency and the promptness of the business, after the offered accommodation has been selected. I think it would not be bad if the answer to e-mail queries was faster.
Zadovoljna sam uslugama internet-agencije i ažurnošću poslovanja, nakon što je odabran ponuđeni smještaj.
Smatram da bi ne bi bilo loše kada bi odgovor na e-mail upite bio brži.
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(10 July 2008)
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Croatian (original)
For the first time I use the ADRIATIC.HR service, until now I am very pleased with the cooperation with this company. All formalities are dealt with on time, very professionally. In particular, I would like to thank Mrs. Emilia Rutkowska for the very efficient service of my order. I hope that the rest will run very well as it is so far, and I will remember the stay on the Adriatic very positively. He will write about the impressions on his return. Yours sincerely, Marek Plaszke with his family
Po raz pierwszy korzystam z usługi firmy ADRIATIC.HR, do chwili obecnej jestem bardzo zadowolony ze współpracy z tą firmą. Wszystkie formalności są załatwiane w terminie, bardzo profesjonalnie. W szczególności chcialbym podziękowac pani Emilii Rutkowskiej za bardzo sprawną obsługę mojego zamówienia. Mam nadzieje, ze cała reszta będzie przebiegac bardzo dobrze jak to jest do tej pory, a pobyt nad Adriatykiem zapamietam bardzo pozytywnie. O wrazeniach napisze po powrocie. Z poważaniem, Marek Plaszke z rodziną
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(9 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
Reservation and online payment of the apartment deposit was quick and easy. I very much appreciate the quality of on the technical side. Complement more after return;).
Rezervace a online platba zálohy za apartmán proběhla svižně a bez problémů.
Velice ocěňuji kvalitu po technické stránce. Více doplníme po návratu;).
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(9 July 2008)
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Czech (original)