Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I wish you great success Erika Kelecsenyi
Sok sikert kivánok Kelecsényi Erikának.zsike
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(18 July 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
The web site is made very professionally, as it also allows for secure payment on the Internet. Contact is very quick, where they explained how and what to pay. With the whole service we were very satisfied before the holidays and we believe that we will be at the holidays themselves.
Spletna stran je narejena zelo profesionalno, saj omogoča tudi varno plačevanje po internetu. Zelo hiter je tudi kontakt, kjer so nama razjasnili kako in kaj s plačevanjem. S celotno storitvijo smo bili pred počitnikovanjem zelo zadovoljni in verjamo, da bomo tudi na samih počitnicah.
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(18 July 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
We are waiting for a voucher for more than two weeks. After five days departure.
Мы ждем ваучер уже больше двух недель.Через пять дней вылет.
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(18 July 2007)
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Russian (original)
Excellent service, very friendly is not appropriate. Everything is done in a very short time and really in the 'last minute'. All the congratulations and thanks, bostjan: smile:
Odlicen servis, zelo prijazni ni ustrezljivi. Vse urejeno v zelo kratkem casu in res v 'zadnji minuti'. Vse cestitke in zahvala,
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(18 July 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
Above the site I was extremely surprised, because it is well organized, easy to use and could serve as an example to others. All praise !!
Nad stranjo sem bil izjemno presenečen, saj je odlično organizirana, preprosta za uporabo in lahko bi bila za zgled drugim. Vse pohvale!!
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(18 July 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
I appreciate the information's content on your site. On other pages, a person from the visual material can not imagine the beach and the nature of the country in which it is going. For us the beauty of nature is the most important. We welcome you to have a great photographic documentation of the other nearby beaches and photodocumented landscape. I appreciate the flexibility and gentleness that I have encountered when approving your appointment. I hold my thumbs and I wish many blessings Daniel: heart:
Na vašej stránke ocenujem obsažnost informacií. Na iných stránkach si človek z obrazoveho materiálu nevie urobit predstavu o plaži a charaktere krajiny do ktorej ide. Pre nás krása prírody je najdoležitejsia. Vítame, že máte veľkú fotodokumentáciu prilahlej aj iných blízkych pláži i fotodokumntáciu krajiny. Ocenujem pružnost a ústretovost s akou som sa pri vybavovaní dovolnky u vás stretol. Držím palce a prajem veľa požehnania
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(18 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
: cool: Great stay. I recommend the office, thanks to Monika for all the help.
:cool:Wspaniały pobyt. Polecam biuro, podziękowania dla Pani Moniki za wszelką pomoc.
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(18 July 2007)
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Polish (original)
I used the web site to order the stay for the first time. Only after the Voucher has been sent is it all without problems. I really appreciate your service. I believe I do not disappoint the rest of the accommodation. I would appreciate more information about the current situation in Croatia when sending Voucher. I have in mind, for example, various warnings, food price bases, motorway toll charges, fuel prices. Recommended paths or hikes for historical sights or natural attractions during the trip.
Web som použil pre objednanie pobytu prvý raz. Až po zaslanie Voucheru prebieha všetko bez problemov. Skutočne Vašu službu považujem za vynikajúcu. Verím, že ma nesklame ani ten zbytok súvisiaci s ubytovaním. Uvítal by som pri zaslaní Voucheru viac informácii o aktuálnej situácii v Chorvátsku. Mam tým na mysli napr. rôzne upozornenia, základne ceny potravín, diaľničné poplatky, ceny pohonných hmôt. Doporučené cestné trasy, poprípade uputavky na historické pamiatky či prírodné zaujímavosti počas cesty.
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(17 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I am absolutely satisfied with your services, I think friendly and communicative, I have never experienced such a degree, even though I have been ordering holidays over the Internet for a long time, but I do not know if it is not just thanks to your lady Mrs. Homolova I would be mistaken) that always immediately responded to my demands and I think I was not an easy and trouble-free client. So thank you. I wish other grateful customers. Will greet Jitka Gecová
Jsem absolutně spokojena s vašimi službami,myslím vstřícné jednání a komunikativnost,to jsem dosud nikde v takové míře nezažila,přestože si už delší dobu objednávám dovolené pouze přes internet,ale nevím jestli to není jen díky vaší pracovnici paní?(slečně) Homolové (nerada bych se spletla),která vždy okamžitě reagovala na moje požadavky a myslím,že jsem nebyla nenáročný a bezproblémový klient.Takže díky.Přeji další vděčné zákazníky.Zdraví Jitka Gecová
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(17 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
Well! The smile says it all.I was satisfied with the whole service.I was shown seriousness and availability.I was initially skeptical but I'm glad I trusted.Thanks and the next vacation.Saluti: lol:
Beh! il sorriso dice tutto.Sono rimasto soddisfatto dell' intero servizio.Mi è stata dimostrata serietà e disponibilità.Inizialmente ero scettico ma sono contento di essermi fidato.Grazie e alla prossima vacanza.Saluti:lol:
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(17 July 2007)
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Italian (original)