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Beach Prezida, Vir


Beach Prezida

Beach Prezida is located in place Vir (Riviera Vir). This beach is categorized as: Pebble, Concrete slabs.
Adriatic.hr currently offers 87 bookable properties near the beach Prezida. Book your accommodation near the beach Prezida today!
Beach type:
Concrete slabs
Riviera Vir - Read our guide

Accommodation Beach Prezida

Apartments 23288
Vir Apartments 23288

Vir From €494.10 per day

Apartments 20177
Vir Apartments 20177

Vir From €75.60 per day

Apartments 23274
Vir Apartments 23274

Vir From €90.00 per day

Apartments 22971
Vir - Kozjak Apartments 22971

Vir - Kozjak From €243.00 per day

Apartments 18519
Vir Apartments 18519

Vir From €188.10 per day

Search - Beach Prezida

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