Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I was very happy with booking a holiday on Adriatik. The booking was simple, fast and easy. If our vacation goes as well as the entire reservation I believe we will use the services in the future.wink:
S rezervací dovolené na stránkách Adriatik jsem byla velice spokojená. Rezervace byla jednoduchá, rychlá bez problémů. Pokud naše dovolená proběhne stejně dobře jako celá rezervace věřím, že služby využijeme i do budoucna.:wink:
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(12 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
Good day to all! I have read many reviews and agree that the efficiency and accuracy of European quality. This is very attractive. We hope very much that the rest will be of the same quality. Svetlana Golubich sincere thanks.
Добрый день всем! Прочитала много отзывов и согласна с тем, что оперативность и точность европейского качества. Это очень привлекает. Надеемся очень, что отдых будет такого же качества. Светлане Голубич искреннее спасибо.
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(12 June 2008)
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Russian (original)
I was satisfied with the service and especially the speed with which it was offered to me. thanks again for the availability.: wink :: kiss :: happy:
sono rimasto soddisfatto del servizio e soprattutto della velocità con cui mi è stato offerto. grazie ancora per la disponibilità.:wink::kiss::happy:
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(12 June 2008)
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Italian (original)
I would like to thank you for your prompt and friendly cooperation and all the necessary information.
Zahvaljujem se za hitro in prijazno sodelovanje ter vse potrebne informacije.
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(12 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
At, I have readily and quickly found all the information I care about holiday, the offer is really wide and the effort to meet the given demands is maximum. I was very satisfied, I was originally looking for other websites, but this is unrivaled, the action is fast, pleasant and the effort to satisfy first. Thank you very much. Stáňa Čapková
Na stránkách jsem přehledně a rychle našla všechny informace, které mě zajímali ohledně dovolené, nabídka je opravdu široká a snaha vyhovět zadaným poždavkům je maximální. Byla jsem velice spokojena, původně jsem hledala i na jiných webových stránkách, ale tahle je bezkonkurenční, jednání je rychlé, příjemné a snaha vyhovět na prvním místě. Děkuji velice. Stáňa Čapková
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(11 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am more than satisfied with the services provided by the They have proven to be very professional, pleasent, quick and most importantly accurate in describing the offered service, so there were no unpleasent surprises whatsoever. I am sure we will turn to again in attempt to find the best accommodation in Croatia:smile:
I am more than satisfied with the services provided by the They have proven to be very professional, pleasent, quick and most importantly accurate in describing the offered service, so there were no unpleasent surprises whatsoever. I am sure we will turn to again in attempt to find the best accommodation in Croatia:smile:
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(11 June 2008)
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English (original)
The site is really well done, clear and simple, but above all it is really efficient the agency and the service it offers. A special thanks to Mrs. Vanja who was really very kind and patient !!! I hope that even the stay in Croatia is just as nice !!! I will let you know: happy :: happy :: happy :: heart:
Il sito è davvero ben fatto, chiaro e semplice, ma sopratutto è davvero efficiente l'agenzia ed il servizio che offre. Un particolare ringraziamento alla Sig.ra Vanja che si è mostrata davvero molto gentile e paziente!!! Spero che anche il soggiorno in Croazia sia altrettanto piacevole!!! Vi farò sapere:happy::happy::happy::heart:
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(11 June 2008)
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Italian (original)
I am satisfied with the arrangement of the accommodation and I recommend to those interested from the stay at I have now used the service of this office for the second time, if I kept the 2003 document (Sv.Petar apartman), I would still get a discount. It works all, searching, ordering, internet payment, telephone agreement, fast processing. Ing.Vladimír Kareš
Jsem spokojen s vyřízením ubytování a doporučuji zájemcům od pobyt u Jadranu portál Službu této kanceláře jsem nyní použil již podruhé, kdybych si ponechal doklad z roku 2003 (apartman Sv.Petar), dostal bych ještě slevu.
Funguje vše, vyhledání, objednání, platba internetem, telefonická dohoda, rychlé vyřízení.
Ing.Vladimír Kareš
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(11 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
I'm very much satisfied. I can only recommend. I used to be a very nice lady or a lady who had sent me in all the smoke. Dekuji: smile:
Jsem hrozne moc spokojena. Muzu jen doporucit. Jednala jsem se strasne moc prijemnou pani nebo slecnou, ktera mi vysla ve vsem vstric. Dekuji:smile:
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(11 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
Thank you for your reservation. I would like to thank your website and all the services you provide online. It is very nicely made with accurate explanations. I would particularly appreciate your speed when booking. Lp Siniša
Zahvaljujem se za rezervacijo. Pohvalil bi Vašo spletno stran in vse storitve ki jih omogočate po spletu. Zelo lepo je narejena z točnimi pojasnili.
Posebaj bi pohvalil vašo hitrost pri rezervaciji. Lp Siniša
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(11 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)