Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Vojtěch Kyncl
Perfect professional work of Mrs. Katarina Homolová. I believe that the stay will be on a similar level.
Perfektní profesionální práce paní Katariny Homolové.Věřím,že i pobyt bude na podobné úrovni.
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(14 June 2011)
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Czech (original)
Ferenc Pap
Fast, accurate, correct. A ++
Gyors, pontos, korrekt. A++
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(14 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Czech Republic
Jozef Macko, MUDr.
First experience with, but satisfied by fast and friendly call service and immediate response to requests.
First experience with, but satisfied by fast and friendly call service and immediate response to requests.
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(13 June 2011)
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English (original)
Faragó Antal
Booking was easy and smooth. I got all the help on the given phone number. I could easily adapt to the website. Credit card payments are also fast and fair. I received the feedback and Woucher in a short time. I am happy with the booking services. If the hotel meets my expectations, I will be completely satisfied. Antal Faragó
A foglalás könnyen és zökkenőmentesen ment. Minden segítséget megkaptam a megadott telefonszámon. A honlapon könnyen el tudtam igazodni.
A bankkártyás fizetés is gyors és korrekt. A visszajelzéseket és a Wouchert is rövid időn belül megkaptam. Elégedett vagyok a foglalással kapcsolatos szolgáltatásokkal.
Ha a hotel is találkozik az elvárásaimmal, akkor maradéktalanul elégedett leszek.
Faragó Antal
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(12 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Maria Botez
We did not use the services anymore. Regarding the search and booking of the accommodation, I was very pleased with Mrs. Laura Luncan, very prompt and friendly And the other members of the Romanian team were very friendly I hope that the holiday will be in good conditions, to have no surprises when we arrive there
Nu am mai folosit serviciile,
In privinta cautarii si rezervarii cazarii am fost foarte multumita de dna Laura Luncan, foarte prompta si amabila
Si ceilalti membri ai echipei nevorbitori de romana au fost foarte amabili
Sper ca si vacanta sa decurga in conditii bune, sa nu avem surprize cand sosim acolo
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(10 June 2011)
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Romanian (original)
Miklósi Annamária
Dear Melinda! thank you very much for the quick help and precaution for booking. The website can be completely revised. Anna Mari
Kedves Melinda! nagyon köszönöm a gyors segítséget és precizítást a foglaláshoz. A honlap teljesen tökéletesen áttekínthető. Annamari
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(10 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Gigliola Peruzzi
precise and efficient. excellent agency service. I hope I can still get some of your services.
precisi ed efficienti. ottimo servizio di agenzia. spero di potere avalermi ancora dei vostri servizi.
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(9 June 2011)
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Italian (original)
Best telephone and electronic contact, fast friendly, binding. I'm very satisfied, nothing more has offered the competition. Thank you, Mrs. Kornelija.
Bester telefonischer und elektronischer Kontakt, schnell freundlich, verbindlich. Bin sehr zufrieden, mehr hat keiner der Konkurenten geboten. Danke Frau Kornelija.
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(9 June 2011)
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German (original)
Martin Čechmánek
I used the Adriatic for the first time and I am very satisfied. Email communication with your employee, Katka Homol, was quick and easy to understand. Well thank you. Martin.
Služby Adriaticu som využil prvý krát a som maximálne spokojný. Emailová komunikácia s vašou pracovníčkou Katkou Homolovou bola pohotová a zrozumiteľná. Ďakujem. Martin.
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(8 June 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Dear Melinda! We were Maxxxxxxxx, and we are satisfied with the speed, the precision, the fairness, the kindness, and the functioning of the website! We wish you - as hopefully as we are - to have a great vacation! We wish you and the Travel Agency all the best: Klár Bálint + his family + friends
Kedves Melinda!
Maxxxxxxxximálisan megvoltunk, vagyunk elégedve gyorsaságával, precízségével, korrektségével, kedvességével, - s a honlap működésével!
Kívánjuk, hogy - remélhetőleg hozzánk hasonlóan - Önnek is nagyszerű nyaralása legyen!
Önnek és a az Utazási Irodának is minden jót kívánunk: Bálint Klári + családja + barátai
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(8 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)