Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
A stay in this place is worth recommending for everyone! Very nice and nice host! Apartment large and perfectly located! If you're wondering where to go, it's definitely there !!! : Happy :: lol :: cool:
Pobyt w tym miejscu jest godny polecenia dla każdego! Bardzo miły i sympatyczny gospodarz! Apartament duży i doskonale położony! Jeśli zastanawiacie się gdzie się wybrać to zdecydowanie właśnie Tam!!!:happy::lol::cool:
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(19 August 2007)
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Polish (original)
The main reason for the decision to leave in the apartment 2345 was a great view from the terrace that is presented as an integral part of the apartment. By coming to the apartment I realized that I was cheated because there is no trace from the terrace, the beach is 200 meters away, the aprtman has a TV set, a telephone, and internet access. Of all the offered truth is that apartment 2345 is located in the town of Ika not far from Opatija, everything else is a classic scam. Agency ADRITAIC from Split deliberately or insulted, nevertheless, made a classic fraud, and I invite anyone who is trying to rent any apartment from this agency in the future, and they do not work until their own eyes are convinced that the truth is what is offered to them.
Glavni razlog za odluku o ljetovanju u apartmanu 2345-a je bio izvanredan pogled sa terase koja je u ponudi prikazana kao sastavni dio apartmana. Dolaskom u apartman shvatio sam da sam prevaren jer od terase nema ni traga, takođe po ponudi je plaža udaljena 200 metara, aprtman ima televizor,telefon,kao i pristup internetu.
Od svega ponudjenog istina je samo da se apartman 2345-a nalazi u mjestu IKA nedaleko od Opatije, sve ostalo je klasična prevara.
Agencija ADRITAIC iz Splita je namjerno ili omaškom, svejedno, izvršila klasičnu prevaru, te pozivam sve koji ubuduće pokušavaju iznajmiti bilo kakav apartman od ove agencije to ne rade dok se vlastitim očima ne ubijede da je istina ono što im se nudi.
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(19 August 2007)
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(19 August 2007)
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(19 August 2007)
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Croatian (original)
We just returned from our best vacation so far. Excellent mediation and organization. Thank you .:smile:
Ravnokar smo se vrnili z našega najboljšega dopusta do sedaj. Odlično posredovanje in organizacija. Hvala vam.:smile:
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(19 August 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
I looked at many similar cards and tried it in the days, which proved to be the best one. The reservation was made one day before the 20th day of August, so the time factor was especially important. They reacted surprisingly quickly and were very helpful. Special thanks to Csaba Csík, I wrote it to her and was accessible to the green number on the website.
Sok hasonló lapot néztem és próbáltam a napokban, ez bizonyult a legjobbnak. A foglalást az aug 20-i három napos ünnep előtt egy nappal intéztem, így az idő-tényező különösen fontos volt. Meglepően gyorsan reagáltak és nagyon segítőkészek voltak. Külön köszönet Csík Csabának, vele leveleztem és szükség szerint elérhető volt a honlapon is látható zöld számon.
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(18 August 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
Thank you very much for your assistance in organizing our holiday in Croatia next time, we will definitely use the services of your agency: cool :: tongue:
Огромное спасибо за ваше содействие в организации нашего отдыха в Хорватии
в следующий раз обязательно воспользуемся услугами вашего агенства
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(18 August 2007)
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Russian (original)
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(18 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Very professional and especially well done page. Keep up the good work. I especially want to thank Mrs Alexandra Pidík for her patience and willingness!
Veľmi profesionálne a hlavne prehľadne urobená stránka. Len tak ďalej. Osobitne chcem poďakovať pani Alexandre Pidíkovej za jej ústretovosť a ochotu!
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(17 August 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Thank you, in particular, Janke Nadj for her approach, willingness and completeness of the information she has provided me when organizing a holiday at the lighthouse in Struga. I write this before holiday, so you will definitely still get a feedback from the lighthouse and everything around. So much so much. I cordially greet Bratislava.
Ja ďakujem vopred špeciálne pani Janke Nadj za jej prístup, ochotu a kompletnosť informácií, ktoré mi poskytla, pri organizovaní dovolenky na majáku v myse Struga. Toto píšem pred dovolenkou, takže sa určite ešte ozvem so spätnou reakciou na maják a všetko okolo. Zatiaľ toľko. Srdečne pozdravujem z Bratislavy.
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(17 August 2007)
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