Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I do not have any reservations about, however, the owners of the villas in which we rented the apartment are simply "not Croatians". Very rude, arrogant, who from the beginning disappointed us that we are not Germany ...: snose:
Do firmy nie mam zastrzeżeń jednak właścicieli willi, w które wynajmowaliśmy apartament to po prostu "nie Chorwaci". Bardzo nieuprzejmi, aroganccy, którzy od początku zawiedli się ,że nie jesteśmy Niemcami....:snose:
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(3 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
Thanks to a well organized state of the website, the choice of place is easy and the guests' comments are optimistic
Dzięki dobrze zorganizowanej państwa stronie internetowej wybór miejsca jest łatwy,a komentarze gości napawają optymizmem
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(3 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
I am very happy with as well as with Mr. Kelecsényi's approach. Thank you for your warmth and cooperation. : Smile :: :: cool tongue:
Zatiaľ som so spoločnosťou veľmi spokojný ako aj s prístupom p.Kelecsényi. Ďakujem za ústretovosť a spoluprácu.:smile::cool::tongue:
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(2 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
we have chosen a holiday page through your website, and we are very happy with the speed and leeway of your staff. I hope that holiday will be as cool as your service
vybrali sme si cez vasu web stranku dovolenku, velmi sme spokojni s rychlostou a ustretovostou vasich pracovnikov. Dufam,ze aj dovolenka bude taka super ako vami poskytovane sluzby
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(2 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I have been able to make the necessary reservation of an apartment quickly and correctly. I do not find any further information: are there sheets and towels included in the rent of the apartment for 4 people? I hope that everything as in the picture is real then we will have a good holiday: happy:
Ik heb snel en correct de nodige reservatie van een appartement kunnen maken. Enkel volgende inlichtingen vind ik niet terug : zijn er lakens en handdoeken in de huurprijs van het apartement inbegrepen voor 4 personen ?
Ik hoop dat alles zoals in de foto werkelijk is dan zullen we een goede vakantie hebben
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(2 July 2008)
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Dutch (original)
I was pleasantly impressed by the promptitude and professionalism with which my request was solved, the web page is very well structured, easy to use, with a lot of useful information. is the first time I use this method for my vacation, and I am delighted with how she has worked with so far, and especially thanks to Luncan Laura for promptness and professionalism. for the first holiday in croatia, I hope to be the most successful vacation so far, hopefully, I come back with impressions after the holiday. Thanks!: wink:
am ramas placut impresionata de promptitudinea si profesionalismul cu care a fost rezolvata solicitarea mea, pagina web este foarte bine structurata, usor de folosit, cu multe informatii utile.
este prima oara cand folosesc aceasta metoda penrtu vacanta mea, si sunt incantata de cum a decurs pana acum colaborarea cu, si multumiri in special dnei.Luncan Laura, pentru promptitudine si profesionalism.
pentru prima vacanta in croatia, sper sa fie cea mai reusita vacanta de pana acum, sperante am,
revin cu impresii dupa vacanta.
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(2 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Your Web sides are informative, and easy to use. Very good. I hope you can have them in Norwegian to soon. The service from Delphine Pavlak has also been very good. Thank you
Your Web sides are informative, and easy to use. Very good. I hope you can have them in Norwegian to soon. The service from Delphine Pavlak has also been very good. Thank you
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(2 July 2008)
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English (original)
I'm happy with the process of choosing and arranging the holiday, everything was ok Just that little thing - since I love loneliness if possible, I asked how far is the closest neighbor from the selected object K-396. I was confident it was about 25 meters. It is not true, the closest neighbors were right next to and under the terrace. But otherwise it was a good vacation.
S priebehom výberu a vybavovania dovolenky som spokojný, všetko bolo o.k. Len taká maličkosť - keďže obľubujem pokiaľ možno samotu, pýtal som sa, ako ďaleko je najbližší sused od vybraného objektu K-396. Bol som ubezpečený, že je to asi 25 metrov. Nie je to pravda, najbližší susedia boli hneď vedľa a pod terasou. Ale inak to bola fajn dovolenka.
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(2 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Unlike many other institutions in Croatia, is really reliable and the cooperation with it is really perfect. She served me Mrs Kelecsenyi and I have a very good experience with her: smile:
Na rozdiel od mnohých iných inštitúcií v Chorvátsku, funguje naozaj spoľahlivo a spolupráca s ním je skutočne perfektná. Mňa obsluhovala pani Kelecsenyi a mám s ňou veľmi dobré skúsenosti.:smile:
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(2 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Fantastic contact, willingness to help and quickly arrange necessary formalities are strengths of this portal. Special thanks to Mrs. Monika K.:)
Fantastyczny kontakt, chęć pomocy i szybkie załatwienie niezbędnych formalności to mocne strony tego portalu. Szczególne podziękowania dla Pani Moniki K.:)
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(2 July 2008)
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Polish (original)