Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Joanna Dąbrowska
Accommodation A-184-a met all our expectations to the extent we did not expect - better than the pictures and description. Time is in place near the water, shop, peace around, rest. Helpful hosts, nice impression of coming to the family and not for holidays from the office definitely RECOMMEND AND THANK YOU!
Kwatera A-184-a spełniła wszystkie nasze oczekiwania w stopniu jakiego się nie spodziewaliśmy- lepiej niż na zdjęciach i w opisie. Czas staje w miejscu blisko woda, sklep, spokój wokoło, pełen odpoczynek. Gospodarze pomocni, mili ma się wrażenie przyjazdu do Rodziny a nie na wakacje z biura zdecydowanie POLECAMY I DZIĘKUJEMY!
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(11 August 2012)
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Polish (original)
Walter Horn
How long will I still be tormented with primary school tasks? Enough
Wie lange werde ich noch mit Volkschulaufgaben geplagt? Genug
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(11 August 2012)
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German (original)
Maria RRoxana Popa
I am very pleased with the promptness with which I received the answers to my requests for booking an stay
Sunt foarte multumita de promptitudinea cu care am primit raspunsurile la solicitarile mele privind rezervarea unui sejur prin
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(10 August 2012)
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Romanian (original)
Martina Gošek
We expected a little more for this price. At such temperatures it is difficult without climate, and if the cooler just rotates and cools a little, you really can not sleep. We will do a little bit more effort in the search for the next year or with the offer of the village. The parking lot must also be provided with the owner, otherwise this must be taken into account when making a price.
Za to ceno sva pričakovala malo več. Pri takih temperaturah je težko brez klime in če še hladilnik samo ropoče in bolj malo hladi res ne moreš spati. Drugo leto se bova malo bolj potrudila pri iskanju oziroma pri vasši ponudbi. Tudi parkirišče mora biti zagotovljeno pri lastniku, sicer se mora to upoštevati pri ceni.
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(10 August 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Andrea Ivanková
Communication with the agency was trouble in Tučepi dovolenkovali already in 2009, so we have chosen this resort. We were however very disappointed with the situation on the beach, where there was literally between home visitors and Polish tourists literally a battle for a place on the beach and almost every deň.Musím emphasize that disputes provoked turisti.Keďže Polish tourist accommodation fee paid, should the city care enough to clean toilets at the beach, although at the cost of the fee. We were last year in Vodice and there were pay toilets (cost 3 weasels), but mostly clean.
Komunikácia s agentúrou bola bezproblémová,v Tučepi sme už dovolenkovali v roku 2009, preto sme si vybrali práve toto stredisko. Boli sme však veľmi sklamaní situáciu na pláži, kde doslova došlo medzi domácimi návštevníkmi a poľskými turistami doslova k bitke o miesto na pláži a to skoro každý deň.Musím zdôrazniť, že spory vyvolávali poľskí turisti.Keďže turista platí ubytovací poplatok,malo by sa mesto postarať o dostatok čistých toaliet na pláži, aj keď za cenu poplatku. Boli sme minulý rok vo Vodiciach a tam boli toalety platené (cena 3 kuny), ale hlavne čisté.
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(10 August 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Bucher Arnold
We were fully satisfied with the services of the adriatic, helpful in finding the right accommodation as well as in further information, I would recommend it to everyone and trust them. Thank You
Teljes mértékig meg voltunk elégedve az adriatic szolgáltatásaival, segítőkészek voltak úgy a megfelelő szállás megtalálásánál mint a további információkban, ajánlom mindenkinek és bizalommal lehet hozzájuk fordulni. Köszönjük
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(10 August 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Anton Bielik
Holiday through the Adriatic travel agency was very good. We were in Duce-Omis. What was on offer was actually a sand beach, apartment right next to the beach, great owner, quiet area and what pleased me what I have not seen in other parts yet, in the sea the beautiful shells we gathered. Thank you
Dovolenka cez cestovnú kanceláriu Adriatic dopadla veľmi dobre. Boli sme v Duče -Omiš. To čo bolo v ponuke, bolo aj v skutočnosti, piesková pláž, apartmán hneď pri pláži,výborný majiteľ, kľudná oblasť a čo ma potešilo, čo som ešte v iných častiach nevidel, v mori tie nádherné mušle, ktoré sme si nazbierali.Ďakujeme
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(10 August 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Nataliya Hrabarchuk
Rest in the town of Klenovitsa was a success! The proposed Apartments correspond to reality. The Hostess and the Host referred to their relatives. The sea, the beach, the area have made a fantastic impression - cleanliness and order. Cooperation and relationship with is Great POSITIVE!
Відпочинок в м.Кленовіце пройшов вдало! Запропоновані Апартаменти відповідають реальності. Господиня і Господар віднеслись як до близьких людей. Море, пляж, місцевість справили фантастичне враження - чистота і порядок. Співпраця і відношення з це Великий ПОЗИТИВ !
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(9 August 2012)
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Ukrainian (original)
Moira Meloni
I stayed in Croatia, availing myself of accommodation managed by your agency. the conditions of the accommodation are in my opinion below the minimum standard threshold. I invite you to better check the locations you have indicated. lack of mosquito nets or curtains on the windows, adhesive tape on kitchen countertops, washing machine sealed with tape ... hot infernal no fan supplied, linen counted. Wishing to see you in this regard, I offer more greetings. Meloni family
Ho soggiornato in Croazia, avvalendomi di alloggio gestito dalla vostra agenzia.
le condizioni dell'alloggio risultano a mio parere al di sotto della soglia minima di standar.
Vi invito a verificare meglio le location da voi segnalate.
mancanza di zanzariere o tende alle finestre, nastro adesivo su piani di appoggio cucina, lavatrice sigillata con nastro adesivo...caldo infernale essun ventilatore in dotazione, biancheria contata.
Augurandomi Vs riscontro al riguardo, porgo piu'cordilai saluti.
famiglia Meloni
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(9 August 2012)
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Italian (original)
Андрей Зайченко
Very promptly processed the order, offered options, sent a voucher. Everything is very professional and friendly. Thank you.
Очень оперативно обработали заказ, предложили варианты, выслали ваучер. Все очень профессионально и доброжелательно. Спасибо.
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(9 August 2012)
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