Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
For now, for me, it was impressive for Mrs. Laura's promise and the fact that you can correspond in several languages, including Romanian. I hope that we will be just as happy and call on
Deocamdata, pentru mine, impresionant a fost promtitudinea doamnei Laura si faptul ca poti coresponda in mai multe limbi, inclusiv in limba romana.Sper ca si mai departe sa fim la fel de multumiti si sa mai apelam la agentia
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(5 June 2008)
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Romanian (original)
We have been traveling 2x with Adriatic. Everything went smoothly, just like the first time. We are extremely satisfied. Vacation experiences to return. We only wish you satisfied customers.
S CK Adriatic pocestujeme už 2x. Všetko prebehlo hladko, tak ako po prvýkrát. Sme nadmieru spokojní. Zážitky z dovolenky až po návrate. Prajeme Vám len spokojných zákazníkov.
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(5 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
We sincerely thank you for planning your summer vacation. We are part of a group of skeptics about various agencies, internet reservations, etc., but you completely reassured us ... thank you very much
Najiskrenije vam se zahvaljujemo za pomoć pri planiranju ljetovanja. Spadamo u skupinu skeptika glede raznih agencija, internet rezervacija i sl., no potpuno ste nas razuvjerili... najljepsa vam hvala
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(4 June 2008)
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Croatian (original)
I am very impressed with your promptness. Thanks and I hope to spend a dream holiday with your help Well done!
Sunt foarte impresionat de promptitudinea dvs. Multumiri si sper ca sa petrecem o vacanta de vis cu ajutorul dvs.
Well done!
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(4 June 2008)
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Romanian (original)
my reservation has just been confirmed, the follow-up is perfect, the desire to do well and the attractive prices. following the return of my stay; thank you for your skill.
ma réservation vient d'etre confirmée, le suivi est parfai, l'envie de bien faire aussi et les prix attrayants. la suite au retour de mon séjour; merci pour votre compétence.
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(4 June 2008)
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French (original)
Hello, I'm a type of person who uses road services. offices, very few. As we decided to spend this year using such services this year, we contacted several agencies. I was most concerned about the processing of your site and the way you can easily navigate it. But most of all, I was pleased and pleasantly surprised by the willingness and warmth of your staff, especially in my case, Miss Alenka Bešinová. Thank you so far and I hope to write only impressions with pleasant holidays after a happy return ..: cool:
Dobrý deň,
som typ človeka, ktorý využíva služby cest. kancelárií, veľmi málo. Kedže sme sa tento rok rozhodli stráviť dovolenku s využitím takýchto služíeb, oslovili sme viacero agentúr. Najviac ma oslovilo spracovanie Vašich stránok a spôsob ako ľahko sa v nich dá orientovať. Najviac ma však potešila a milo prekvapila ochota a ústretovosť Vašich zamestnancov, najmä v mojom prípade slečny Alenky Bešinovej. Zatiaľ ďakujeme a dúfam, že už napíšeme len dojmy s príjemnej dovolenky po šťastnom návrate..
You've rated us:
(3 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
As far as the ordering of the holiday is concerned, I am very satisfied - everything went smoothly. The pages are very clear and nice. The services are fast and easy to understand. Thank you very much and I hope we will like the selected accommodation. : smile:
Co se týká objednání dovolené jsem velmi spokojena-vše proběhlo zatím hladce. Stránky jsou velmi přehledné a pěkné. Služby probíhaji rychle a srozumitelně.Zatím děkujeme a doufám,že se nám vybrané ubytování bude líbít.:smile:
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(3 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
Many thanks to the company and personally Svetlana Golubich! A convenient, understandable and intuitive website, a clear, fast and friendly work of the manager and, as a result, we all go to Croatia with the whole family! Why does it seem that this is not the last meeting with the Adriatic firm!: Smile: Once again - many thanks to all! The Volkov family
Огромное спасибо фирме и лично Светлане Голубич! Удобный, понятный и наглядный сайт, четкая, быстрая и доброжелательная работа менеджера и, как результат, мы всей семьей едем в Хорватию! Почему то кажется, что это не последняя встреча с фирмой Адриатик!:smile:
Еще раз - огромное спасибо всем!!! Семейство Волковых
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(3 June 2008)
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Russian (original)
For the time being, I have been very satisfied with services, especially with Mrs. Maya, who quickly provided me with all the information I wanted. I still do not have the experience of accommodation.
Zaenkrat sem bila z storitvami zelo zadvoljna, predvsem z ga. Majo, ki mi je zelo hitro posredovala vse željene informacije.Izkušenj z nastanitvijo pa še nimam.
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(3 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
I was very pleased with the kindness and generosity of the employees!
Zelo sem bil zadovoljen s prijaznostjo in ustrežljivostjo zaposlenih!
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(3 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)