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Blog sur la Croatie

Lisez davantage à propos des beautés naturelles et de la culture de Croatie, prenez de bonnes idées pour votre futur voyage sur la mer Adriatique et profitez de ces conseils utiles.

Rijeka – Big Carnival Finals

Rijeka – Big Carnival Finals

Posté: 02/03/11
Rijeka has been preparing a spectacle to mark the end of a carnival festivity that has been occupying the city streets for a month. On Sunday (March 6th) domestic and foreign carnival groups will... En plus...
European Museum of the Year in Croatia?

European Museum of the Year in Croatia?

Posté: 02/03/11
Among many museums in Croatia, one has a chance to win the European Museum of the Year Award. The choice is focused on those museums that showed artifacts presentation innovation thus attracting... En plus...
The Sound of Pula

The Sound of Pula

Posté: 24/02/11
What does Pula and Hollywood have in common? What connects 3000 year old town on the Adriatic with Californian “dream factory”? Answer: “The Sound of Music” film that won 5 Academy Awards. This... En plus...
Krk - Destination of Venus

Krk - Destination of Venus

Posté: 24/02/11
Krk has once again revealed a fascinating discovery from its ancient history to the world! Everything happened - by chance. Archaeological remains from Roman times were found during renovation of... En plus...
Croatia Under Disguise

Croatia Under Disguise

Posté: 19/02/11
During February Croatia lives for carnival. Coastal area and islands especially cherish tradition of disguising with masks that originates back in ancient times. In the past these “ugly masks” had... En plus...
Dubrovnik Captivates with Culture!

Dubrovnik Captivates with Culture!

Posté: 17/02/11
Visitors from all around the world are captivated by Dubrovnik cultural heritage. The old town and its surrounding walls are fascinating sights, a time machine to Renaissance age, when the town... En plus...



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