Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Congratulations on efficiency and sympathy.
Complimenti per l'efficienza e per la simpatia.
You've rated us:
(11 August 2006)
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Italian (original)
Very well detailed site, excellent accommodation description, Mrs. Ana very kind and friendly, there is nothing left to do now! Good stay everyone!: Tongue:
Sito molto ben dettagliato, descrizione degli alloggi eccellente, Sig.ra Ana gentilissima e cordiale, non resta ora che partire! Buon soggiorno a tutti!:tongue:
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(10 August 2006)
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Italian (original)
: cool: I'll be leaving on August 16th for the havr island !! So far, everything is perfect! A special thanks to Ms Ana !!!
Partiro' al 16 agosto per l'isola di havr!! Fin qui tutto perfetto! Un particolare ringraziamento alla sig.ra Ana !!!
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(10 August 2006)
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Italian (original)
I am happy with the reception I received at the agency level. Mrs. Anger made every effort to find accommodations that matched our itinerary and our family constraints. I thank it. The site is very well done and allows us to rent peacefully having all the necessary information.It remains for us to discover the country ...
Je suis contente de l'accueil qui m'a été réservé au niveau de l'agence. Madame Anger à mis tout en oeuvre pour nous trouver des logements qui correspondaient à notre itinéraire et à nos contraintes familiales. Je l'en remercie.Le site est très bien fait et nous permet de louer en toute tranquilité en ayant tous les renseignements nécéssaires.Il ne nous reste plus qu'à découvrire le pays...
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(10 August 2006)
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French (original)
We were happy with the organization and payment, but what we missed was: map. It is difficult to find a particular house in the town, especially if there is no one in English, Podaca:)
A szervezéssel, befizetéssel elégedettek voltunk, viszont ami hiányzott: térkép. A településen belül nehéz megtalálni egy adott házat, főleg ha ott senki nem beszél angolul, mint pl. Podacában:)
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(10 August 2006)
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Hungarian (original)
We were very pleasantly surprised by this travel agency, web site and access staff. We are leaving for a week to Croatia, so we hope it will run smoothly to the end without any problems. Just so: wink:
Touto cestovnou kancelariou, prevedenim web stranky aj pristupom pracovnikov sme boli velmi prijemne prekvapeni. Buduci tyzden odchadzame do Chorvatska, tak verime, ze vsetko prebehne az do konca bez problemov. Len tak dalej:wink:
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(10 August 2006)
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Slovak (original)
The site seemed very nice and the descriptions of the accommodation very detailed.
Il sito mi è sembrato molto curato e le descrizioni degli alloggi molto dettagliate.
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(10 August 2006)
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Italian (original)
The service offered was very good, I will recommend it to friends who want to travel to Croatia. Best regards Tiziana: lol:
Il servizio offerto è stato molto buono, lo consiglierò agli amici che vorranno recarsi in Croazia. Cordiali saluti Tiziana
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(9 August 2006)
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Italian (original)
We were terribly disappointed when we arrived in the bay of Zaraće on Hvar. The road that leads to the house is scary, it is not possible to pass two vehicles. Of course you only find out when you come. There are old boats on the beach that have obviously been removed when the same was painted for the site. This was the first time we tried to spend the Internet over and believe it safely and lastly. We have not experienced this kind of fraud yet . When you book your vacation, do not turn into a nightmare. Of course, the agency did not have any hearing problems, so our vacation ended before it started with the lost 1000,00 kn we paid in advance. Mostly NOT MORE !!!
Užasno smo bili razočarani kad smo stigli u uvalu Zaraće na Hvaru.Cesta kojom se dolazi do kuće je prestrašna, uska nije moguće da se mimoiđu dva vozila.Dućan je veličine omanje smočnice, a i tako je opskrbljen.Novina nema a kruh dolazi svaki drugi dan.Naravno to saznate tek kad dođete.Na plaži se nalaze stari čamci koji su očito bili maknuti kad se ista slikala za internet stranicu.Ovo je bilo prvi puta da smo pokušali ljetovati preko interneta , a vjerujte sigurno i zadnji.Ovakvu prevaru još nismo doživjeli.Pazite kad rezervirate ljetovanje da se ne bi pretvorilo u noćnu moru.Naravno u agenciji nisu imali nimalo sluha za nastale probleme, tako da se naš odmor završio prije nego je i počeo uz izgubljenih 1000,00 kn što smo unaprijed platili.Uglavnom NIKAD VIŠE!!!
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(8 August 2006)
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Croatian (original)
Communication with the travel agency and the entire organization of the stay is not a mistake. I can recommend it. Together we found beautiful accommodation: happy:
Komunikace s cestovní kanceláří i celá organizace pobytu nemá chybu. Můžu vřele doporučit. Společně jsme našli krásné ubytování.:happy:
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(8 August 2006)
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Czech (original)