Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Boto Krisztina
We are very pleased with the website, easy to use, all clear, detailed. The administration is surprisingly quick, helpful as we hope the holiday will succeed well. Thanks to Melinda Parcana !! Hi. Krisztina Botos
Nagyon megvagyunk elégedve a honlappal, könnyen kezelhető minden egyértelmü, részletes. Az ügyintézés meglepően gyors,segítőkész reméljük a nyaralás is jól sikerül. Köszönet Melinda Parčinanak!! Üdv. Botos Krisztina
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(19 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Elena Faconti
It is the second year that I entrust myself to this holiday agency in Croatia. Last year we had a great time in Rab, this year we will be towards Sibenik. Thanks to Vanja for availability. Excellent service!
E' il secondo anno che mi affido a questa agenzia per le vacanze in Croazia. L'anno scorso ci siamo trovati benissimo a Rab, quest'anno saremo verso Sibenik. Grazie a Vanja per la disponibilità. Ottimo servizio!
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(17 June 2011)
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Italian (original)
Kanász Gábor
I am very satisfied with the administration. The contact was kind, quick and helpful. I hope your vacation will be as smooth as the administration! Thanks to Melinda Parcina! Gabor
Maximálisan meg vagyok elégedve az ügyintézéssel. A kapcsolattartó kedves, gyors és segítőkész volt. Remélem a nyaralás is olyan zökkenőmentes lesz, mint amilyen az ügyintézés volt! Köszönet Melinda Parcinának! Gábor
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(17 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Tófei István
The site is good, easy to navigate. The booking was trouble free, the manager was always nice and helpful! Overall, I'm very happy with everything.
A honlap jól használható, könnyű eligazodni rajta. A foglalás problémamentes volt, az ügyintéző mindig kedves és segítőkész volt! Összességében mindennel nagyon elégedett vagyok.
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(17 June 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Elżbieta Jasińska
I heartily recommend the service. I easily found the right accommodation, and contact with the office is just a fairy tale. Mr. Roman professionally and quickly reacted to all doubts. I would like to thank him for that. I hope that rest will not be worse.
Bardzo serdecznie polecam usługi Łatwo wyszukałam odpowiednią kwaterę, a kontakt z biurem to po prostu bajka. Pan Roman profesjonalnie i szybko reagował na wszelkie wątpliwości. Serdecznie mu za to dziękuję. Liczę, że wypoczynek nie będzie gorszy.
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(16 June 2011)
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Polish (original)
Александр Любимов
I use the services of the agency for the second year. Magnificent work without exaggeration, attentive attitude to clients, prompt reaction to non-standard situations, benevolence. The most convenient and informative site of all that I've seen. Highly recommend. Special thanks to Svetlana Golubich, it's nice when the manager works not only responsibly, but also with the soul.
Пользуюсь услугами агентства второй год. Великолепная без преувеличений работа, внимательное отношение к клиентам, оперативная реакция на нестандартные ситуации, доброжелательность. Самый удобный и информативный сайт из всех, что видел. Настоятельно рекомендую. Отдельное спасибо Светлане Голубич, приятно когда менеджер работает не только ответственно, но и с душой.
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(15 June 2011)
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Russian (original)
Patrycja Bober
Very fast and competent service, I am extremely happy, thank you:)
Bardzo szybka i kompetentna usługa, jestem niesamowicie zadowolona, dziękuję:)
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(15 June 2011)
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Polish (original)
Mária Gašparová
professional and quick access, negotiation ... - I hope that recreation will meet our expectations.
profesionálny a rýchly prístup,jednanie k veci....-dúfam že aj rekreacia bude splĺňať naše očakávania.
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(15 June 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Dušan Kováčik
I am very satisfied, communication with Mrs Katarina Homolová was perfect, as well as her warmth and willingness. I can recommend Adriatic travel agency. I believe we spend a nice holiday in selected Croatian resorts.
Som maximálne spokojný, komunikácia s pani Katarínou Homolovou bola perfektná, rovnako ako aj jej ústretovosť a ochota. Cestovnú agentúru Adriatic môžem vrelo odporučiť. Verím, že strávime vo vybraných chorvátskych letoviskách príjemnú dovolenku.
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(15 June 2011)
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Janusz Książek
Fast and professional service, professional advice (Mr. Roman W.), I believe that the stay will be wonderful
Szybka i profesjonalna obsługa, fachowe doradztwo (p. Roman W.), wierzę że pobyt będzie cudowny
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(14 June 2011)
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