Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Kindness. Professionalità.OK
Gentilezza. Professionalità.O.K.
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(10 February 2009)
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Italian (original)
Professional approach to ordering in 2007, Mr. Pidíkovej now in 2009 Mrs. Naďovej shows your seriousness CK Greeting our entire family: wink:
Profesionálny prístup pri objednávaní v roku 2007 p. Pidíkovej
teraz v roku 2009 p. Naďovej je dôkazom serioznosti vašej CK s pozdravom celá naša rodina:wink:
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(9 February 2009)
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Slovak (original)
For the fourth time we use the services of and every time we are professionally served. We thank the Lord above all Roman Waligorskiemu and we hope that also this time when you return we will be able to share memorable experiences with your holiday in Croatia.
Po raz czwarty korzystamy z usług i za każdym razem jesteśmy profesjonalnie obsłużeni. Dziękujemy przede wszystkim Panu Romanowi Waligorskiemu i mamy nadzieję, ze również tym razem po powrocie będziemy mogli podzielić się niezapomnianymi przeżyciami z wypoczynku w Chorwacji.
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(9 February 2009)
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Polish (original)
Very nicely prepared selection page holiday. Excellent communication with the Agency through Janek Nadja. Thank you
Velice pěkně zpracované stránky pro výběr dovolené. Výborná komunikace s agenturou přes Janku Nađ. Děkujeme
You've rated us:
(8 February 2009)
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Czech (original)
We went to the Adriatic last summer, enjoyed it, so we decided to use your services again. No problems did not arise, it is easy to reach at any time, agency staff are polite and friendly. So we have kids and like last year, from January dreaming about the summer and looked at the house reserved in anticipation of a trip: heart:: heart:: heart:: happy:
Ездили с адриатиком прошлым летом, все понравилось, поэтому решили опять воспользоваться Вашими услугами. Проблем никаких не возникало, дозвониться легко в любое время, сотрудники агентства вежливы и доброжелательны .Так что мы и детки как и в прошлом году уже с января мечтаем о лете и разглядываем забронированный домик в ожидании поездки :heart::heart::heart::happy:
You've rated us:
(6 February 2009)
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Russian (original)
Thank you for your kindness. Everything was as we agreed. We will choose vacation through your agency. : Smile:
Hvala za vašo prijaznost. Vse je bilo tako, kot smo se dogovorili. Še bomo izbirali počitnice preko vaše agencije.:smile:
You've rated us:
(2 February 2009)
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Slovenian (original)
: heart :: tongue :: snose :: smile :: cool :: happy :: heart :: kiss :: lol :: sad :: snose :: wink :: astonish :: tired :: tongue:
jaz sem zadovolnjija sa njime:heart::tongue::snose::smile::cool::happy::heart::kiss::lol::sad::snose::wink::astonish::tired::tongue:
You've rated us:
(31 January 2009)
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Slovenian (original)
We were in August 2008. Very nice. Very nice hosts. None as such a beach, but thanks to this it was not crowded. Especially since the beach was "2" steps and you could "reserve" a place in the morning.
Byliśmy w sierpniu 2008. Bardzo fajnie. Bardzo mili gospodarze. Brak jako takiej plaży, ale dzięki temu nie było tłoczno. Szczególnie, że do plaży były "2" kroki i można było rano "zarezerwować" miejsce.
You've rated us:
(27 January 2009)
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Polish (original)
I am very pleased with the service I use 2 time and is always fast, efficiently and professionally: happy:
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług korzystam 2 raz i zawsze jest szybko , sprawnie i profesjonalnie:happy:
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(30 December 2008)
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Polish (original)
I am very satisfied with the services offered. The website is very clear and make easy the search for accommodation. I have no reason not to recommend the company Adriatic. Smile:: smile:: smile:
Ich bin sehr mit den angebotenen Leistungen zufrieden. Die Internetseite ist sehr übersichtlich und erleichtet das Suchen nach einer Unterkunft. Ich habe keinen Grund die Firma Adriatic nicht weiterzuempfehlen.:smile::smile::smile:
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(24 December 2008)
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German (original)