Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Tibor Šimko
Good day. In this way, I express my satisfaction with travel agency, urgent equipment for booking our holiday through Katarína Homolova. I believe that the holiday will be pleasant as well. I wish many satisfied customers.
Dobrý deň. Aj touto cestou vyjadrujem spokojnosť s cestovnou agentúrou, urgentné vybavenie rezervácie našej dovolenky cez pani Katarínu Homolovú. Verím, že aj dovolenka bude príjemná. Prajem veľa spokojných zákazníkov.
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(18 February 2012)
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Czech Republic
František Bureš
Hello, I praise your services and especially very pleased with Katarina Homolova. For perfect access and mediation speed. Yours sincerely, Frantisek Bures
Dobrý den, chválím Vaše služby a hlavně velice ochotnou Katarinu Homolovou. Pro perfektní přístup a rychlost zprostředkování. S pozdravem František Bureš
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(17 February 2012)
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Czech (original)
Florescu Ovidiu
I have used the services and am pleased and pleased with the promptness they responded to. Ms. Laura Luncan was very nice and polite. It's the first time I go to and I hope to stay the way I want.
Am folosit serviciile şi sunt încântat şi mulţumit de promptitudinea cu care au răspuns. D-na Laura Luncan a fost foarte drăguţă şi politicoasă. E prima dată când apelez la şi sper să am un sejur aşa cum îmi doresc.
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(17 February 2012)
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Romanian (original)
Jaroslava Mičeková
Good day. This way, I would like to express my satisfaction with the travel agency, especially the urgent provision of our holiday accommodation through Katarína Homolová. I wish many satisfied customers:)
Dobrý deň. Touto cestou by som chcela vyjadriť spokojnosť s cestovnou agentúrou, hlavne urgentné vybavenie záležitostí spojených so sprostredkovaním našej dovolenky cez pani Katarínu Homolovú. Prajem veľa spokojných zákazníkov:)
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(17 February 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Andrea Deutsch
Fell immediately felt well looked after by Ms. Luncan, gave me on the questions asked by me competent answers, only to be recommended.
Fühlte mich sofort gut betreut durch Fr. Luncan, gab mir auf die von mir gestellten fragen kompetente antworten, nur zum weiterempfehlen.
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(16 February 2012)
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German (original)
Irena Možina
We like your website, we have been using it for the third year, so far we have been pleased with you and will continue to use it in the future. Greetings
Vaša spletna stran nam je všeč, koristimo jo že tretje leto, do sedaj smo bili z vami zadovolnji, uporabljali jo bomo tudi v prihodnje. Lep pozdrav
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(16 February 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Igor Jurše
The first impressions are very pleasant, everything goes like butter, so personal contacts are not needed at all. We will obviously continue to use the web in the future, even what is left for.
Prvi vtisi so zelo ugodni,vse gre kot po maslu,tako da osebni kontakti sploh niso potrebni.Očitno se bomo tudi v prihodnje posluževali spleta, tudi kar se dopusta tiče.
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(15 February 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Lesya Kutyanska
Thanks very much for! They help us for our decision, and I hoзe we will be happy after our vacation, and leave comment about this.
Thanks very much for! They help us for our decision, and I hoзe we will be happy after our vacation, and leave comment about this.
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(15 February 2012)
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English (original)
Małgorzata Kędzierska
The website is very readable, full information. Contact with a very good representative. After returning from vacation I will share my impressions. I greet Adriatic, hr.
Strona internetowa bardzo czytelna,informacje pełne.Kontakt z przedstawicielem bardzo dobry.Po powrocie z urlopu podzielę się wrażeniami.Pozdrawiam Adriatic,hr.
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(13 February 2012)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Marek Cerman
Hello. I want to praise and especially very willing Katarina Homolova for the perfect access and speed of mediation of My Holiday. Greetings and wishes of a nice day, Cerman Marek
Dobrý den. Chci pochválit a hlavně velice ochotnou Katarinu Homolovou, pro perfektní přístup a rychlost zprostředkování Mé dovolené. S pozdravem a přáním hezkého dne, Cerman Marek
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(9 February 2012)
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