Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Piotr Janowski
Hello. The service bureau used the first time. Contact and formalities - no objection. Flat and conditions as described. Office recommendable.
Witam. Z usług biura korzystałem po raz pierwszy. Kontakt i załatwianie formalności - bez zarzutu. Kwatera i warunki jak w opisie. Biuro godne polecenia.
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(14 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Miroslav Drkoš Pages are very good, but there is room for improvement. I would welcome updated information on naturist beaches in the vicinity of the following facilities. For example, when objects in a cove on the island of Mljet Saplunara does not close nude beach, while there is a famous beach Blaca. Elsewhere, in turn, indicates that close to a nude beach, but the owner of the house knows about it. Also, I would welcome it if it were possible to include the proximity of nudist beaches between your search criteria.
Stránky sú veľmi dobré, ale aj tu je čo zlepšovať. Uvítal by som aktuálnejšie údaje o nudistických plážach v blízkosti ponúkaných objektov. Napríklad pri objektoch v zátoke Saplunara na ostrove Mljet sa neuvádza blízkosť nudistickej pláže, pritom je tam známa pláž Blaca. Inde sa zase uvádza, že v blízkosti je nudistická pláž, ale majiteľ objektu o nej nevie. Tiež by som privítal, ak by bolo možné zaradiť blízkosť nudistickej pláže medzi kritériá vyhľadávania.
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(14 August 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Mariusz Bryła
Everything was fine. Very good contact with office staff. Everything was done in the last days before leaving. Accommodation exactly as in the description. It is worth paying attention to the parking places, at some of the quarters (especially those close to the sea) we have to park in the street - and that, with narrow streets, results in nearly 60% damage to the car.
Wszystko było w porządku. Bardzo dobry kontakt z pracownikami biura. Wszystko udało się załatwić w ostatnich dniach przed wyjazdem. Kwatera dokładnie taka jak w opisie. Warto zwrócić uwagę na miejsca parkingowe, przy niektórych kwaterach (szczególnie tych blisko morza) musimy parkować na ulicy - a to, przy wąskich uliczkach skutkuje niemal w 60% uszkodzeniem auta.
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(13 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Ewa Bartoś
I used the service of this travel agency for the first time. The order was running smoothly and the accommodation fulfilled our expectations. The apartement was functional, clean and the hosts friendly.
Pierwszy raz korzystałam z usług tego biura podróży. Realizacja zamówienia przebiegła sprawnie, a kwatera spełniała nasze oczekiwania. Apartement był funkcjonalnie urządzony, czysty a gospodarze sympatyczni.
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(13 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Timotej Jecl
Excellent staff, very friendly and understanding, which made it very easy to rent an apartment in Croatia! Always on!
Odlično osebje , zelo prijazno in razumevajoče , kar je zelo poenostavilo najem apartmaja na Hrvaškem! Še tako naprej!
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(12 August 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
On feedback page there is no formatting available, and EVERY LANGUAGE does not show english comments.
On feedback page there is no formatting available, and EVERY LANGUAGE does not show english comments.
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(12 August 2011)
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Czech Republic
Magdalena Malá
Thank you for your beautiful vacation in Omis, we were very satisfied with everything.
Děkujeme za krásnou dovolenou v Omiši,byli jsme se vším moc spokojeni.
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(12 August 2011)
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Czech (original)
Vincenzo Proverbio
It is the second holiday that I entrusted to Adriatic.Hr. I can therefore say that it is a serious and reliable agency, in my opinion the most complete for holidays in Croatia, and with honest and accessible prices. Thank you. A special greeting to the agent Petra Kujundzic
é la seconda vacanza che mi sono affidato all'Adriatic.Hr.
posso quindi dire che è un'agenzia seria e affidabile,secondo me la piu completa per vacanze in croazia,e con dei prezzi onesti e accessibili. Grazie.
Un saluto particolare all'agente Petra Kujundzic
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(11 August 2011)
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Italian (original)
Владислав Гусев
Many thanks to Adriatic and personally to Yaroslav Sadovoy for his excellent attitude and help. The first time rested organizing the trip on their own and not how many did not regret it. I wish Adriatic and personally Yaroslav Sadovoy further prosperity.
Огромное спасибо Adriatic и лично Ярославу Садовому за отличное отношение и помощь. Первый раз отдыхали организовав поездку самостоятельно и не сколько не пожалели.Желаю Adriatic и лично Ярославу Садовому дальнейшего процветания.
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(11 August 2011)
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Russian (original)
Jerzy Marcol
Getting the apartment went very smoothly; the representative was very competent and patient in adapting to our expectations; the state of the accommodation was in line with the offer; To those who want to go to the ready and do not waste time looking for accommodation on the spot, I recommend
Załatwienie apartamentu poszło bardzo sprawnie; przedstawicielka była bardzo kompetentna i cierpliwa w dostosowywaniu się do naszych oczekiwań; stan kwatery był zgodny z ofertą; tym, którzy chcą jechać na gotowe i nie tracić czasu na szukanie kwatery na miejscu, polecam
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(11 August 2011)
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Polish (original)