Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Igor Tsopov
Thank you very much for your good work. Good luck and prosperity to your business.
Спасибо большое за хорошую работу. Удачи и процветания вашему бизнесу.
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(11 August 2012)
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Wojciech Mączka
Accommodation code: A-4886-c Vinisce village - beautiful place calm Adriatik hr has been exemplary ... we recommend it for family holidays
Kod kwatery: A-4886-c miejscowość Vinisce -dalmacja miejsce piękne spokojne Adriatik hr spisał się wzorowo...polecamy na rodzinne wakacje
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(11 August 2012)
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Polish (original)
Daniele Gambero
I was very satisfied with the services and courtesy offered. The accommodation was to my liking and respected the presentation and expectations. Thank you
Sono rimasto molto soddisfatto dei sevizi e della cortesia offerti. L'alloggio è stato di mio gradimento e ha rispettato la presentazione e le aspettattive. Grazie
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(11 August 2012)
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Italian (original)
Bótos Lászlóné
We are completely satisfied for the second time. They were helpful, the website information was correct. I can recommend it to everyone.
Teljesen elégedettek vagyunk már második alkalommal. Segítőkészek voltak, a honlap információk korrektek. Ajánlani tudom mindenkinek.
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(11 August 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Tóth Attila László
It's a fair company. Everything helps me right away, I can only recommend it to everyone. Apartment was excellent in all aspects.
Nagyon korrekt cég. Mindenben azonnal segítenek, csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek.
Apartman kiváló volt minden szempontból.
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(11 August 2012)
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Czech Republic
Monika Kubjatová
For the second time, I have taken advantage of the services of your travel agency and I can only advise everyone. Fast negotiations, pictures correspond to reality. I am very happy and I will use your services again.
Už podruhé jsem využila služeb vaší cestovní kanceláře a všem můžu jen doporučit.rychlé jednání, obrázky odpovídají realitě. Jsem moc spokojená a příště využiji vaše služby zase.
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(11 August 2012)
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Czech (original)
Татьяна Подборская
Thank you very much for the work of the agency. All the information about the apartments, presented on the site, is true. There is a system that allows the agency to warn the owners about the time of their arrival, which is very convenient. The agency answered all the questions asked quickly and concretely. Once again for all the many thanks.
Спасибо огромное за работу агентству. Вся информация об апартаментах, представленная на сайте, соответствует действительности. Есть система, позволяющая через агентство предупредить хозяев о времени своего прибытия, что очень удобно. На все задаваемые вопросы агентство отвечало быстро и конкретно. Еще раз за все огромное спасибо.
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(11 August 2012)
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Deliné Dobó Tünde
We were completely satisfied with the services of Adriatic, we have always received / learned everything, I recommend it to others.
Az Adriatic szolgáltatásaival teljes mértékben elégedettek voltunk, mindent időben megkaptunk/megtudtunk, ajánlom másoknak is.
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(11 August 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Ryszard Porwich
I am asking for a specific bearing for an apartment with a view of the sea in Dalmatia at a reasonable price for 3 people. Thank you in advance for a hint.
Proszę o konkretny namiar na apartament z widokiem na morze w Dalmacji w rozsądnej cenie dla 3 osób.Za podpowiedź z góry dziękuję.
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(11 August 2012)
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Polish (original)
Petra Valachová
I recommend the agency, fast communication, the accommodation offer corresponded to the real situation.
Agentúru odporúčam, rýchla komunikácia, ponuka ubytovania zodpovedala reálnemu stavu.
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(11 August 2012)
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