Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
We like your site on the Internet, everything is clear, we just did not know if the updates are always "fresh".
Vaše stránky na internetu se nám líbí, vše je přehledné, jen jsme nevěděli, jestli jsou aktualizace termínů vždy "čerstvé".
You've rated us:
(2 June 2008)
English Google Translate |
Czech (original)
Very good site, promptly from Laura, so far everything went well ... the rest of the impressions ... after we come back from vacation (hope to be as it was told): smile:
Site foarte bine facut, promptitudine din partea dnei Laura;pana acum totul a decurs f bine...restul impresiilor ...dupa ce ne intoarcem din vacanta (speram sa fie asa cum ni s-a spus):smile:
You've rated us:
(2 June 2008)
English Google Translate |
Romanian (original)
thanks for the quality of the services offered, for your professionalism, promptness and seriousness, all of which give me the hope that I will spend a dream holiday in Croatia.
multumiri pentru calitatea serviciilor oferite, pentru profesionalismul, promptitudinea si seriozitatea dvs.
toate acestea imi dau speranta ca voi petrece o vacanta de vis in croatia.
You've rated us:
(2 June 2008)
English Google Translate |
Romanian (original)
Thank you for having a quick Voucher, communication in English is excellent. Bukovsky
Dakujem za rychle vybavenie Voucheru, komunikacia v slovencine je vyborna. Bukovsky
You've rated us:
(2 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I used the service and I was satisfied with the speed with which I was informed about the occupancy of the selected object. I also recommended this help to my friend, who is also planning to spend holidays in Croatia.
Sluzby som vyuzila a bola som spokojna s rychlostou s akou mi boli poskytnute informacie o obsadenosti nami vybrateho objektu. Tuto kancelatiu som odporucila aj mojej znamej ktora sa tiez chysta na dovolenku do Chorvatska.
You've rated us:
(1 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I was happy with your site and quick booking. I look forward to further cooperation: wink :: wink :: wink:
S vašimi stránkami a rychlou rezervací jsem byl spokojen.Těším se na další spolupráci.:wink::wink::wink:
You've rated us:
(1 June 2008)
English Google Translate |
Czech (original)
For now, everything is ok, super fast and competent, I will write more after return, greetings for Mr. Roman Waligórski
Jak na razie wszysko ok, super szybko i kompetentnie, wiecej napiszę po powrocie,
pozdrowienia dla p. Romana Waligórskiego
You've rated us:
(31 May 2008)
English Google Translate |
Polish (original)
: lol: good service thanks
:lol: un buon servizio grazie
You've rated us:
(31 May 2008)
English Google Translate |
Italian (original)
Before I find this site I was searching between offers for hours.It is so clear and you have all informations you need.The administration is easy and quick .
If the other sites I can rate with 6 or max 7 this site is definitely 10+
All my friends knows already about it from me ,so I can only congratulate the team involved in this .
Nice holiday for everyone !!!!
Juhász Zsolt ,Oradea,Romania
Before I find this site I was searching between offers for hours.It is so clear and you have all informations you need.The administration is easy and quick .
If the other sites I can rate with 6 or max 7 this site is definitely 10+
All my friends knows already about it from me ,so I can only congratulate the team involved in this .
Nice holiday for everyone !!!!
Juhász Zsolt ,Oradea,Romania
You've rated us:
(31 May 2008)
English Google Translate |
Hungarian (original)
Very good and clear website. Fast and professional customer service .:olol::smile::happy::heart::kiss:
Bardzo dobra i czytelna strona.Szybka i profesjonalna obsługa klienta.:cool::smile::happy::heart::kiss:
You've rated us:
(30 May 2008)
English Google Translate |
Polish (original)