Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
The web pages are very clear, so I've just searched for what I needed. All travel agency services have worked so far without any problems, so I believe that the holiday that awaits us will be seamless.
Webové stránky jsou vytvořeny velice přehledně, takže jsem hned vyhledal to, co jsem potřeboval. Všechny služby cestovní agentury doposud fungovaly bez problémů, tak věřím, že bezproblémová bude i dovolená, která nás čeká.
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(4 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
Clear page. Very reliable information and most importantly consistent with the reality. A website worth recommending. Greetings to Mr Roman Waligórski: cool:
Strona czytelna. Informacje bardzo rzetelne i co najwazniejsze zgodne z rzeczywistościa. Strona godna polecenia. Pozdrowienia dla Pana Romana Waligórskiego:cool:
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(4 July 2007)
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Polish (original)
Clear page, reliable information, person providing very competent information - greetings for Mr. Porzuczek.Monika:
Strona czytelna, informacje rzetelne, osoba udzielająca informacji bardzo kompetentna-pozdrowienia dla p.Moniki Porzuczek.:lol:
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(3 July 2007)
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Polish (original)
It is the first time I use this agency. The service was excellent both for courtesy in answering the requested information and for the speed in the answers and in the conclusion of the reservation. : Lol :: lol:
E' la prima volta che utilizzo questa agenzia. Il servizio è stato ottimo sia per cortesia nella risposta alle informazioni richieste sia per la velocità nelle risposte e nella conclusione della prenotazione.:lol::lol:
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(3 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
The website of your agency as well as your personal approach are very professional and personal. All I did was book the aparman and pay back the rest. We will see if the holiday itself will be in a similar spirit. I believe yes.
Web stranky vasej agentury ako aj osobny pristup hodnotim ako velmi profesionalny a pritom osobny. Zatial som vsak iba bookoval aparman a zaplatil zalohu. Uvidime ci aj samotna dovolenka bude v podobnom duchu. Verim ze ano.
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(3 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
With the pages I'm satisfied, searching is simple, fast and provides enough information and choices. I like the electronic communication, the payment option for an account, and my reservation was also provided by your company promptly. Overall, I express my satisfaction.
So strankami som spokojna, vyhladavanie je jednoduche, rychle a poskytuje dostatocne informacie a moznosti vyberu. Vyhovuje mi elektronicka komunikacia,moznost platby na ucet a moja rezervacia bola aj zo strany Vasej spolocnosti vybavena promptne. Takze celkovo vyjadrujem spokojnost.
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(3 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Website very informative and easy to use. booking process straightforward and worked as planned:happy:
Website very informative and easy to use. booking process straightforward and worked as planned:happy:
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(3 July 2007)
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English (original)
From 23.6. until June 30, 2007 I was on vacation in Croatia, which I ordered via Adriatic. Before the holidays, communication was great, including instant answers to queries. I got into trouble in Croatia because I forgot the Voucher at home, so I did not know where to stay when I arrived in Omis. After a phone call with an Adriatic employee, everything was solved and we finally could stay in a great apartment after 18 hours of traveling and spend an unforgettable vacation. I highly recommend this site and order holiday through them. if it's a problem, they will not let you "in the shit". : smile: Sincerely, Ladislav Nolde
Od 23.6. do 30.6.2007 jsem byl na dovolené v Chorvatsku, kterou jsem si objednal přes Adriatic. Před dovolenou byla komunikace super, včetně okamžitého zodpovězení dotazů. V Chorvatsku jsem se dostal do problémů, protože jsem zapomněl doma Voucher, takže po příjezdu do Omiše jsem nevěděl kam se ubytovat. Po telefonickém rozhovoru se zaměstnancem Adriaticu bylo během chvilky všechno vyřešeno a my konečně mohli po 18 hodinách cesty se ubytovat do skvělého apartmánu a prožít nezapomenutelnou dovolenou. Vřele doporučuji tyto stránky a objednání dovolené přes ně. dyž je problém, nenechají vás "ve štychu".:smile:
S pozdravem Ladislav Nolde
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(3 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
We have taken your internet page to our attention. As far as communication with your CG staff is concerned, we have to say that it was very good, fast, and always happy to meet us, just at the level. Zuzana Labska, Czech Republic
Vase internetove stranky nas zujaly, Pokud jde o komunikaci s pracovniky vasi CK, tak musime konstatovat, ze byla velmi dobra, rychla, vzdy se zajmem nam vyhovet, proste na urovni.Dekujeme zvlastě pani Homolove. Zuzana Labska, Ceská republika
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(3 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
Despite having tried for the first time to book an online holiday, I was satisfied with this agency for their seriousness and the speed with which they contact the customer.
Nonostante abbia provato per la prima volta a prenotare una vacanza on line, sono rimasta soddisfatta di tale agenzia per la loro serietà e perla celerità con cui contattano il cliente.
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(3 July 2007)
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Italian (original)