Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Everything OK. Super equipment without problems. We thank Mrs.Pidik for the equipment
Všetko OK.
Super vybavenie bez problemov.
Dakujeme p.Pidikovej za vybavenie
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(1 March 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I already have a voucher and everything has been running smoothly and professionally so far. The site is kept very legibly and contains all the interesting information. For my attention, that the pages of individual objects do not save themselves in favorites separately, my attention is quickly recognized - which greatly facilitated surfing and reaching selected objects. And that you do not boast about the day before sunset, you will let me stay - for now - with what I have already written. The residual time will come in the middle of August:-)
Mam już voucher i jak do tej pory wszystko przebiegało sprawnie i profesjonalnie. Strona prowadzona jest bardzo czytelnie i zawiera wszystkie interesujące informacje. Na moją uwagę, że strony poszczególnych obiektów nie zapisują się w ulubionych osobno, szybko uzwgledniona moją uwagę - co znacznie ułatwiło surfowanie i docieranie do wybranych uprzedni obiektów. A że nie chwali się dnia przed zachodem słońca, pozwolicie, że pozostane - na razie - przy tym co już napisałem. Na reszcte przyjdzie czas w połowie sierpnia:-)
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(28 February 2007)
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Polish (original)
Thank you for the friendly and prompt execution of your order. Varied offer of accommodation and electronic communication. We are looking forward to: happy:
Děkuji za vstřícné a pohotové vyřízení objednávky. Pestrou nabídku ubytování i elektronickou komunikaci. Na dovolenou se těšíme:happy:
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(28 February 2007)
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Czech (original)
I am absolutely satisfied, mail communication is flawless and fast. Your catalog on the Internet is perfect, super cool, we have a full idea of how it looks and it's fine. While we are happy, I believe that will be the case even during the stay.
Som absolutne spokojna,komunikacia mailom je bezchybna a rychla. Vas katalog na internete je perfektny, super prehladny, mame uplnu predstavu, ako to tam bude vyzerat a to je fajn. Zatial sme spokojni, verim, ze to tak bude aj priamo pocas pobytu.
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(28 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
we decided to make a holiday this year with friends in Croatia. after clicking on your site, we have been living for three days and I am very pleasantly surprised by the number of apartments that are exactly according to our ideas. : smile: very hard to choose because we are still discovering new and new. And I hope that if we do it properly and it will be vacant / what is probably the biggest problem, because the quality / / I hope that the holiday will be so, we imagine. Sun, sea, relax, good friends with friends.
rozhodli sme sa tento rok aj s priatelmi pre dovolenku v Chorvatsku. po kliknuti na vase stranky, tu travim uz tri dni a som velmi milo prekvapeny z toho mnozstva apartmanov, ktore su vacsinou presne podla nasich predstav.:smile: velmi tazko sa vybera, lebo stale objavujeme nove a nove.A dufam, ze ak trafime na to spravne a bude este neobsadene /co je asi najvacsi problem, lebo je vidiet kvalita/, dufam, ze aj dovolenka bude taka, aku si predstavujeme. Slnko, more, oddych, dobra pohoda s priatelmi.
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(27 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
your internet page is done in a transparent way. It is well-oriented and fast searching. I appreciate that I do not have to find a complex way to find apartments (air conditioning, etc.) like a ton of other sites. Communication is very good and fast and reliable. And what a fact I can write about when I arrive.
vasa internetová strana je urobená prehľadne.Dobre sa v nej orientuje a rýchlo hľadá. Ocenujem že nemusím zložitým spôsobom zisťovať vybavenie apartmánov (klimatizácia a pod.)ako je tona iných stránkach. Komunikácia veľmi dobá a rýchla a spoľahlivá.
A o tom aká bude skutočnosť môžem napísať po príchode.
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(27 February 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I would like to thank this way for a very professional approach to clients, I have been communicating with Mrs Pidik and I was really happy. Also, the Web site organization has no error. Congratulations and wish a lot of successes.I will recommend you: smile:
Chtěl bych touto cestou poděkovat za velmi profesionální přístup ke klientům, komunikoval jsem s paní Pidikovou a byl jsem opravdu spokojen. Také organizace webové nabídky nemá chybu. Gratuluji a přeji hodně úspěchů.Budu Vás doporučovat !:smile:
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(26 February 2007)
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Czech (original)
I already have a voucher and everything has been running smoothly and professionally so far. The site is kept very legibly and contains all the interesting information.
Mam już voucher i jak do tej pory wszystko przebiegało sprawnie i profesjonalnie. Strona prowadzona jest bardzo czytelnie i zawiera wszystkie interesujące informacje.
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(26 February 2007)
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Polish (original)
For now, I am satisfied with the service of the office as well as from the offer on websites that contain detailed information about the proposed recreational facilities. Other impressions after returning from Croatia
Jak na razie jestem zadowolony z obsługi biura jak również z oferty na stronach internetowych zawierających szczegółowe dane o proponowanych obiektach wypoczynkowych.Pozostałe wrażenia po powrocie z Chorwacji
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(26 February 2007)
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Polish (original)
I am very pleased with the achievement of the mission of the Martina in the search for the appropriate accommodation and I hope that our leave will take place in that way. PRIMOŽ JAKOŠ
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(25 February 2007)
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Slovenian (original)