Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
As of now (I have just received a voucher) everything is ok. The websites are clear and transparent (although there are no photos on some). It would be good if the pictures of the owners of the lodgings were also included.
Jak na razie ( własnie otrzymałem voucher ) to wszytsko jest ok. Strony www są czytelne i przejrzyste ( chociaz na niektórych brak zdjęć ). Dobrze by było aby zamieszczone były równiez zdjęcia właścicieli kwater.
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(19 August 2008)
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Polish (original)
Everything has been solved very quickly, they are all pretty and worth working with such people.
S-a rezolvat totul foarte rapid, sunt toti draguti si merita sa lucrezi cu asemenea oameni.
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(19 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
fast service and detailed
servizio veloce e dettagliato
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(19 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
Hello, With regard to then, I decided to take advantage of my vacation with your family for the first time with your family, which means that the matter can sometimes be questioned. What we experienced with the family in the Tokić family is worth more than any compliment. Extremely friendly people, peaceful surroundings, friendly atmosphere, conversations. In any case, we are going to return to the same location (if we can not solve other privatizations options) and recommend these people to others. It is necessary to experience this, it is difficult to describe. At the same time, it praises your agency for the engagement and full realities of the experience offered. Good greetings from the Gogić family from Slovenia.: Heart:
Z ozirom nato da sem se z družino prvič odločil dopust izkoristiti prek vaše agencije kar pomeni da je lahko zadeva tudi včasih vprašljiva. To kaj smo z družino pri familiji Tokić doživeli je vredno več kot vsaka pohvala. Izredno prijazni ljudje, mirna okolica, prijateljsko vzdušje, pogovori. Vsekakor se bomo na isto lokacijo radi vračali (če ne bomo uspeli rešiti druge privat opcije) in te ljudi tudi priporočili drugim. To je potrebno doživeti, namreč opisati je težko. Hkrati pohvala vaši agenciji za angažiranost in popolno resničnost doživetja ponujenega. Lepe pozdrave od družine Gogić iz Slovenije.:heart:
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(18 August 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Agency serious, prepared and with very helpful staff. Quick responses and very comprehensive. The pictures of the apartment rented in Postira (beautiful country) fully correspond to reality. Perfect holiday. Thanks to Mrs. Augusta and I hope to meet new opportunities. Manuela Bernardini
Agenzia seria, preparata e con personale molto disponibile. Risposte veloci e molto esaurienti. Le foto dell'appartamento affittato in Postira (paese bellissimo) corrispondono appieno alla realtà. Vacanza perfetta. Grazie alla signora Augusta e spero di nuove occasioni di incontro. Manuela Bernardini
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(18 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
Very friendly and helpful locals, crystal clear waters, no crowds on the beach, peace ... a paradise for tired nerves.
Zelo prijazni in ustrežljivi domačini, kristalno čisto morje, nobene gneče na plaži, mir...raj za utrujene živce.
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(18 August 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Fast negotiation, and friendly staff. Too bad for the problems related to the transfer. Having booked the payment verification time at the last minute, they made us hold our breath ... if you have less than 5 days notice, use your credit card!
Trattativa veloce, e personale cordiale.
Peccato per i problemi legati al bonifico. Avendo prenotato all'ultimo momento i tempo di verifica del pagamento ci hanno fatto trattenere il fiato... se avete meno di 5 giorni di preavviso usate la carta di credito!
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(18 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
In August 2008, rented an apartment via the company After arrival at the place everything was identical with the conditions set by the, apartment as in the photograph, parking places of the house overlooking the sea and very nice owners. The whole procedure lasted for rent apartment 1 day (part I paid credit card)
W sierpniu 2008 wynajalem apartament za posrednictwem firmy Po przyjezdzie na miejsce wszystko bylo identyczne z warunkami przedstawionymi przez, apartament jak na zdjeciach, miejsc parkingowe pod domem widok na morze i bardzo mili wlasciciele. Cała procedura wynajecia apartamentu trwala 1 dzien (czesc placilem karta kredytowa)
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(18 August 2008)
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Polish (original)
Povile just went back to apartments and it was great better than the picture you can see a very nice owner wants to help in all things I recommend for families with children away from the closed area next to the Main road: lol:
właśnie wrócilismy z Povile i było super apartament lepszy niz widac na zdjeciu własciciel bardzo sympatyczny we wszystkim chce pomoc polecam dla rodziny z dziecmi teren zamkniety daleko od głownej drogi:lol:
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(18 August 2008)
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Polish (original)
Lezajlott.Tisztaság all right and we had a nice welcome köszönjük.Csak parking was a bit "exciting" but that's a small town like this.
Minden rendben lezajlott.Tisztaság és kedves fogadtatásban volt részünk köszönjük.Csak a parkolás volt egy kicsit "izgalmas"de hát ez a kis város ilyen.
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(18 August 2008)
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Hungarian (original)