The town of Cres is the focal point of the eponymous Kvarner island. The strategic importance of its location has attracted numerous foreign powers throughout history. Their succession is the main reason why Cres has been imbued with such a rich and diverse historical heritage. Its Mediterranean climate, its fine beaches and the autochtonous rustical ambience of its surroundings make Cres the perfect place for a carefree holiday.
Cres - a picturesque wreath of the past
In far-off antiquity, the fort of Crepsa had stood on the site of modern-day Cres town. With time, a settlement had grown up around it, varying in size and shape, until the town's boundaries were finally settled during the Middle Ages with the construction of curtain walls. This age is brought back to vivid life by the sight of the three town gates and the round tower which was once the high point of the Venetian defense and early warning system.
Several churches and Renaissance palaces can likewise bear witness to the tumultuous past of Cres. Of particular note are the town loggia with its pillory, the twelfth-century Church of Saint Isidore and the fifteenth-century Arsan palace, which houses the Museum of Cres.
Valuable monuments are scattered throughout the spacious Bay of Cres, girded with a rocky wreath, and a major landmark are the rows of houses along the old town core.
Cres skies filled with birds
Not far from Cres there lies the small town of Beli. In it, the environmental center Caput insulae cares for the endangered population of the griffon vulture, one of whose last remaining habitats is found on Cres. A major symbol of the island, the mighty bird with its eight-foot wing span can be a spectacular sight as it soars in the skies above Cres.
Another intriguing sight can be seen at the oilery where the visitor will be introduced to olive working, from the moment green fruits arrive until the first drops of the famed oil begin to drip. Needless to say, the final product can be sampled and the deservedness of the fame judged for one's self.