Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Very profesionalna service, great website, and contact very nice and fast. Great recognition for Monika Monika Krizmanić. Impressions after returning. I highly recommend: happy :: happy :: happy:
Bardzo profesionalna obsługa, świetna strona internetowa, a kontakt bardzo miły i szybki. Wielkie uznanie dla Pani Moniki Krizmanić. Wrażenia po powrocie. Gorąco POLECAM:happy::happy::happy:
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(10 February 2008)
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Polish (original)
Until now, being the first time I tried your page, everything looks nice and arranged. Regarding the response to online reservation, payment and confirmation was prompt and effective. Thank you.
Pina in momentul de fata , fiind prima ora ca am incercat pagina dumneavastra, totul pare frumos si aranjat. Referitor la reactia la rezervarea on-line, plata si confirmarea a fost f prompt si eficace. Va multumesc.
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(8 February 2008)
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Romanian (original)
With Adriatic HR, I am still satisfied.
So službami Adriatic HR som zatiaľ spokojný.
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(8 February 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
Office offer great: smile:. Support fast, professional and understanding. I already have vocher, impressions after returning in July. Thank you and recommend it to everyone!: Happy:
Oferta biura super:smile:.Obsługa szybka,profesjonalna i wyrozumiała.Mam już vocher,wrazenia po powrocie w lipcu.Dziękuję i polecam wszystkim!:happy:
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(8 February 2008)
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Polish (original)
With I'm happy, Mrs. Homol is very nice. This year we will go with the Adriatian for the second time and I believe it will be a great holiday like last year. : smile:
S cestovkou jsem spokojený, paní Homolová je velmi příjemná. Letos pojedeme s Adriaticem po druhé a věřím, že to bude skvělá dovolená jako v loni.
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(8 February 2008)
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Czech (original)
Professional and friendly service, one of the best agency services I have ever used. Regards
Profesjonalna i miła obsługa ,jedna z najlepszych agencji z usług ,której do tej pory korzystałem. Pozdrawiam
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(7 February 2008)
English Google Translate |
Polish (original)
Thanks for the "quick" order execution and overall positive customer approach.
Děkujeme za "bleskové" vyřízení objednávky a celkový pozitivní přístup k zákazníkovi.
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(7 February 2008)
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Czech (original)
Good day. For the first time, we have been using the Adriatic services and we are still happy with them, as well as with Mrs. Petrani's willingness to help us in booking our holiday. The pages are quite clear, easy to orientate, the offer is great. We hope that we will be happy with our stay and will be able to recommend them to our friends and acquaintances. Let us write our impressions on this site after the holidays. : Smile:
Dobrý deň. Prvý krát využívame služby Adriatic-u a sme s nimi zatiaľ spokojní, ako aj s ochotou pani Petraniovej, ktorá nám pomáhala pri rezervácii našej dovolenky. Stránky sú dosť prehľadné, ľahko sa na nich orientuje, ponuka je veľká. Dúfame, že budeme spokojní aj s našim pobytom a budem môcť doporučiť ich aj našim priateľom a známym. Určite na tieto stránky napíšme naše dojmy aj po skončení dovolenky. :smile:
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(6 February 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
In the communication via my mail it came to a difficukt situation because my mailserver broke down. A timelimit was directely extended when I made one phonecall to Adratic hr. and a pleasant konversation sattled tha problem. I got directely a mail when Adratic hr recived the copy of my bankpayment and my voucher came a few days later. Adriatic work with a highly professinal attitude and understand that "things" can be a mess in the electronical world. It is very pleasant and reassuring to use their services in renting a beatuful apartment in Croatia.
My best regards to You all att the Adriatic hr.
Lennart Höglund
In the communication via my mail it came to a difficukt situation because my mailserver broke down. A timelimit was directely extended when I made one phonecall to Adratic hr. and a pleasant konversation sattled tha problem. I got directely a mail when Adratic hr recived the copy of my bankpayment and my voucher came a few days later. Adriatic work with a highly professinal attitude and understand that "things" can be a mess in the electronical world. It is very pleasant and reassuring to use their services in renting a beatuful apartment in Croatia.
My best regards to You all att the Adriatic hr.
Lennart Höglund
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(5 February 2008)
English original |
English (original)
Hello. I was very pleased with both the website and the tiffany meeting with your business representatives. Thank you. Lana
Dobrý den. Byl jsem velmi spokojen, jak s internetovými stránkami, tak i při tlefonickém jednání se zástupci Vaší firmy. Děkuji. Lána
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(5 February 2008)
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Czech (original)