Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Hello, I want to express my great gratitude to Adriatic, for the second year in a row we are vacationing in Marusichi in the vicinity of Omis, we all like it, the good-natured people will always help in the current problems, thank you very much. We hope that with the accession of Croatia to the citizens of Russia there will be indulgences in sighting
Здравствуйте, хочу выразить огромную благодарность компании Адриатик, второй год подряд мы отдыхаем в Марусичах в близи Омиша, все очень нравится, люди добродушные всегда помогут в сложившихся проблемах большое спасибо Вам, надеемся, что со вступлением в Евросоюз Хорватии для граждан России будут поблажки в визировании
You've rated us:
(22 December 2008)
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Russian (original)
Very nice website, I appreciate the accurate description of the position of their apartment floor plan, much of it makes a virtual výběr.Rezervace and telephone contacts run very professionally and all employees of this company are very nice and helpful. After returning like to write more info about accommodation and I will, in collaboration with further work:).
Velmi pěkné internetové stránky,oceňuji přesný popis polohy apartmánů i jejich půdorys,hodně to usnadňuje virtuální výběr.Rezervace i telefonické kontakty probíhají velmi profesionálně a všichni zaměstnanci této firmy jsou velmi příjemní a ochotní. Po návratu ráda napíšu další info o ubytování a ráda budu ve spolupráci s dále spolupracovat.:)
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(13 December 2008)
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Czech (original)
For the first time we have used the Adriatic service and we are satisfied with the course of the reservation. Instant response from a travel agency.Training at the professional and highest level, namely Katarina Homolová.Velmi nice processed web pages, clear with photos.Well I recommend.After vacation I will write more about accommodation.
Poprvé jsme využili služeb Adriatic a jsme spokojeni s průběhem rezervace.
Okamžitá odezva z cestovní kanceláře.Jednání na profesionální a nejvyšší úrovni,konkrétně Katariny Homolové.Velmi pěkně zpracované internetové stránky,přehledné s fotkami.Vřele doporučuji.Po dovolené napíši více o ubytování.
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(11 December 2008)
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Czech (original)
Pleasant accommodation - so in early September, since there is no air conditioning. Beautiful views, pleasant beach, delicious food. It's really a pity we had to get out of here sooner.
Kellemes szállás - így szeptember elején, ugyanis nincs légkondi. Gyönyörű kilátás, kellemes strand, finom ételek. Igazán kár, hogy hamarabb el kellett jönnünk.
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(10 December 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
I highly recommend miles Adriatic office staff. The second time I use their services and it is certainly not ostatni.Chorwacja piękna.Po arrival at the place of man is not disappointed. I highly recommend.: happy:: lol:: wink:
Bardzo polecam biuro Adriatic mila obsługa. Drugi raz korzystam z ich usług i napewno nie ostatni.Chorwacja jest piękna.Po przybyciu na miejsce człowiek nie jest rozczarowany. gorąco polecam.:happy::lol::wink:
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(9 December 2008)
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Polish (original)
The second time I use the services of Adraityc hr. I am very pleased with the fast and reliable service. To all who want to spend your holidays in Croatia recommend offer office, and certainly did not disappoint. I recommend!
Po raz drugi korzystam z usług Adraityc hr. jestem bardzo zadowolona z szybkiej i rzetelnej obsługi. Wszystkim którzy chcą spędzić urlop w Chorwacji polecam oferty biura ,a na pewno się nie zawiodą . Polecam!
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(5 December 2008)
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Polish (original)
Perfect handling, long for vacation!
Perfecte afhandeling, verlang naar vakantie!
You've rated us:
(26 November 2008)
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Dutch (original)
I can certainly congratulate you. For the fast and effective service, for the excellent exposure of the apartments and for the simplicity of the operations. I must add that I had set up the forms to be able to pay by credit card but later the possibility was not given to me. And that, inexplicably, the down payment has reached the recipient reduced by € 15 (to me it has cost € 13.36 more than expenditure for extra wire transfer). Patience, I renew the compliments.
Posso sicuramente farvi i complimenti.
Per il servizio rapido ed efficace,per l'ottima esposizione degli appartamenti e per la semplicità delle operazioni.
Devo aggiungere che avevo impostato la compilazione dei forms per poter pagare con carta di credito ma in seguito la possibilità non mi è stata data. E che,inspiegabilmente,il bonifico di acconto è giunto al destinatario decurtato di 15€ (a me è costato €13,36 in più di spesa per bonifico extra CEE).
Pazienza,vi rinnovo i complimenti.
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(26 November 2008)
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Italian (original)
Very nice web pages, arranged with photos. I have welcomed the layouts of the individual apartments, making it very easy to choose. Pleasant and professional Mrs. Petrani's appointment when ordering a reservation. Everything went smoothly and I strongly recommend it without any problems. After vacation I will write more about the accommodation: lol:
Velmi pěkně zpracované internetové stránky, přehledné s fotkami. Uvítal jsem nákresy půdorysů jednotlivých apartmanů usnadňuje to velmi výběr. Příjemné a profesionální jednání paní Petraniové při objednávání rezervace. Vše probíhalo hladce a bez problémů vřele doporučuji. Po dovolené napíši více o ubytování:lol:
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(26 November 2008)
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Czech (original)
Until now everything went great. Very friendly service. But I'm not true in my rented house yet.
Bis jetzt ist alles toll gelaufen.Sehr freundlicher Service.
Aber ich wahr ja noch nicht in meinem gemieteten Haus.
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(10 November 2008)
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German (original)